/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class AliSample // Perform statistics on various multi-dimensional data samples. // A data sample can be filled using the "Enter" and/or "Remove" functions, // whereas the "Reset" function resets the complete sample to 'empty'. // The info which can be extracted from a certain data sample are the // sum, mean, variance, sigma, covariance and correlation. // The "Data" function provides all statistics data for a certain sample. // The variables for which these stat. parameters have to be calculated // are indicated by the index of the variable which is passed as an // argument to the various member functions. // The index convention for a data point (x,y) is : x=1 y=2 // // Example : // --------- // For an AliSample s a data point (x,y) can be entered as s.Enter(x,y) and // the mean_x can be obtained as s.GetMean(1) whereas the mean_y is obtained // via s.GetMean(2). // The correlation between x and y is available via s.GetCor(1,2). // The x-statistics are obtained via s.Data(1), y-statistics via s.Data(2), // and the covariance and correlation between x and y via s.Data(1,2). // All statistics of a sample are obtained via s.Data(). // //--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 30-mar-1996 CERN Geneva //- Modified: NvE $Date$ UU-SAP Utrecht /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliSample.h" #include "Riostream.h" ClassImp(AliSample) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O AliSample::AliSample() { // Creation of an Aliample object and resetting the statistics values // The dimension is initialised to maximum fDim=fMaxdim; fNames[0]='X'; fNames[1]='Y'; fNames[2]='Z'; fN=0; fRemove=0; fStore=0; fX=0; fY=0; fZ=0; fArr=0; Reset(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSample::~AliSample() { // Default destructor if (fX) { delete fX; fX=0; } if (fY) { delete fY; fY=0; } if (fZ) { delete fZ; fZ=0; } if (fArr) { delete fArr; fArr=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Reset() { // Resetting the statistics values for a certain Sample object // Dimension and storage flag are NOT changed fN=0; fRemove=0; for (Int_t i=0; iSet(10); if (fY) fY->Set(10); if (fZ) fZ->Set(10); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Enter(Float_t x) { // Entering a value into a 1-dim. sample // In case of first entry the dimension is set to 1 if (fN == 0) { fDim=1; fNames[0]='X'; fNames[1]='-'; fNames[2]='-'; } if (fDim != 1) { cout << " *AliSample::enter* Error : Not a 1-dim sample." << endl; } else { fN+=1; fSum[0]+=x; fSum2[0][0]+=x*x; if (fN==1) { fMin[0]=x; fMax[0]=x; } else { if (xfMax[0]) fMax[0]=x; } // Store all entered data when storage mode has been selected if (fStore) { if (!fX) fX=new TArrayF(10); if (fX->GetSize() < fN) fX->Set(fN+10); fX->AddAt(x,fN-1); } // Compute the various statistics Compute(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Remove(Float_t x) { // Removing a value from a 1-dim. sample if (!fN) return; if (fDim != 1) { cout << " *AliSample::remove* Error : Not a 1-dim sample." << endl; } else { fRemove=1; fN-=1; fSum[0]-=x; fSum2[0][0]-=x*x; // Remove data entry from the storage if (fStore && fX) { Float_t val=0; for (Int_t i=0; i<=fN; i++) { val=fX->At(i); if (fabs(x-val)>1.e-10) continue; for (Int_t j=i+1; j<=fN; j++) { val=fX->At(j); fX->AddAt(val,j-1); } } } // Compute the various statistics Compute(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Enter(Float_t x,Float_t y) { // Entering a pair (x,y) into a 2-dim. sample // In case of first entry the dimension is set to 2 if (fN == 0) { fDim=2; fNames[0]='X'; fNames[1]='Y'; fNames[2]='-'; } if (fDim != 2) { cout << " *AliSample::enter* Error : Not a 2-dim sample." << endl; } else { fN+=1; fSum[0]+=x; fSum[1]+=y; fSum2[0][0]+=x*x; fSum2[0][1]+=x*y; fSum2[1][0]+=y*x; fSum2[1][1]+=y*y; if (fN==1) { fMin[0]=x; fMax[0]=x; fMin[1]=y; fMax[1]=y; } else { if (xfMax[0]) fMax[0]=x; if (yfMax[1]) fMax[1]=y; } // Store all entered data when storage mode has been selected if (fStore) { if (!fX) fX=new TArrayF(10); if (fX->GetSize() < fN) fX->Set(fN+10); fX->AddAt(x,fN-1); if (!fY) fY=new TArrayF(10); if (fY->GetSize() < fN) fY->Set(fN+10); fY->AddAt(y,fN-1); } // Compute the various statistics Compute(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Remove(Float_t x,Float_t y) { // Removing a pair (x,y) from a 