# RPM specfile for alimdc static libs # Package contains both ROOT and AliRoot # static libs needed by mStreamRecorder # in order to ROOT-ify the incoming raw # data Summary: AliMDC static libraries Name: alimdc Version: 4.05.03 Release: 1 # Copyright: CERN Alice Off-line License: CERN Alice Off-line Vendor: ALICE Core Off-line Group URL: http://aliceinfo.cern.ch Group: Applications/Alice Prefix: /opt/%{name} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root # automatic dependencies AutoReqProv: yes # list here required RPM packages for runtime Requires: glibc Provides: alimdc # description of the package %description Package contains both ROOT and AliRoot static libs needed by mStreamRecorder in order to ROOT-ify the incoming raw data. The package version correspond to the AliRoot one. # list of files to be installed %files %defattr (-,root,root) %{prefix}/lib/libAliMDC.a %{prefix}/lib/libRoot.a %{prefix}/lib/libpcre.a %{prefix}/lib/libfreetype.a %{prefix}/include/mdc.h