C********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PYEVWT(WTXS) C...Dummy routine, which the user can replace in order to multiply the C...standard PYTHIA differential cross-section by a process- and C...kinematics-dependent factor WTXS. For MSTP(142)=1 this corresponds C...to generation of weighted events, with weight 1/WTXS, while for C...MSTP(142)=2 it corresponds to a modification of the underlying C...physics. COMMON/LUDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) SAVE /LUDAT1/ COMMON/PYINT1/MINT(400),VINT(400) COMMON/PYINT2/ISET(200),KFPR(200,2),COEF(200,20),ICOL(40,4,2) SAVE /PYINT1/,/PYINT2/ C...Set default weight for WTXS. WTXS=1. C...Read out subprocess number. ISUB=MINT(1) ISTSB=ISET(ISUB) C...Read out tau, y*, cos(theta), tau' (where defined, else =0). TAU=VINT(21) YST=VINT(22) CTH=0. IF(ISTSB.EQ.2.OR.ISTSB.EQ.4.OR.ISTSB.EQ.6) CTH=VINT(23) TAUP=0. IF(ISTSB.GE.3.AND.ISTSB.LE.5) TAUP=VINT(26) C...Read out x_1, x_2, x_F, shat, that, uhat, p_T^2. X1=VINT(41) X2=VINT(42) XF=X1-X2 SHAT=VINT(44) THAT=VINT(45) UHAT=VINT(46) PT2=VINT(48) C...Modifications by user to be put here. C...Stop program if this routine is ever called. C...You should not copy these lines to your own routine. WRITE(MSTU(11),5000) IF(RLU(0).LT.10.) STOP C...Format for error printout. 5000 FORMAT(1X,'Error: you did not link your PYEVWT routine ', &'correctly.'/1X,'Dummy routine in PYTHIA file called instead.'/ &1X,'Execution stopped!') RETURN END