2-dim. sample if (!fN) return; if (fDim != 2) { cout << " *AliSample::remove* Error : Not a 2-dim sample." << endl; } else { fRemove=1; fN-=1; fSum[0]-=x; fSum[1]-=y; fSum2[0][0]-=x*x; fSum2[0][1]-=x*y; fSum2[1][0]-=y*x; fSum2[1][1]-=y*y; // Remove data entry from the storage if (fStore && fX && fY) { Float_t val=0; for (Int_t i=0; i<=fN; i++) { val=fX->At(i); if (fabs(x-val)>1.e-10) continue; val=fY->At(i); if (fabs(y-val)>1.e-10) continue; for (Int_t j=i+1; j<=fN; j++) { val=fX->At(j); fX->AddAt(val,j-1); val=fY->At(j); fY->AddAt(val,j-1); } } } // Compute the various statistics Compute(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Enter(Float_t x,Float_t y,Float_t z) { // Entering a set (x,y,z) into a 3-dim. sample // In case of first entry the dimension is set to 3 if (fN == 0) { fDim=3; fNames[0]='X'; fNames[1]='Y'; fNames[2]='Z'; } if (fDim != 3) { cout << " *AliSample::enter* Error : Not a 3-dim sample." << endl; } else { fN+=1; fSum[0]+=x; fSum[1]+=y; fSum[2]+=z; fSum2[0][0]+=x*x; fSum2[0][1]+=x*y; fSum2[0][2]+=x*z; fSum2[1][0]+=y*x; fSum2[1][1]+=y*y; fSum2[1][2]+=y*z; fSum2[2][0]+=z*x; fSum2[2][1]+=z*y; fSum2[2][2]+=z*z; if (fN==1) { fMin[0]=x; fMax[0]=x; fMin[1]=y; fMax[1]=y; fMin[2]=z; fMax[2]=z; } else { if (xfMax[0]) fMax[0]=x; if (yfMax[1]) fMax[1]=y; if (zfMax[2]) fMax[2]=z; } // Store all entered data when storage mode has been selected if (fStore) { if (!fX) fX=new TArrayF(10); if (fX->GetSize() < fN) fX->Set(fN+10); fX->AddAt(x,fN-1); if (!fY) fY=new TArrayF(10); if (fY->GetSize() < fN) fY->Set(fN+10); fY->AddAt(y,fN-1); if (!fZ) fZ=new TArrayF(10); if (fZ->GetSize() < fN) fZ->Set(fN+10); fZ->AddAt(z,fN-1); } // Compute the various statistics Compute(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Remove(Float_t x,Float_t y,Float_t z) { // Removing a set (x,y,z) from a 3-dim. sample if (!fN) return; if (fDim != 3) { cout << " *AliSample::remove* Error : Not a 3-dim sample." << endl; } else { fRemove=1; fN-=1; fSum[0]-=x; fSum[1]-=y; fSum[2]-=z; fSum2[0][0]-=x*x; fSum2[0][1]-=x*y; fSum2[0][2]-=x*z; fSum2[1][0]-=y*x; fSum2[1][1]-=y*y; fSum2[1][2]-=y*z; fSum2[2][0]-=z*x; fSum2[2][1]-=z*y; fSum2[2][2]-=z*z; // Remove data entry from the storage if (fStore && fX && fY && fZ) { Float_t val=0; for (Int_t i=0; i<=fN; i++) { val=fX->At(i); if (fabs(x-val)>1.e-10) continue; val=fY->At(i); if (fabs(y-val)>1.e-10) continue; val=fZ->At(i); if (fabs(z-val)>1.e-10) continue; for (Int_t j=i+1; j<=fN; j++) { val=fX->At(j); fX->AddAt(val,j-1); val=fY->At(j); fY->AddAt(val,j-1); val=fZ->At(j); fZ->AddAt(val,j-1); } } } // Compute the various statistics Compute(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Compute() { // Computation of the various statistical values // after each entering or removing action on a certain sample Float_t rn=fN; for (Int_t k=0; k i) k=j; cout << " *AliSample::cov* Error : Dimension less than " << k << endl; return 0.; } else { return fCov[i-1][j-1]; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliSample::GetCor(Int_t i,Int_t j) const { // Provide the correlation between variables i and j if ((fDim < i) || (fDim < j)) { Int_t k=i; if (j > i) k=j; cout << " *AliSample::cor* Error : Dimension less than " << k << endl; return 0.; } else { return fCor[i-1][j-1]; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliSample::Data() { // Printing of statistics of all variables for (Int_t i=0; iAt(0); if (i==2) median=fY->At(0); if (i==3) median=fZ->At(0); return median; } // Prepare temp. array to hold the ordered values if (!fArr) { fArr=new TArrayF(fN); } else { if (fArr->GetSize() < fN) fArr->Set(fN); } // Order the values of the specified variable Float_t val=0; Int_t iadd=0; for (Int_t j=0; jAt(j); if (i==2) val=fY->At(j); if (i==3) val=fZ->At(j); iadd=0; if (j==0) { fArr->AddAt(val,j); iadd=1; } else { for (Int_t k=0; k=fArr->At(k)) continue; // Put value in between the existing ones for (Int_t m=j-1; m>=k; m--) { fArr->AddAt(fArr->At(m),m+1); } fArr->AddAt(val,k); iadd=1; break; } if (!iadd) { fArr->AddAt(val,j); } } } median=0; Int_t index=fN/2; if (fN%2) // Odd number of entries { median=fArr->At(index); } else // Even number of entries { median=(fArr->At(index-1)+fArr->At(index))/2.; } return median; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliSample::GetSpread(Int_t i) { // Provide the spread w.r.t. the median of a certain variable. // The