/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class AliTrack // Handling of the attributes of a reconstructed particle track. // // Coding example : // ---------------- // // Float_t a[4]={195.,1.2,-0.04,8.5}; // Ali4Vector pmu; // pmu.SetVector(a,"car"); // AliTrack t1; // t1.Set4Momentum(pmu); // // Float_t b[3]={1.2,-0.04,8.5}; // Ali3Vector p; // p.SetVector(b,"car"); // AliTrack t2; // t2.Set3Momentum(p); // t2.SetCharge(0); // t2.SetMass(1.115); // // t1.Info(); // t2.Info(); // // Float_t pi=acos(-1.); // Float_t thcms=0.2*pi; // decay theta angle in cms // Float_t phicms=pi/4.; // decay theta angle in cms // Float_t m1=0.938; // Float_t m2=0.140; // t2.Decay(m1,m2,thcms,phicms); // Track t2 decay : Lambda -> proton + pion // // t2.List(); // // Int_t ndec=t2.GetNdecay(); // AliTrack* d1=t2.GetDecayTrack(1); // Access to decay track number 1 // AliTrack* d2=t2.GetDecayTrack(2); // Access to decay track number 2 // // AliSignal s1,s2,s3,s4; // // .... // Code (e.g. detector readout) to fill AliSignal data // // AliTrack trec; // Track which will be reconstructed from signals // trec.AddSignal(s1); // trec.AddSignal(s3); // trec.AddSignal(s4); // // Ali3Vector P; // Float_t Q,M; // // ... // Code which accesses signals from trec and reconstructs // 3-momentum P, charge Q, mass M etc... // // trec.Set3Momentum(P); // trec.SetCharge(Q); // trec.SetMass(M); // // Float_t r1[3]={1.6,-3.8,25.7}; // Float_t er1[3]={0.2,0.5,1.8}; // Float_t r2[3]={8.6,23.8,-6.7}; // Float_t er2[3]={0.93,1.78,0.8}; // AliPosition begin,end; // begin.SetPosition(r1,"car"); // begin.SetPositionErrors(er1,"car"); // end.SetPosition(r2,"car"); // end.SetPositionErrors(er2,"car"); // trec.SetBeginPoint(begin); // trec.SetEndPoint(end); // // Note : All quantities are in GeV, GeV/c or GeV/c**2 // //--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 10-jul-1997 UU-SAP Utrecht //- Modified: NvE $Date$ UU-SAP Utrecht /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliTrack.h" ClassImp(AliTrack) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O AliTrack::AliTrack() { // Default constructor // All variables initialised to 0 Init(); Reset(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::Init() { // Initialisation of pointers etc... fDecays=0; fSignals=0; fMasses=0; fDmasses=0; fPmasses=0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliTrack::~AliTrack() { // Destructor to delete memory allocated for decay tracks array if (fDecays) { delete fDecays; fDecays=0; } if (fSignals) { fSignals->Clear(); delete fSignals; fSignals=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliTrack::AliTrack(AliTrack& t) { // Copy constructor Init(); fQ=t.GetCharge(); fChi2=t.GetChi2(); fNdf=t.GetNdf(); fUserId=t.GetId(); fNdec=t.GetNdecay(); fNsig=t.GetNsignals(); fNmasses=t.GetNMassHypotheses(); Set4Momentum((Ali4Vector&)t); fBegin=t.GetBeginPoint(); fEnd=t.GetEndPoint(); fImpactXY=t.GetImpactPoint("z"); fImpactXZ=t.GetImpactPoint("y"); fImpactYZ=t.GetImpactPoint("x"); fClosest=t.GetClosestPoint(); AliTrack* tx; if (fNdec) { fDecays=new TObjArray(fNdec); fDecays->SetOwner(); for (Int_t it=1; it<=fNdec; it++) { tx=t.GetDecayTrack(it); fDecays->Add(new AliTrack(*tx)); } } AliSignal* sx; if (fNsig) { fSignals=new TObjArray(fNsig); for (Int_t is=1; is<=fNsig; is++) { sx=t.GetSignal(is); fSignals->Add(sx); } } Double_t prob,m,dm; if (fNmasses) { fMasses=new TArrayD(fNmasses); fDmasses=new TArrayD(fNmasses); fPmasses=new TArrayD(fNmasses); for (Int_t ih=1; ih<=fNmasses; ih++) { prob=t.GetMassHypothesisProb(ih); m=t.GetMassHypothesis(ih); dm=t.GetResultError(); fMasses->AddAt(m,ih-1); fDmasses->AddAt(dm,ih-1); fPmasses->AddAt(prob,ih-1); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::Reset() { // Reset all variables to 0 and delete all auto-generated decay tracks. fQ=0; fChi2=0; fNdf=0; fUserId=0; fNdec=0; fNsig=0; fNmasses=0; Double_t a[4]={0,0,0,0}; SetVector(a,"sph"); if (fDecays) { delete fDecays; fDecays=0; } if (fSignals) { fSignals->Clear(); delete fSignals; fSignals=0; } Double_t b[3]={0,0,0}; fBegin.SetPosition(b,"sph"); fEnd.SetPosition(b,"sph"); fImpactXY.SetPosition(b,"sph"); fImpactXZ.SetPosition(b,"sph"); fImpactYZ.SetPosition(b,"sph"); fClosest.SetPosition(b,"sph"); if (fMasses) { delete fMasses; fMasses=0; } if (fDmasses) { delete