/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.7 2006/07/20 09:54:40 jgrosseo introducing status management: The processing per subdetector is divided into several steps, after each step the status is stored on disk. If the system crashes in any of the steps the Shuttle can keep track of the number of failures and skips further processing after a certain threshold is exceeded. These thresholds can be configured in LDAP. Revision 1.6 2006/07/19 10:09:55 jgrosseo new configuration, accesst to DAQ FES (Alberto) Revision 1.5 2006/07/10 13:01:41 jgrosseo enhanced storing of last sucessfully processed run (alberto) Revision 1.4 2006/06/12 09:11:16 jgrosseo coding conventions (Alberto) Revision 1.3 2006/06/06 14:26:40 jgrosseo o) removed files that were moved to STEER o) shuttle updated to follow the new interface (Alberto) Revision 1.7 2006/05/12 09:07:16 colla 12/05/06 New configuration complete Revision 1.2 2006/03/07 07:52:34 hristov New version (B.Yordanov) Revision 1.4 2005/11/19 14:20:31 byordano logbook config added to AliShuttleConfig Revision 1.3 2005/11/17 19:24:25 byordano TList changed to TObjArray in AliShuttleConfig Revision 1.2 2005/11/17 14:43:23 byordano import to local CVS Revision 2005/10/28 07:33:58 hristov Initial import as subdirectory in AliRoot Revision 2005/09/12 22:11:40 byordano SHUTTLE package Revision 1.3 2005/08/30 09:13:02 byordano some docs added */ // // This class keeps the AliShuttle configuration. // It reads the configuration for LDAP server. // For every child entry in basedn which has schema type 'shuttleConfig' // it creates a detector configuration. This configuration includes: // DCS server host and port and the set of aliases for which data from // will be retrieved (used by AliShuttle). // #include "AliShuttleConfig.h" #include "AliShuttleInterface.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include #include AliShuttleConfig::AliShuttleConfigHolder::AliShuttleConfigHolder(const TLDAPEntry* entry): fDetector(""), fDCSHost(""), fDCSPort(0), fDCSAliases(), fIsValid(kFALSE), fSkipDCSQuery(kFALSE) { // constructor of the shuttle configuration holder TLDAPAttribute* anAttribute; anAttribute = entry->GetAttribute("det"); // MUST fDetector = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = entry->GetAttribute("DCSHost"); // MAY if (!anAttribute) { AliWarning( Form("%s has not DCS host entry - Shuttle will skip DCS data query!", fDetector.Data())); fIsValid = kTRUE; fSkipDCSQuery = kTRUE; return; } fDCSHost = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = entry->GetAttribute("DCSPort"); // MAY if (!anAttribute) { AliError(Form("Invalid configuration! %s has DCS Host but no port number!", fDetector.Data())); return; } TString portStr = anAttribute->GetValue(); fDCSPort = portStr.Atoi(); anAttribute = entry->GetAttribute("DCSAlias"); // MAY if (!anAttribute) { AliError(Form("Invalid configuration! %s has DCS host settings but no DCSAlias entries!", fDetector.Data())); return; } const char* anAlias; while ((anAlias = anAttribute->GetValue())) { fDCSAliases.AddLast(new TObjString(anAlias)); } fIsValid = kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliShuttleConfig::AliShuttleConfigHolder::~AliShuttleConfigHolder() { // destructor of the shuttle configuration holder fDCSAliases.Delete(); } ClassImp(AliShuttleConfig) //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliShuttleConfig::AliShuttleConfig(const char* host, Int_t port, const char* binddn, const char* password, const char* basedn): fIsValid(kFALSE), fDAQlbHost(""), fDAQlbUser(""), fDAQlbPass(""), fMaxPPRetries(0), fMaxRetries(0), fDetectorMap(), fDetectorList(), fShuttleInstanceHost(""), fProcessedDetectors(), fProcessAll(kFALSE) { // // host: ldap server host // port: ldap server port // binddn: binddn used for ldap binding (simple bind is used!). // password: password for binddn // basedn: this is basedn whose childeren entries which have // (objectClass=shuttleConfig) will be used as detector configurations. // TLDAPServer aServer(host, port, binddn, password, 3); if (!aServer.IsConnected()) { AliError(Form("Can't connect to ldap server %s:%d", host, port)); return; } // reads configuration for the shuttle running on this machine fShuttleInstanceHost = gSystem->HostName(); TString queryFilter = "(ShuttleHost="; queryFilter += fShuttleInstanceHost; queryFilter += ")"; TLDAPResult* aResult = aServer.Search(basedn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, queryFilter.Data()); if (!aResult) { AliError(Form("Can't find configuration with base DN: %s", basedn)); return; } if (aResult->GetCount() == 0) { AliError(Form("No Shuttle instance for host = %s!", fShuttleInstanceHost.Data())); AliError(Form("All detectors will be processed.")); fProcessAll=kTRUE; } if (aResult->GetCount() > 1) { AliError(Form("More than one Shuttle instance for host %s!", fShuttleInstanceHost.Data())); return; } TLDAPEntry* anEntry; TLDAPAttribute* anAttribute; if(!fProcessAll){ anEntry = aResult->GetNext(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("detectors"); const char *detName; while((detName = anAttribute->GetValue())){ TObjString *objDet= new TObjString(detName); fProcessedDetectors.Add(objDet); } } // Detector configuration (DCS Archive DB settings) aResult = aServer.Search(basedn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(objectClass=AliShuttleDetector)"); if (!aResult) { AliError(Form("Can't find configuration with base DN: %s", basedn)); return; } while ((anEntry = aResult->GetNext())) { AliShuttleConfigHolder* aHolder = new AliShuttleConfigHolder(anEntry); delete anEntry; if (!aHolder->IsValid()) { AliError("Detector configuration error!"); delete aHolder; return; } TObjString* detStr = new TObjString(aHolder->GetDetector()); fDetectorMap.Add(detStr, aHolder); fDetectorList.AddLast(detStr); } delete aResult; // Global configuration (DAQ logbook) aResult = aServer.Search(basedn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(objectClass=AliShuttleGlobalConfig)"); if (!aResult) { AliError(Form("Can't find configuration with base DN: %s", basedn)); return; } if (aResult->GetCount() == 0) { AliError("Can't find DAQ logbook configuration!"); return; } if (aResult->GetCount() > 1) { AliError("More than one DAQ logbook configuration found!"); return; } anEntry = aResult->GetNext(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("DAQLogbookHost"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError("Can't find DAQLogbookHost attribute!"); return; } fDAQlbHost = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("DAQLogbookUser"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError("Can't find DAQLogbookUser attribute!"); return; } fDAQlbUser = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("DAQLogbookPassword"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError("Can't find DAQLogbookPassword attribute!"); return; } fDAQlbPass = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("MaxPPRetries"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError("Can't find MaxPPRetries attribute!"); return; } TString tmpStr = anAttribute->GetValue(); fMaxPPRetries = tmpStr.Atoi(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("MaxRetries"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError("Can't find MaxRetries attribute!"); return; } tmpStr = anAttribute->GetValue(); fMaxRetries = tmpStr.Atoi(); delete anEntry; delete aResult; // FES configuration (FES logbook and hosts) for(int iSys=0;iSys<3;iSys++){ queryFilter = Form("(system=%s)", AliShuttleInterface::fkSystemNames[iSys]); aResult = aServer.Search(basedn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, queryFilter.Data()); if (!aResult) { AliError(Form("Can't find configuration for system: %s", AliShuttleInterface::fkSystemNames[iSys])); return; } if (aResult->GetCount() != 1 ) { AliError("Error in FES configuration!"); return; } anEntry = aResult->GetNext(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("LogbookHost"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError(Form ("Can't find LogbookHost attribute for %s!!", AliShuttleInterface::fkSystemNames[iSys])); return; } fFESlbHost[iSys] = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("LogbookUser"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError(Form ("Can't find LogbookUser attribute for %s!!", AliShuttleInterface::fkSystemNames[iSys])); return; } fFESlbUser[iSys] = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("LogbookPassword"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError(Form ("Can't find LogbookPassword attribute for %s!!", AliShuttleInterface::fkSystemNames[iSys])); return; } fFESlbPass[iSys] = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("FSHost"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError(Form ("Can't find FSHost attribute for %s!!", AliShuttleInterface::fkSystemNames[iSys])); return; } fFESHost[iSys] = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("FSUser"); if (!anAttribute) { AliError(Form ("Can't find FSUser attribute for %s!!", AliShuttleInterface::fkSystemNames[iSys])); return; } fFESUser[iSys] = anAttribute->GetValue(); anAttribute = anEntry->GetAttribute("FSPassword"); if (anAttribute) fFESPass[iSys] = anAttribute->GetValue(); delete anEntry; delete aResult; } fIsValid = kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliShuttleConfig::~AliShuttleConfig() { // destructor fDetectorMap.DeleteAll(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const TObjArray* AliShuttleConfig::GetDetectors() const { // // returns collection of TObjString which contains the name // of every detector which is in the configuration. // return &fDetectorList; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttleConfig::HasDetector(const char* detector) const { // // checks for paricular detector in the configuration. // return fDetectorMap.GetValue(detector) != NULL; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliShuttleConfig::GetDCSHost(const char* detector) const { // // returns DCS server host used by particular detector // AliShuttleConfigHolder* aHolder = (AliShuttleConfigHolder*) fDetectorMap.GetValue(detector); if (!aHolder) { AliError(Form("There isn't configuration for detector: %s", detector)); return NULL; } return aHolder->GetDCSHost(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliShuttleConfig::GetDCSPort(const char* detector) const { // // returns DCS server port used by particular detector // AliShuttleConfigHolder* aHolder = (AliShuttleConfigHolder*) fDetectorMap.GetValue(detector); if (!aHolder) { AliError(Form("There isn't configuration for detector: %s", detector)); return 0; } return aHolder->GetDCSPort(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const TObjArray* AliShuttleConfig::GetDCSAliases(const char* detector) const { // // returns collection of TObjString which represents the set of aliases // which used for data retrieval for particular detector // AliShuttleConfigHolder* aHolder = (AliShuttleConfigHolder*) fDetectorMap.GetValue(detector); if (!aHolder) { AliError(Form("There isn't configuration for detector: %s", detector)); return NULL; } return aHolder->GetDCSAliases(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttleConfig::HostProcessDetector(const char* detector) const { // return TRUE if detector is handled by host or if fProcessAll is TRUE if(fProcessAll) return kTRUE; TIter iter(&fProcessedDetectors); TObjString* detName; while((detName = (TObjString*) iter.Next())){ if(detName->String() == detector) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttleConfig::Print(Option_t* /*option*/) const { // print configuration TString result; result += '\n'; result += Form("\nShuttle running on %s \n\n", fShuttleInstanceHost.Data()); if(fProcessAll) { result += Form("All detectors will be processed! \n\n"); } else { result += "Detectors processed by this host: "; TIter it(&fProcessedDetectors); TObjString* aDet; while ((aDet = (TObjString*) it.Next())) { result += Form("%s ", aDet->String().Data()); } result += "\n\n"; } result += Form("DAQ Logbook Configuration \n \tHost: %s - User: %s - ", fDAQlbHost.Data(), fDAQlbUser.Data()); result += "Password: "; result.Append('*', fDAQlbPass.Length()); result += "\n\n"; for(int iSys=0;iSys<3;iSys++){ result += Form("FES Configuration for %s system\n", AliShuttleInterface::fkSystemNames[iSys]); result += Form("\tLogbook host: \t%s - \tUser: %s\n", fFESlbHost[iSys].Data(), fFESlbUser[iSys].Data()); // result += Form("Logbook Password:",fFESlbPass[iSys].Data()); result += Form("\tFES host: \t%s - \tUser: %s\n\n", fFESHost[iSys].Data(), fFESUser[iSys].Data()); // result += Form("FES Password:",fFESPass[iSys].Data()); } TIter iter(fDetectorMap.GetTable()); TPair* aPair; while ((aPair = (TPair*) iter.Next())) { AliShuttleConfigHolder* aHolder = (AliShuttleConfigHolder*) aPair->Value(); if(aHolder->SkipDCSQuery()) continue; result += Form("DCS archive DB configuration for *** %s *** \n", aHolder->GetDetector()); result += Form("\tAmanda server: %s:%d \n", aHolder->GetDCSHost(), aHolder->GetDCSPort()); result += "\tDCS Aliases: "; const TObjArray* aliases = aHolder->GetDCSAliases(); TIter it(aliases); TObjString* anAlias; while ((anAlias = (TObjString*) it.Next())) { result += Form("%s ", anAlias->String().Data()); } result += "\n\n"; } if(!fIsValid) result += "\n\n********** !!!!! Configuration is INVALID !!!!! **********\n"; AliInfo(result); }