//--------------------------------------------------------- // PARAMETERS TO BE SET BY HAND const Int_t runs[]={ //117222, 117220, 117116, 117112, 117109, 117099, 117092, 117086, 117077, 117065, 117063, 117060, 117059, 117054, 117053, 117052, 117050, 117048, 116645, 116643, 116574, 116571, 116562, 116403, 116402, 116288, 116102, 115414, 115401, 115393, 115193, 115186, 114931, -1 }; TString location="/alice/cern.ch/user/a/aortizve/work_HighPtDeDx_lhc10b_Data_ESDs/output"; // TString output="ESDs/pass1_4plus/QA"; //TString output="output"; //const char * localPath = "./cache_41/"; const char * localPath = "./files/";