fDmasses; fDmasses=0; } if (fPmasses) { delete fPmasses; fPmasses=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::Set3Momentum(Ali3Vector& p) { // Set the track parameters according to the 3-momentum p Set3Vector(p); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::Set4Momentum(Ali4Vector& p) { // Set the track parameters according to the 4-momentum p Double_t E=p.GetScalar(); Double_t dE=p.GetResultError(); Ali3Vector pv=p.Get3Vector(); SetVector(E,pv); SetScalarError(dE); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetMass(Double_t m,Double_t dm) { // Set the particle mass // The default value for the error dm is 0. Double_t inv=pow(m,2); Double_t dinv=fabs(2.*m*dm); SetInvariant(inv,dinv); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetCharge(Float_t q) { // Set the particle charge fQ=q; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::Info(TString f) { // Provide track information within the coordinate frame f Double_t m=GetMass(); Double_t dm=GetResultError(); cout << " *AliTrack::Info* Id : " << fUserId << " Mass : " << m << " error : " << dm << " Charge : " << fQ << " Momentum : " << GetMomentum() << " Nmass hyp. : " << fNmasses << " Ntracks : " << fNdec << " Nsignals : " << fNsig << endl; for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i) << " error : " << fDmasses->At(i) << " prob. : " << fPmasses->At(i) << endl; } Ali4Vector::Info(f); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::List(TString f) { // Provide current track and decay level 1 information within coordinate frame f Info(f); // Information of the current track // Decay products of this track AliTrack* td; for (Int_t id=1; id<=fNdec; id++) { td=GetDecayTrack(id); if (td) { cout << " ---Level 1 sec. track no. " << id << endl; td->Info(f); } else { cout << " *AliTrack::List* Error : No decay track present." << endl; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::ListAll(TString f) { // Provide complete track and decay information within the coordinate frame f Info(f); // Information of the current track cout << " Begin-point :"; fBegin.Info(f); cout << " End-point :"; fEnd.Info(f); for (Int_t is=1; is<=GetNsignals(); is++) { ((AliSignal*)GetSignal(is))->Info(f); } AliTrack* t=this; Dump(t,1,f); // Information of all decay products } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::Dump(AliTrack* t,Int_t n,TString f) { // Recursively provide the info of all decay levels of this track AliTrack* td; for (Int_t id=1; id<=t->GetNdecay(); id++) { td=t->GetDecayTrack(id); if (td) { cout << " ---Level " << n << " sec. track no. " << id << endl; td->Info(f); for (Int_t is=1; is<=td->GetNsignals(); is++) { ((AliSignal*)td->GetSignal(is))->Info(f); } // Go for next decay level of this decay track recursively Dump(td,n+1,f); } else { cout << " *AliTrack::Dump* Error : No decay track present." << endl; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetMomentum() { // Provide the value of the track 3-momentum. // The error can be obtained by invoking GetResultError() after // invokation of GetMomentum(). Double_t norm=fV.GetNorm(); fDresult=fV.GetResultError(); return norm; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ali3Vector AliTrack::Get3Momentum() { // Provide the track 3-momentum return (Ali3Vector)Get3Vector(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetMass() { // Provide the particle mass. // The error can be obtained by invoking GetResultError() after // invokation of GetMass(). Double_t inv=GetInvariant(); Double_t dinv=GetResultError(); Double_t dm=0; if (inv >= 0) { Double_t m=sqrt(inv); if (m) dm=dinv/(2.*m); fDresult=dm; return m; } else { cout << "*AliTrack::GetMass* Unphysical situation m**2 = " << inv << endl; cout << " Value 0 will be returned." << endl; fDresult=dm; return 0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliTrack::GetCharge() { // Provide the particle charge return fQ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetEnergy() { // Provide the particle's energy. // The error can be obtained by invoking GetResultError() after // invokation of GetEnergy(). Double_t E=GetScalar(); if (E>0) { return E; } else { cout << "*AliTrack::GetEnergy* Unphysical situation E = " << E << endl; cout << " Value 0 will be returned." << endl; return 0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::Decay(Double_t m1,Double_t m2,Double_t thcms,Double_t phicms) { // Perform 2-body decay of current track // m1 : mass of decay product 1 // m2 : mass of decay product 2 // thcms : cms theta decay angle (in rad.) of m1 // phicms : cms phi decay angle (in rad.) of m1 fNdec=2; // it's a 2-body decay Double_t M=GetMass(); // Compute the 4-momenta of the decay products in the cms // Note : p2=p1=pnorm for a 2-body decay Double_t e1=0; if (M) e1=((M*M)+(m1*m1)-(m2*m2))/(2.