SUBROUTINE SETPOWWGHT(POWER) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) COMMON/PYWGHT/WGHTPOW SAVE /PYWGHT/ C.. Divide power by 2 because we get p_T^2 from the Pythia WGHTPOW = POWER/2.D0 RETURN END C...PYEVWT C...Implementation routine for event weighting C...Uses a pt-hard based weighting with w ~ (p_T,hard/p0)^n C...Where n can be set using a common block variable C...p0 = 5 GeV/c C...Multiplies the C...standard PYTHIA differential cross-section by a process- and C...kinematics-dependent factor WTXS. For MSTP(142)=1 this corresponds generation of weighted events, with weight 1/WTXS, while for C...MSTP(142)=2 it corresponds to a modification of the underlying C...physics. SUBROUTINE PYEVWT(WTXS) C...Double precision and integer declarations. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) INTEGER PYK,PYCHGE,PYCOMP C...Commonblocks. COMMON/PYDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) COMMON/PYINT1/MINT(400),VINT(400) COMMON/PYINT2/ISET(500),KFPR(500,2),COEF(500,20),ICOL(40,4,2) COMMON/PYWGHT/WGHTPOW SAVE /PYDAT1/,/PYINT1/,/PYINT2/,/PYWGHT/ DATA P02 /25.D0/ PT2=VINT(48) WTXS=(PT2/P02)**WGHTPOW RETURN END C*********************************************************************