/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2000, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.9 2002/10/14 14:57:32 hristov Merging the VirtualMC branch to the main development branch (HEAD) Revision 2002/07/24 10:07:52 alibrary Updating VirtualMC Revision 1.7 2001/11/02 15:37:26 hristov Digitizer class created. Code cleaning and bug fixes (J.Chudoba) Revision 1.5 2001/10/23 13:03:35 hristov The access to several data members was changed from public to protected. The digitisation was adapted to the multi-event case (J.Chudoba) Revision 1.4 2001/10/21 18:31:24 hristov Several pointers were set to zero in the default constructors to avoid memory management problems Revision 1.3 2001/05/16 14:57:20 alibrary New files for folders and Stack Revision 1.2 2001/03/14 18:16:08 jbarbosa Corrected bug (more to correct). File "points.dat" is no longer created. Revision 1.1 2001/02/27 22:13:34 jbarbosa Implementing merger class. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRICHMerger.h" #include "AliRICHChamber.h" #include "AliHitMap.h" #include "AliRICHHitMapA1.h" #include "AliRICH.h" #include "AliRICHHit.h" #include "AliRICHSDigit.h" #include "AliRICHDigit.h" #include "AliRICHTransientDigit.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliPDG.h" ClassImp(AliRICHMerger) //___________________________________________ AliRICHMerger::AliRICHMerger() { // Default constructor fEvNrSig = 0; fEvNrBgr = 0; fMerge = kDigitize; fFnBgr = 0; fHitMap = 0; fList = 0; fTrH1 = 0; fHitsBgr = 0; fSDigitsBgr = 0; fHitMap = 0; fList = 0; fBgrFile = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ AliRICHMerger::~AliRICHMerger() { // Destructor if (fTrH1) delete fTrH1; if (fHitsBgr) delete fHitsBgr; if (fSDigitsBgr) delete fSDigitsBgr; if (fHitMap) delete fHitMap; if (fList) delete fList; if (fBgrFile) delete fBgrFile; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t AliRICHMerger::Exists(const AliRICHSDigit *padhit) { return (fHitMap[fNch]->TestHit(padhit->PadX(),padhit->PadY())); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliRICHMerger::Update(AliRICHSDigit *padhit) { AliRICHTransientDigit *pdigit = static_cast( fHitMap[fNch]->GetHit(padhit->PadX(),padhit->PadY())); // update charge // Int_t iqpad = Int_t(padhit->QPad()); // charge per pad pdigit->AddSignal(iqpad); pdigit->AddPhysicsSignal(iqpad); // update list of tracks // Int_t track, charge; if (fSignal) { track = fTrack; charge = iqpad; } else { track = kBgTag; charge = kBgTag; } pdigit->UpdateTrackList(track,charge); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliRICHMerger::CreateNew(AliRICHSDigit *padhit) { fList->AddAtAndExpand( new AliRICHTransientDigit(fNch,fDigits),fCounter); fHitMap[fNch]->SetHit(padhit->PadX(),padhit->PadY(),fCounter); AliRICHTransientDigit* pdigit = static_cast(fList->Last()); // list of tracks Int_t track, charge; if (fSignal) { track = fTrack; charge = padhit->QPad(); } else { track = kBgTag; charge = kBgTag; } pdigit->AddToTrackList(track,charge); fCounter++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliRICHMerger::Init() { // Initialisation if (fMerge && !fBgrFile) fBgrFile = InitBgr(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ TFile* AliRICHMerger::InitBgr() { // Initialise background event TFile *file = new TFile(fFnBgr); // add error checking later printf("\n AliRICHMerger has opened %s file with background event \n", fFnBgr); fHitsBgr = new TClonesArray("AliRICHHit",1000); fSDigitsBgr = new TClonesArray("AliRICHSDigit",1000); return file; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliRICHMerger::Digitise(Int_t nev, Int_t flag) { // keep galice.root for signal and name differently the file for // background when add! otherwise the track info for signal will be lost ! Int_t particle; AliRICHChamber* iChamber; AliSegmentation* segmentation; fList = new TObjArray; AliRICH *pRICH = (AliRICH *) gAlice->GetDetector("RICH"); fHitMap= new AliHitMap* [kNCH]; if (fMerge ) { fBgrFile->cd(); // // Get Hits Tree header from file if(fHitsBgr) fHitsBgr->Clear(); if(fSDigitsBgr) fSDigitsBgr->Clear(); if(fTrH1) delete fTrH1; fTrH1 = 0; char treeName[20]; sprintf(treeName,"TreeH%d",fEvNrBgr); fTrH1 = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(treeName); if (!fTrH1) { printf("ERROR: cannot find Hits Tree for event:%d\n",fEvNrBgr); } // // Set branch addresses TBranch *branch; char branchname[20]; sprintf(branchname,"%s",pRICH->GetName()); if (fTrH1 && fHitsBgr) { branch = fTrH1->GetBranch(branchname); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fHitsBgr); } if (fTrH1 && fSDigitsBgr) { branch = fTrH1->GetBranch("RICHSDigits"); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fSDigitsBgr); } } for (Int_t i =0; iChamber(i)); segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(1); fHitMap[i] = new AliRICHHitMapA1(segmentation, fList); } // // Loop over tracks // fSignal = kTRUE; fCounter = 0; TTree *treeH = gAlice->TreeH(); Int_t ntracks =(Int_t) treeH->GetEntries(); for (fTrack=0; fTrackResetHits(); treeH->GetEvent(fTrack); // // Loop over hits for(AliRICHHit* mHit=(AliRICHHit*)pRICH->FirstHit(-1); mHit; mHit=(AliRICHHit*)pRICH->NextHit()) { fNch = mHit->Chamber()-1; // chamber number Int_t trackIndex = mHit->Track(); if (fNch >= kNCH) { cerr<<"AliRICHMerger: chamber nr. fNch out of range: "<Chamber(fNch)); // // If flag is set, create digits only for some particles // TParticle *current = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(trackIndex); if (current->GetPdgCode() >= 50000050) { TParticle *motherofcurrent = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(current->GetFirstMother()); particle = motherofcurrent->GetPdgCode(); } else { particle = current->GetPdgCode(); } //printf("Flag:%d\n",flag); //printf("Track:%d\n",track); //printf("Particle:%d\n",particle); Int_t digitise=1; if (flag == 1) if(TMath::Abs(particle)==211 || TMath::Abs(particle)==111) digitise=0; if (flag == 2) if(TMath::Abs(particle)==321 || TMath::Abs(particle)==130 || TMath::Abs(particle)==310 || TMath::Abs(particle)==311) digitise=0; if (flag == 3 && TMath::Abs(particle)==2212) digitise=0; if (flag == 4 && TMath::Abs(particle)==13) digitise=0; if (flag == 5 && TMath::Abs(particle)==11) digitise=0; if (flag == 6 && TMath::Abs(particle)==2112) digitise=0; //printf ("Particle: %d, Flag: %d, Digitise: %d\n",particle,flag,digitise); if (digitise) { // // Loop over pad hits for (AliRICHSDigit* mPad= (AliRICHSDigit*)pRICH->FirstPad(mHit,pRICH->SDigits()); mPad; mPad=(AliRICHSDigit*)pRICH->NextPad(pRICH->SDigits())) { Int_t iqpad = mPad->QPad(); // charge per pad fDigits[0]=mPad->PadX(); fDigits[1]=mPad->PadY(); fDigits[2]=iqpad; fDigits[3]=iqpad; fDigits[4]=mPad->HitNumber(); // build the list of fired pads and update the info if (Exists(mPad)) { Update(mPad); } else { CreateNew(mPad); } } //end