*M); Double_t e2=0; if (M) e2=((M*M)+(m2*m2)-(m1*m1))/(2.*M); Double_t pnorm=(e1*e1)-(m1*m1); if (pnorm>0.) { pnorm=sqrt(pnorm); } else { pnorm=0; } Double_t a[3]; a[0]=pnorm; a[1]=thcms; a[2]=phicms; Ali3Vector p; p.SetVector(a,"sph"); Ali4Vector pprim1; pprim1.SetVector(e1,p); pprim1.SetInvariant(m1*m1); Ali4Vector pprim2; p*=-1; pprim2.SetVector(e2,p); pprim2.SetInvariant(m2*m2); // Determine boost parameters from the parent particle Double_t E=GetEnergy(); p=Get3Vector(); Ali4Vector pmu; pmu.SetVector(E,p); AliBoost q; q.Set4Momentum(pmu); Ali4Vector p1=q.Inverse(pprim1); // Boost decay product 1 Ali4Vector p2=q.Inverse(pprim2); // Boost decay product 2 // Enter the boosted data into the decay tracks array if (fDecays) { delete fDecays; fDecays=0; } fDecays=new TObjArray(); fDecays->SetOwner(); fDecays->Add(new AliTrack); ((AliTrack*)fDecays->At(0))->Set4Momentum(p1); ((AliTrack*)fDecays->At(0))->SetMass(m1); fDecays->Add(new AliTrack); ((AliTrack*)fDecays->At(1))->Set4Momentum(p2); ((AliTrack*)fDecays->At(1))->SetMass(m2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliTrack::GetNdecay() { // Provide the number of decay produced tracks return fNdec; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliTrack* AliTrack::GetDecayTrack(Int_t j) { // Provide decay produced track number j // Note : j=1 denotes the first decay track if (!fDecays) { cout << " *AliTrack::GetDecayTrack* No tracks present." << endl; return 0; } else { if ((j >= 1) && (j <= fNdec)) { return (AliTrack*)fDecays->At(j-1); } else { cout << " *AliTrack* decay track number : " << j << " out of range." << " Ndec = " << fNdec << endl; return 0; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::AddSignal(AliSignal& s) { // Relate an AliSignal object to this track. if (!fSignals) fSignals=new TObjArray(); fNsig++; fSignals->Add(&s); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::RemoveSignal(AliSignal& s) { // Remove related AliSignal object to this track. if (fSignals) { AliSignal* test=(AliSignal*)fSignals->Remove(&s); if (test) { fNsig--; fSignals->Compress(); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliTrack::GetNsignals() { // Provide the number of related AliSignals. return fNsig; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliTrack::GetSignal(Int_t j) { // Provide the related AliSignal number j. // Note : j=1 denotes the first signal. if (!fSignals) { cout << " *AliTrack::GetSignal* No signals present." << endl; return 0; } else { if ((j >= 1) && (j <= fNsig)) { return (AliSignal*)fSignals->At(j-1); } else { cout << " *AliTrack* signal number : " << j << " out of range." << " Nsig = " << fNsig << endl; return 0; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetBeginPoint(AliPosition p) { // Store the position of the track begin-point. fBegin=p; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliPosition AliTrack::GetBeginPoint() { // Provide the position of the track begin-point. return fBegin; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetEndPoint(AliPosition p) { // Store the position of the track end-point. fEnd=p; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliPosition AliTrack::GetEndPoint() { // Provide the position of the track end-point. return fEnd; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::AddMassHypothesis(Double_t prob,Double_t m,Double_t dm) { // Add a mass hypothesis for this current track. // prob=probalility m=mass value dm=error on the mass value. // The default value for the mass error dm is 0. if (!fMasses) fMasses=new TArrayD(); if (!fDmasses) fDmasses=new TArrayD(); if (!fPmasses) fPmasses=new TArrayD(); fNmasses++; fMasses->Set(fNmasses); fDmasses->Set(fNmasses); fPmasses->Set(fNmasses); fMasses->AddAt(m,fNmasses-1); fDmasses->AddAt(dm,fNmasses-1); fPmasses->AddAt(prob,fNmasses-1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliTrack::GetNMassHypotheses() { // Provide