objectidentifier SHUTTLE_BASE 1.1.1 objectidentifier DETECTOR_CONFIG SHUTTLE_BASE:1 attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:1 NAME 'det' DESC 'Detector name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:2 NAME 'DCSHost' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:3 NAME 'DCSPort' DESC '' SUP ipServicePort ) attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:4 NAME 'DCSalias' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:5 NAME 'DCSdatapoint' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:6 NAME 'StrictRunOrder' DESC 'Strict run ordering flag' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:7 NAME 'responsible' DESC 'responsible email address' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUP mail ) objectclass ( DETECTOR_CONFIG NAME 'AliShuttleDetector' DESC 'ALICE: Shuttle configuration object.' SUP top MUST (det $ StrictRunOrder) MAY (DCSHost $ DCSPort $ DCSalias $ DCSdatapoint $ responsible) ) objectidentifier SYS_CONFIG SHUTTLE_BASE:2 attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:1 NAME 'system' DESC 'System name (DAQ, DCS, HLT)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:2 NAME 'DBHost' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:3 NAME 'DBPort' DESC '' SUP ipServicePort ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:4 NAME 'DBUser' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:5 NAME 'DBPassword' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:6 NAME 'DBName' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:7 NAME 'DBTable' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:8 NAME 'FSHost' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:9 NAME 'FSPort' DESC '' SUP ipServicePort ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:10 NAME 'FSUser' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( SYS_CONFIG:11 NAME 'FSPassword' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) objectclass ( SYS_CONFIG NAME 'AliShuttleSYSConfig' DESC 'ALICE: Configuration of the Shuttle for access to online network' SUP top MUST (system $ DBHost $ DBUser $ DBPassword $ DBName $ DBTable $ FSHost $ FSUser ) MAY ( FSPassword $ DBPort $ FSPort) ) objectidentifier GLOBAL_CONFIG SHUTTLE_BASE:3 attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:1 NAME 'DAQLogbookHost' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:2 NAME 'DAQLogbookPort' DESC '' SUP ipServicePort ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:3 NAME 'DAQLogbookUser' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:4 NAME 'DAQLogbookPassword' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:5 NAME 'DAQLogbookDB' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:6 NAME 'DAQLogbookTable' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:7 NAME 'ShuttleLogbookTable' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:8 NAME 'RunTypeLogbookTable' DESC '' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:9 NAME 'MaxRetries' DESC 'number of retries for failures of a preprocessor' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:10 NAME 'PPTimeOut' DESC 'number of seconds until preprocessor is aborted' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:11 NAME 'PPMaxMem' DESC 'Max. mem consumption in KB of a preprocessor' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) objectclass ( GLOBAL_CONFIG NAME 'AliShuttleGlobalConfig' DESC 'ALICE: Access to DAQ logbook settings' SUP top MUST (name $ DAQLogbookHost $ DAQLogbookUser $ DAQLogbookPassword $ DAQLogbookDB $ DAQLogbookTable $ ShuttleLogbookTable $ RunTypeLogbookTable $ MaxRetries $ PPTimeOut $ PPMaxMem) MAY ( DAQLogbookPort ) ) objectidentifier INSTANCE_CONFIG SHUTTLE_BASE:4 attributetype ( INSTANCE_CONFIG:1 NAME 'ShuttleHost' DESC 'Host that is running the Shuttle' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) attributetype ( INSTANCE_CONFIG:2 NAME 'detectors' DESC 'Detector list' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name ) objectclass ( INSTANCE_CONFIG NAME 'AliShuttleInstance' DESC 'ALICE: Shuttle instance configuration.' SUP top MUST (name $ ShuttleHost) MAY (detectors) )