loop over clusters }// track type condition } // hit loop } // track loop // open the file with background if (fMerge) { fSignal = kFALSE; ntracks = (Int_t)fTrH1->GetEntries(); // // Loop over tracks // for (fTrack = 0; fTrack < ntracks; fTrack++) { if (fHitsBgr) fHitsBgr->Clear(); if (fSDigitsBgr) fSDigitsBgr->Clear(); fTrH1->GetEvent(fTrack); // // Loop over hits AliRICHHit* mHit; for(Int_t i = 0; i < fHitsBgr->GetEntriesFast(); ++i) { mHit = (AliRICHHit*) (*fHitsBgr)[i]; fNch = mHit->Chamber()-1; // chamber number iChamber = &(pRICH->Chamber(fNch)); // // Loop over pad hits for (AliRICHSDigit* mPad = (AliRICHSDigit*)pRICH->FirstPad(mHit,fSDigitsBgr); mPad; mPad = (AliRICHSDigit*)pRICH->NextPad(fSDigitsBgr)) { fDigits[0] = mPad->PadX(); fDigits[1] = mPad->PadY(); fDigits[2] = mPad->QPad(); fDigits[3] = 0; fDigits[4] = -1; // set hit number to -1 for bgr // build the list of fired pads and update the info if (!Exists(mPad)) { CreateNew(mPad); } else { Update(mPad); } // end if !Exists } //end loop over clusters } // hit loop } // track loop TTree *treeK = gAlice->TreeK(); TFile *file = NULL; if (treeK) file = treeK->GetCurrentFile(); file->cd(); } // if fMerge Int_t tracks[kMAXTRACKSPERRICHDIGIT]; Int_t charges[kMAXTRACKSPERRICHDIGIT]; Int_t nentries=fList->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t nent=0;nentAt(nent); if (transDigit==0) continue; Int_t ich=transDigit->GetChamber(); Int_t q=transDigit->Signal(); iChamber=&(pRICH->Chamber(ich)); AliRICHResponse * response=iChamber->GetResponseModel(); Int_t adcmax= (Int_t) response->MaxAdc(); // add white noise and do zero-suppression and signal truncation (new electronics,old electronics gaus 1.2,0.2) //printf("Treshold: %d\n",iChamber->fTresh->GetHitIndex(transDigit->PadX(),transDigit->PadY())); Int_t pedestal = iChamber->fTresh->GetHitIndex(transDigit->PadX(),transDigit->PadY()); //printf("Pedestal:%d\n",pedestal); //Int_t pedestal=0; Float_t treshold = (pedestal + 4*2.2); Float_t meanNoise = gRandom->Gaus(2.2, 0.3); Float_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0, meanNoise); q+=(Int_t)(noise + pedestal); //q+=(Int_t)(noise); // magic number to be parametrised !!! if ( q <= treshold) { q = q - pedestal; continue; } q = q - pedestal; if ( q >= adcmax) q=adcmax; fDigits[0]=transDigit->PadX(); fDigits[1]=transDigit->PadY(); fDigits[2]=q; fDigits[3]=transDigit->Physics(); fDigits[4]=transDigit->Hit(); Int_t nptracks = transDigit->GetNTracks(); // this was changed to accomodate the real number of tracks if (nptracks > kMAXTRACKSPERRICHDIGIT) { printf("Attention - tracks > 10 %d\n",nptracks); nptracks=kMAXTRACKSPERRICHDIGIT; } if (nptracks > 2) { printf("Attention - tracks > 2 %d \n",nptracks); //printf("cat,ich,ix,iy,q %d %d %d %d %d \n", //icat,ich,digits[0],digits[1],q); } for (Int_t tr=0;trGetTrack(tr); charges[tr]=transDigit->GetCharge(tr); } //end loop over list of tracks for one pad if (nptracks < kMAXTRACKSPERRICHDIGIT ) { for (Int_t t=nptracks; tAddDigits(ich,tracks,charges,fDigits); } gAlice->TreeD()->Fill(); fList->Delete(); for(Int_t ii=0;iiDigitsAddress(k); Int_t ndigit=richDigits->GetEntriesFast(); printf ("Chamber %d digits %d \n",k,ndigit); } pRICH->ResetDigits(); /// ??? should it be here??? gAlice->TreeD()->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); // reset tree // gAlice->TreeD()->Reset(); // delete fList; // deleted in dtor // gObjectTable->Print(); }