the number of mass hypotheses for this track. return fNmasses; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetMassHypothesis(Int_t j) { // Provide the mass of the jth hypothesis for this track. // Note : the first hypothesis is indicated by j=1. // Default : j=0 ==> Hypothesis with highest probability. // The error on the mass can be obtained by invoking GetResultError() // after invokation of GetMassHypothesis(j). Double_t m=0,dm=0,prob=0; // Check validity of index j if (j<0 || j>fNmasses) { cout << " *AliTrack::GetMassHypothesis* Invalid index j : " << j << " Number of mass hypotheses : " << fNmasses << endl; fDresult=0; return 0; } // Select mass hypothesis with highest probability if (j==0) { if (fNmasses) { m=fMasses->At(0); dm=fDmasses->At(0); prob=fPmasses->At(0); for (Int_t i=1; iAt(i)>prob) { m=fMasses->At(i); dm=fDmasses->At(i); } } } fDresult=dm; return m; } // Provide data of requested mass hypothesis m=fMasses->At(j-1); fDresult=fDmasses->At(j-1); return m; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetMassHypothesisProb(Int_t j) { // Provide the probability of the jth hypothesis for this track. // Note : the first hypothesis is indicated by j=1. // Default : j=0 ==> Hypothesis with highest probability. Double_t prob=0; // Check validity of index j if (j<0 || j>fNmasses) { cout << " *AliTrack::GetMassHypothesisProb* Invalid index j : " << j << " Number of mass hypotheses : " << fNmasses << endl; return 0; } // Select mass hypothesis with highest probability if (j==0) { if (fNmasses) { prob=fPmasses->At(0); for (Int_t i=1; iAt(i)>prob) prob=fPmasses->At(i); } } return prob; } // Provide probability of requested mass hypothesis prob=fPmasses->At(j-1); return prob; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetMass() { // Set the mass and error to the value of the hypothesis with highest prob. Double_t m=0,dm=0,prob=0; // Select mass hypothesis with highest probability if (fNmasses) { m=fMasses->At(0); dm=fDmasses->At(0); prob=fPmasses->At(0); for (Int_t i=1; iAt(i)>prob) { m=fMasses->At(i); dm=fDmasses->At(i); } } SetMass(m,dm); } else { cout << " *AliTrack::SetMass()* No hypothesis present => No action." << endl; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::RemoveMassHypothesis(Int_t j) { // Remove the jth mass hypothesis for this track. // Note : the first hypothesis is indicated by j=1. if (j<=0 || j>fNmasses) // Check validity of index j { cout << " *AliTrack::RemoveMassHypothesis* Invalid index j : " << j << " Number of mass hypotheses : " << fNmasses << endl; } else { if (j != fNmasses) { fMasses->AddAt(fMasses->At(fNmasses-1),j-1); fDmasses->AddAt(fDmasses->At(fNmasses-1),j-1); fPmasses->AddAt(fPmasses->At(fNmasses-1),j-1); } fMasses->AddAt(0,fNmasses-1); fDmasses->AddAt(0,fNmasses-1); fPmasses->AddAt(0,fNmasses-1); fNmasses--; fMasses->Set(fNmasses); fDmasses->Set(fNmasses); fPmasses->Set(fNmasses); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetPt() { // Provide trans. momentum value w.r.t. z-axis. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetPt(). Ali3Vector v; v=GetVecTrans(); Double_t norm=v.GetNorm(); fDresult=v.GetResultError(); return norm; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetPl() { // Provide long. momentum value w.r.t. z-axis. // Note : the returned value can also be negative. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetPl(). Ali3Vector v; v=GetVecLong(); Double_t pl=v.GetNorm(); fDresult=v.GetResultError(); Double_t a[3]; v.GetVector(a,"sph"); if (cos(a[1])<0) pl=-pl; return pl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetEt() { // Provide trans. energy value w.r.t. z-axis. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetEt(). Double_t et=GetScaTrans(); return et; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetEl() { // Provide long. energy value w.r.t. z-axis. // Note : the returned value can also be negative. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetEl(). Double_t el=GetScaLong(); return el; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetMt() { // Provide transverse mass value w.r.t. z-axis. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetMt(). Double_t pt=GetPt(); Double_t dpt=GetResultError(); Double_t m=GetMass(); Double_t dm=GetResultError(); Double_t mt=sqrt(pt*pt+m*m); Double_t dmt2=0; if (mt) dmt2=(pow((pt*dpt),2)+pow((m*dm),2))/(mt*mt); fDresult=sqrt(dmt2); return mt; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetMt(Int_t j) { // Provide transverse mass value w.r.t. z-axis and jth mass hypothesis. // Note : the first hypothesis is indicated by j=1. // j=0 ==> Hypothesis with highest probability. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetMt(j). Double_t pt=GetPt(); Double_t dpt=GetResultError(); Double_t m=GetMassHypothesis(j); Double_t dm=GetResultError(); Double_t mt=sqrt(pt*pt+m*m); Double_t dmt2=0; if (mt) dmt2=(pow((pt*dpt),2)+pow((m*dm),2))/(mt*mt); fDresult=sqrt(dmt2); return mt; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliTrack::GetRapidity() { // Provide rapidity value w.r.t. z-axis. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetRapidity(). // Note : Also GetPseudoRapidity() is available since this class is // derived from Ali4Vector. Double_t e=GetEnergy(); Double_t de=GetResultError(); Double_t pl=GetPl(); Double_t dpl=GetResultError(); Double_t sum=e+pl; Double_t dif=e-pl; Double_t y=9999,dy2=0; if (sum && dif) y=0.5*log(sum/dif); if (sum*dif) dy2=(1./(sum*dif))*(pow((pl*de),2)+pow((e*dpl),2)); fDresult=sqrt(dy2); return y; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetImpactPoint(AliPosition p,TString q) { // Store the position of the impact-point in the plane "q=0". // Here q denotes one of the axes X, Y or Z. // Note : The character to denote the axis may be entered in lower or // in uppercase. Int_t axis=0; if (q=="x" || q=="X") axis=1; if (q=="y" || q=="Y") axis=2; if (q=="z" || q=="Z") axis=3; switch (axis) { case 1: // Impact-point in the plane X=0 fImpactYZ=p; break; case 2: // Impact-point in the plane Y=0 fImpactXZ=p; break; case 3: // Impact-point in the plane Z=0 fImpactXY=p; break; default: // Unsupported axis cout << "*AliTrack::SetImpactPoint* Unsupported axis : " << q << endl << " Possible axes are 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'." << endl; break; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliPosition AliTrack::GetImpactPoint(TString q) { // Provide the position of the impact-point in the plane "q=0". // Here q denotes one of the axes X, Y or Z. // Note : The character to denote the axis may be entered in lower or // in uppercase. AliPosition dummy; Int_t axis=0; if (q=="x" || q=="X") axis=1; if (q=="y" || q=="Y") axis=2; if (q=="z" || q=="Z") axis=3; switch (axis) { case 1: // Impact-point in the plane X=0 return fImpactYZ; case 2: // Impact-point in the plane Y=0 return fImpactXZ; case 3: // Impact-point in the plane Z=0 return fImpactXY; default: // Unsupported axis cout << "*AliTrack::GetImpactPoint* Unsupported axis : " << q << endl << " Possible axes are 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'." << endl; return dummy; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetId(Int_t id) { // Set a user defined identifier for this track. fUserId=id; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliTrack::GetId() { // Provide the user defined identifier of this track. return fUserId; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetClosestPoint(AliPosition p) { // Set position p as the point of closest approach w.r.t. some reference fClosest=p; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliPosition AliTrack::GetClosestPoint() { // Provide the point of closest approach w.r.t. some reference return fClosest; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetChi2(Float_t chi2) { // Set the chi-squared value of the track fit. if (chi2<0) { cout << " *AliTrack::SetChi2* Invalid chi2 value : " << chi2 << endl; } else { fChi2=chi2; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliTrack::SetNdf(Int_t ndf) { // Set the number of degrees of freedom for the track fit. if (ndf<0) { cout << " *AliTrack::SetNdf* Invalid ndf value : " << ndf << endl; } else { fNdf=ndf; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliTrack::GetChi2() { // Provide the chi-squared value of the track fit. return fChi2; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliTrack::GetNdf() { // Provide the number of degrees of freedom for the track fit. return fNdf; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////