spread is defined as the average of |median-val(i)|. // For this functionality the storage mode has to be activated. // // Note : For large datasets it is more efficient to determine the spread // via the specification of a histogram. // See the other GetSpread memberfunction for details. if (fDim < i) { cout << " *AliSample::GetSpread* Error : Dimension less than " << i << endl; return 0; } if (!fStore) { cout << " *AliSample::GetSpread* Error : Storage of data entries was not activated." << endl; return 0; } if (fN<=1) return 0; Float_t median=GetMedian(i); Float_t spread=0; for (Int_t j=0; jAt(j))); } spread=spread/float(fN); return spread; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliSample::GetMinimum(Int_t i) const { // Provide the minimum value of a certain variable. // In case entries have been removed from the sample, a correct value can // only be obtained if the storage mode has been activated. if (fDim < i) { cout << " *AliSample::GetMinimum* Error : Dimension less than " << i << endl; return 0; } if (!fRemove) return fMin[i-1]; if (!fStore) { cout << " *AliSample::GetMinimum* Error : Storage of data entries was not activated." << endl; return 0; } if (fN<=0) return 0; Float_t min=0; if (i==1) min=fX->At(0); if (i==2) min=fY->At(0); if (i==3) min=fZ->At(0); for (Int_t k=1; kAt(k)At(k); if (i==2 && fY->At(k)At(k); if (i==3 && fZ->At(k)At(k); } return min; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliSample::GetMaximum(Int_t i) const { // Provide the maxmum value of a certain variable. // In case entries have been removed from the sample, a correct value can // only be obtained if the storage mode has been activated. if (fDim < i) { cout << " *AliSample::GetMaximum* Error : Dimension less than " << i << endl; return 0; } if (!fRemove) return fMax[i-1]; if (!fStore) { cout << " *AliSample::GetMaximum* Error : Storage of data entries was not activated." << endl; return 0; } if (fN<=0) return 0; Float_t max=0; if (i==1) max=fX->At(0); if (i==2) max=fY->At(0); if (i==3) max=fZ->At(0); for (Int_t k=1; kAt(k)>max) max=fX->At(k); if (i==2 && fY->At(k)>max) max=fY->At(k); if (i==3 && fZ->At(k)>max) max=fZ->At(k); } return max; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliSample::GetMedian(TH1* histo,Int_t mode) const { // Provide the median from the specified 1D histogram. // For this functionality it is not needed to activate the storage mode. // // This facility uses TH1::GetQuantiles to determine the median, which // provides a median value which in general is different from any of the // central bin X values. The user may force the returned median to be // the corresponding central bin X value via the "mode" input argument. // // mode = 0 ==> The pure TH1::GetQuantiles median value is returned // 1 ==> The corresponding central bin X value is returned as median // // By default mode=1 will be used, to agree with the AliSample philosophy. if (!histo) return 0; Double_t median=0; Double_t q[1]; Double_t p[1]={0.5}; histo->ComputeIntegral(); Int_t nq=histo->GetQuantiles(1,q,p); if (!nq) return 0; median=q[0]; if (mode) { Int_t mbin=histo->FindBin(q[0]); median=histo->GetBinCenter(mbin); } return median; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliSample::GetSpread(TH1* histo,Int_t mode) const { // Provide the spread w.r.t. the median for the specified 1D histogram. // The spread is defined as the average of |median-xval|. // For this functionality it is not needed to activate the storage mode. // // This facility uses TH1::GetQuantiles to determine the median, which // provides a median value which in general is different from any of the // central bin X values. The user may force the used median to be // the corresponding central bin X value via the "mode" input argument. // // mode = 0 ==> The pure TH1::GetQuantiles median value is used // 1 ==> The corresponding central bin X value is used as median // // By default mode=1 will be used, to agree with the AliSample philosophy. if (!histo) return 0; Double_t spread=0; Double_t median=GetMedian(histo,mode); Int_t nbins=histo->GetNbinsX(); Double_t x=0,y=0,ysum=0; for (Int_t jbin=1; jbin<=nbins; jbin++) { x=histo->GetBinCenter(jbin); y=histo->GetBinContent(jbin); if (y>0) { spread+=fabs(x-median)*y; ysum+=y; } } if (ysum>0) spread=spread/ysum; return spread; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////