// This file is used to give a list of histograms to be created by the manager. // the histogram names are automatically generated by the createNames.py script // the type/binning of the histograms depends on the range. // DON'T FORGET TO RUN createNames.py AFTER EDITING THIS FILE // IMPORTANT CONVENTIONS: // - don't assign numerical value explicitly to the entries (they would be skipped in the authomatic name generation) // - If you add an histogram set, please respect the order: // PionPlus, KaonPlus, ProtonPlus, PionMinus, KaonMinus, ProtonMinus (needed for getters) namespace AliSpectraNameSpace { enum AODPtHist_t { // 6 Pt Generated True Primary kHistPtGenTruePrimaryPionPlus, // Pt histo for pions +, generated tracks, true ID, primary Event kHistPtGenTruePrimaryKaonPlus, // Pt histo for kaons +, generated tracks, true ID, primary Event kHistPtGenTruePrimaryProtonPlus, // Pt histo for protons +, generated tracks, true ID, primary Event kHistPtGenTruePrimaryPionMinus, // Pt histo for pions -, generated tracks, true ID, primary Event kHistPtGenTruePrimaryKaonMinus, // Pt histo for kaons -, generated tracks, true ID, primary Event kHistPtGenTruePrimaryProtonMinus, // Pt histo for protons -, generated tracks, true ID, primary Event kNPtGenHist = kHistPtGenTruePrimaryProtonMinus, // Number of ptGen-likehistos histos - PID kHistPtGen, // Pt histo for all particles, generated tracks kNPtGenAllChHist = kHistPtGen, // Number of ptGen-likehistos histos - AllCh // 6 Pt Reconstructed Sigma kHistPtRecSigmaPionPlus, // Pt histo for pions +, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID kHistPtRecSigmaKaonPlus, // Pt histo for kaons +, reconsructed tracks, sigma ID kHistPtRecSigmaProtonPlus, // Pt histo for protons +, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID kHistPtRecSigmaPionMinus, // Pt histo for pions -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID kHistPtRecSigmaKaonMinus, // Pt histo for kaons -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID kHistPtRecSigmaProtonMinus, // Pt histo for protons -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID // 6 Pt Reconstructed True & identified with nsigma kHistPtRecTruePionPlus, // Pt histo for pions +, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecTrueKaonPlus, // Pt histo for kaons +, reconsructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecTrueProtonPlus, // Pt histo for protons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecTruePionMinus, // Pt histo for pions -, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecTrueKaonMinus, // Pt histo for kaons -, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecTrueProtonMinus, // Pt histo for protons -, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecTrueMuonPlus, // Pt histo for muons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID, kHistPtRecTrueMuonMinus, // Pt histo for muons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID, // 6 Pt Reconstructed True & (regardless of the offline nsigma identification) kHistPtRecPrimaryPionPlus, // Pt histo for pions +, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecPrimaryKaonPlus, // Pt histo for kaons +, reconsructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecPrimaryProtonPlus, // Pt histo for protons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecPrimaryPionMinus, // Pt histo for pions -, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecPrimaryKaonMinus, // Pt histo for kaons -, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecPrimaryProtonMinus, // Pt histo for protons -, reconstructed tracks, true ID kHistPtRecPrimaryMuonPlus, // Pt histo for muons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID, kHistPtRecPrimaryMuonMinus, // Pt histo for muons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID, // 6 Pt Reconstructed Sigma Primary kHistPtRecSigmaPrimaryPionPlus, // Pt histo for pions +, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, primary Event kHistPtRecSigmaPrimaryKaonPlus, // Pt histo for kaons +, reconsructed tracks, sigma ID, primary Event kHistPtRecSigmaPrimaryProtonPlus, // Pt histo for protons +, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, primary Event kHistPtRecSigmaPrimaryPionMinus, // Pt histo for pions -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, primary Event kHistPtRecSigmaPrimaryKaonMinus, // Pt histo for kaons -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, primary Event kHistPtRecSigmaPrimaryProtonMinus, // Pt histo for protons -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, primary Event // 6 Pt Reconstructed Sigma Secondary Material kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryMaterialPionPlus, // Pt histo for pions +, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryMaterialKaonPlus, // Pt histo for kaons +, reconsructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryMaterialProtonPlus, // Pt histo for protons +, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryMaterialPionMinus, // Pt histo for pions -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryMaterialKaonMinus, // Pt histo for kaons -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryMaterialProtonMinus, // Pt histo for protons -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event // 6 Pt Reconstructed Sigma Secondary WeakDecay kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryWeakDecayPionPlus, // Pt histo for pions +, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryWeakDecayKaonPlus, // Pt histo for kaons +, reconsructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryWeakDecayProtonPlus, // Pt histo for protons +, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryWeakDecayPionMinus, // Pt histo for pions -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryWeakDecayKaonMinus, // Pt histo for kaons -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event kHistPtRecSigmaSecondaryWeakDecayProtonMinus, // Pt histo for protons -, reconstructed tracks, sigma ID, secondary Event // 6 Pt Reconstructed True Primary kHistPtRecTruePrimaryPionPlus, // Pt histo for pions +, reconstructed tracks, true ID, primary event kHistPtRecTruePrimaryKaonPlus, // Pt histo for kaons +, reconsructed tracks, true ID, primary event kHistPtRecTruePrimaryProtonPlus, // Pt histo for protons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID, primary event kHistPtRecTruePrimaryPionMinus, // Pt histo for pions -, reconstructed tracks, true ID, primary event kHistPtRecTruePrimaryKaonMinus, // Pt histo for kaons -, reconstructed tracks, true ID, primary event kHistPtRecTruePrimaryProtonMinus, // Pt histo for protons -, reconstructed tracks, true ID, primary event kHistPtRecTruePrimaryMuonPlus, // Pt histo for muons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID, primary event kHistPtRecTruePrimaryMuonMinus, // Pt histo for muons +, reconstructed tracks, true ID, primary event kNPtRecHist = kHistPtRecTruePrimaryMuonMinus, // Number of ptRec-likehistos histos // Rest kHistPtRec, // Pt histo for all particles, reconstructed tracks kHistPtRecPrimary, // Pt histo for all particles, reconstructed tracks kNPtRecAllChHist = kHistPtRecPrimary, // Number of ptRec-likehistos histos - no PID kHistPIDTPC, // Particle Identification histo kHistPIDTOF, kHistPIDTPCPion, kHistPIDTPCKaon, kHistPIDTPCProton, kHistPIDTPCPionRec, kHistPIDTPCKaonRec, kHistPIDTPCProtonRec, kNHistPID =kHistPIDTPCProtonRec, kHistNSigPionTPC, kHistNSigKaonTPC, kHistNSigProtonTPC, // NSigma separation plot kHistNSigPionPtTPC, kHistNSigKaonPtTPC, kHistNSigProtonPtTPC, kHistNSigPionTOF, kHistNSigKaonTOF, kHistNSigProtonTOF, kHistNSigPionPtTOF, kHistNSigKaonPtTOF, kHistNSigProtonPtTOF, kHistNSigPionTPCTOF, kHistNSigKaonTPCTOF, kHistNSigProtonTPCTOF, kHistNSigPionPtTPCTOF, kHistNSigKaonPtTPCTOF, kHistNSigProtonPtTPCTOF, kNHistNSig=kHistNSigProtonPtTPCTOF, kNHist, // Total number of histos }; // Type of events plotted in Pt Histogram }