C...This file contains a complete listing of all PYTHIA C...commonblocks, and additionally some recommended other C...declarations. You may copy this to the top of your C...mina program and then eliminate unnecessary parts. C Jun 19 1998 P.Murat(CDF): add implicit for integers C Mar 18 1998 P.Murat: remove implicits, add explicit type definition c for all the variables C----------------------------------------------------------------- C...All real arithmetic in double precision. c IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) c implicit integer (i-n) C...Three Pythia functions return integers, so need declaring. INTEGER PYK,PYCHGE,PYCOMP C...Parameter statement to help give large particle numbers C...(left- and righthanded SUSY, excited fermions). integer KSUSY1, KSUSY2, KEXCIT PARAMETER (KSUSY1=1000000,KSUSY2=2000000,KEXCIT=4000000) C...Commonblocks. C...The event record. COMMON/PYJETS/N,NPAD,K(4000,5),P(4000,5),V(4000,5) integer N,NPAD,K real*8 P,V C...Parameters. COMMON/PYDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) integer MSTU, MSTJ real*8 PARU, PARJ C...Particle properties + some flavour parameters. COMMON/PYDAT2/KCHG(500,4),PMAS(500,4),PARF(2000),VCKM(4,4) integer KCHG real*8 PMAS, PARF, VCKM C...Decay information. COMMON/PYDAT3/MDCY(500,3),MDME(4000,2),BRAT(4000),KFDP(4000,5) integer MDCY, MDME, KFDP real*8 BRAT C...Particle names COMMON/PYDAT4/CHAF(500,2) CHARACTER CHAF*16 C...Random number generator information. COMMON/PYDATR/MRPY(6),RRPY(100) integer MRPY real*8 RRPY C...Selection of hard scattering subprocesses. COMMON/PYSUBS/MSEL,MSELPD,MSUB(500),KFIN(2,-40:40),CKIN(200) integer MSEL, MSELPD, MSUB, KFIN real*8 CKIN C...Parameters. COMMON/PYPARS/MSTP(200),PARP(200),MSTI(200),PARI(200) integer MSTP, MSTI real*8 PARP, PARI C...Internal variables. COMMON/PYINT1/MINT(400),VINT(400) integer mint real*8 vint C...Process information. COMMON/PYINT2/ISET(500),KFPR(500,2),COEF(500,20),ICOL(40,4,2) integer ISET, KFPR, ICOL real*8 COEF C...Parton distributions and cross sections. COMMON/PYINT3/XSFX(2,-40:40),ISIG(1000,3),SIGH(1000) integer ISIG real*8 XSFX, SIGH C...Resonance width and secondary decay treatment. COMMON/PYINT4/MWID(500),WIDS(500,5) integer MWID real*8 WIDS C...Generation and cross section statistics. COMMON/PYINT5/NGENPD,NGEN(0:500,3),XSEC(0:500,3) integer NGENPD, NGEN real*8 XSEC C...Process names. COMMON/PYINT6/PROC(0:500) CHARACTER PROC*28 C...Total cross sections. COMMON/PYINT7/SIGT(0:6,0:6,0:5) real*8 SIGT C...Photon parton distributions: total and valence only. COMMON/PYINT8/XPVMD(-6:6),XPANL(-6:6),XPANH(-6:6),XPBEH(-6:6), &XPDIR(-6:6) real*8 XPVMD, XPANL, XPANH, XPBEH, XPDIR COMMON/PYINT9/VXPVMD(-6:6),VXPANL(-6:6),VXPANH(-6:6),VXPDGM(-6:6) real*8 VXPVMD, VXPANL, VXPANH, VXPDGM C...Setting up user-defined processes. COMMON/PYUPPR/NUP,KUP(20,7),NFUP,IFUP(10,2),PUP(20,5),Q2UP(0:10) integer NUP, KUP, NFUP, IFUP real*8 PUP, Q2UP C...Supersymmetry parameters. COMMON/PYMSSM/IMSS(0:99),RMSS(0:99) integer IMSS real*8 RMSS C...Supersymmetry mixing matrices. COMMON/PYSSMT/ZMIX(4,4),UMIX(2,2),VMIX(2,2),SMZ(4),SMW(2), &SFMIX(16,4) real*8 ZMIX, UMIX, VMIX, SMZ, SMW, SFMIX C...Parameters for Gauss integration of supersymmetric widths. COMMON/PYINTS/XXM(20) real*8 XXM C...Histogram information. COMMON/PYBINS/IHIST(4),INDX(1000),BIN(20000) integer IHIST, INDX real*8 BIN