#include "AliSample.h" AliSample::AliSample() { // Creation of an Aliample object and resetting the statistics values // The dimension is initialised to maximum fDim=fMaxdim; fNames[0]='X'; fNames[1]='Y'; fNames[2]='Z'; fN=0; Reset(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSample::~AliSample() { // Default destructor } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Reset() { // Resetting the statistics values for a certain Sample object // Dimension is NOT changed fN=0; for (Int_t i=0; i i) k=j; cout << " *AliSample::cov* Error : Dimension less than " << k << endl; return 0.; } else { return fCov[i-1][j-1]; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliSample::GetCor(Int_t i,Int_t j) { // Provide the correlation between variables i and j if ((fDim < i) || (fDim < j)) { Int_t k=i; if (j > i) k=j; cout << " *AliSample::cor* Error : Dimension less than " << k << endl; return 0.; } else { return fCor[i-1][j-1]; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Info() { // Printing of statistics of all variables for (Int_t i=0; i