// SigmaTotal.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator. // Copyright (C) 2012 Torbjorn Sjostrand. // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // This file contains the class for cross section parametrizations. // SigmaTotal: total and partial cross section in hadron-hadron collisions. #ifndef Pythia8_SigmaTotal_H #define Pythia8_SigmaTotal_H #include "Info.h" #include "ParticleData.h" #include "PythiaStdlib.h" #include "Settings.h" namespace Pythia8 { //========================================================================== // The SigmaTotal class contains parametrizations of total, elastic and // diffractive cross sections, and of the respective slope parameter. class SigmaTotal { public: // Constructor. SigmaTotal() : isCalc(false) {}; // Store pointers and initialize data members. void init(Info* infoPtrIn, Settings& settings, ParticleData* particleDataPtrIn ); // Calculate, or recalculate for new beams or new energy. bool calc(int idA, int idB, double eCM); // Confirm that initialization worked. bool hasSigmaTot() const {return isCalc;} // Read out total and partial cross sections. double sigmaTot() const {return sigTot;} double sigmaEl() const {return sigEl;} double sigmaXB() const {return sigXB;} double sigmaAX() const {return sigAX;} double sigmaXX() const {return sigXX;} double sigmaAXB() const {return sigAXB;} double sigmaND() const {return sigND;} // Calculate cross sections in MBR model. bool calcMBRxsecs(int idA, int idB, double eCM); // Get maximum of xi,dy distribution in MBR model (for event generation). double ddpMax() const {return ddpmax;} double sdpMax() const {return sdpmax;} double dpepMax() const {return dpepmax;} // Read out slope b in exp(b*t) dependence. double bSlopeEl() const {return bEl;} double bSlopeXB(double sX) const { return 2.*bB + alP2 * log(s/sX) ;} double bSlopeAX(double sX) const { return 2.*bA + alP2 * log(s/sX) ;} double bSlopeXX(double sX1, double sX2) const { return alP2 * log( exp(4.) + s * s0 / (sX1 * sX2) ) ;} // Read out parameters of diffractive mass spectra. double mMinXB() const {return mMinXBsave;} double mMinAX() const {return mMinAXsave;} double mMinAXB() const {return mMinAXBsave;} double cRes() const {return CRES;} double mResXB() const {return mResXBsave;} double mResAX() const {return mResAXsave;} double sProton() const {return SPROTON;} // Read out parameters of trial t spectra. double bMinSlopeXB() const { return max(2., 2. * bB);} double bMinSlopeAX() const { return max(2., 2. * bA);} double bMinSlopeXX() const { return alP2 * 4.;} private: // Decide whether default or MBR diffractive cross sections. int PomFlux; // Constants: could only be changed in the code itself. static const int IHADATABLE[], IHADBTABLE[], ISDTABLE[], IDDTABLE[]; static const double MMIN, EPSILON, ETA, X[], Y[], BETA0[], BHAD[], ALPHAPRIME, CONVERTEL, CONVERTSD, CONVERTDD, MMIN0, CRES, MRES0, CSD[10][8], CDD[10][9], SPROTON; // Integration of MBR cross sections and form factor approximation. static const int NINTEG, NINTEG2; static const double HBARC2, FFA1, FFA2,FFB1, FFB2; // Initialization data, normally only set once. bool isCalc, setTotal, zeroAXB, doDampen, setElastic; double sigAXB2TeV, sigTotOwn, sigElOwn, sigXBOwn, sigAXOwn, sigXXOwn, sigAXBOwn, maxXBOwn, maxAXOwn, maxXXOwn, maxAXBOwn, bSlope, rho, lambda, tAbsMin, alphaEM0, sigmaPomP, mPomP, pPomP; // Parameters of MBR model. double MBReps, MBRalpha, MBRbeta0, MBRsigma0, m2min, dyminSDflux, dyminDDflux, dyminCDflux, dyminSD, dyminDD, dyminCD, dyminSigSD, dyminSigDD, dyminSigCD, sdpmax, ddpmax, dpepmax; // Pointer to various information on the generation. Info* infoPtr; // Pointer to the particle data table. ParticleData* particleDataPtr; // Store values found by calc. double sigTot, sigEl, sigXB, sigAX, sigXX, sigAXB, sigND, bEl, s, bA, bB, alP2, s0, exp4, mMinXBsave, mMinAXsave, mMinAXBsave, mResXBsave, mResAXsave; }; //========================================================================== } // end namespace Pythia8 #endif // Pythia8_SigmaTotal_H