/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // Prototype of HMPID Preprocessor // #include "TestHMPIDPreprocessor.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliDCSValue.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliShuttleInterface.h" #include #include #include #include ClassImp(TestHMPIDPreprocessor) //________________________________________________________________________________________ TestHMPIDPreprocessor::TestHMPIDPreprocessor(): AliPreprocessor("HMP",0) { // default constructor - Don't use this! } //________________________________________________________________________________________ TestHMPIDPreprocessor::TestHMPIDPreprocessor(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle): AliPreprocessor("HMP", shuttle) { // constructor - shuttle must be instantiated! } //________________________________________________________________________________________ void TestHMPIDPreprocessor::Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime, UInt_t endTime) { // Initialize preprocessor AliInfo(Form("\n\tRun %d \n\tStartTime %s \n\tEndTime %s", run, TTimeStamp(startTime).AsString(), TTimeStamp(endTime).AsString())); fRun = run; fStartTime = startTime; fEndTime = endTime; } //________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TestHMPIDPreprocessor::ProcessDCS() { // Initialize preprocessor TString runType = GetRunType(); if(runType == "LED") return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t TestHMPIDPreprocessor::Process(TMap* /*valueMap*/) { // process data retrieved by the Shuttle Bool_t result = kFALSE; // Get run type and start the processing algorithm accordingly TString runType = GetRunType(); if (runType.Length()==0) { Log("Undefined run type!"); return 1; } Log(Form("Run type: %s", runType.Data())); if (runType == "PHYSICS") { // DAQ TList* filesources = GetFileSources(AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ, "DAQFile"); if(!filesources) { AliError(Form("No sources found for thresholds.txt for run %d !", fRun)); return 2; } AliInfo("Here's the list of sources for thresholds.txt"); filesources->Print(); TIter iter(filesources); TObjString* source; int i=0; while((source=dynamic_cast (iter.Next()))){ printf("\n\n Getting file #%d\n",++i); //if(i==1) continue; //TString filename = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ, "DAQFile", source->GetName()); TString filename = "DAQfile.txt"; if(!filename.Length()) { AliError(Form("Error: retrieval of file from source %s failed!", source->GetName())); delete filesources; return 3; } TString command = Form("more %s",filename.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); // STORAGE! The First file name will be stored into CDB, the second into reference storage TObjString filenameObj(filename); AliCDBMetaData metaData; if(i==1) result = Store("Calib", "DAQData", &filenameObj, &metaData); if(i==2) result = StoreReferenceData("Calib", "RefData", &filenameObj, &metaData); } delete filesources; } else if (runType == "PEDESTALS") { // DCS TString filename = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kDCS, "DCSFile", 0); if(!filename.Length()) { AliError(Form("Error: retrieval of file from DCS failed!")); return 4; } TString command = Form("more %s", filename.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); // STORAGE! The First file name will be stored into CDB, the second into reference storage TObjString filenameObj(filename); AliCDBMetaData metaData; result = Store("Calib", "DCSData", &filenameObj, &metaData); } else if (runType == "LED") { // HLT TList* filesources = GetFileSources(AliShuttleInterface::kHLT, "HLTFile"); if(!filesources) { Log(Form("No sources found for HLTFile for run %d !", fRun)); return 5; } AliInfo("Here's the list of sources for HLTFile"); filesources->Print(); TIter iter(filesources); int i = 0; TObjString* source; while((source=dynamic_cast (iter.Next()))){ printf("\n\n Getting file #%d\n",++i); //if(i==1) continue; //TString filename = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kHLT, "HLTFile", source->GetName()); TString filename="HLTfile.txt"; if(!filename.Length()) { AliError(Form("Error: retrieval of file from source %s failed!", source->GetName())); delete filesources; return 6; } TString command = Form("more %s",filename.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); // STORAGE! The First file name will be stored into CDB, the second into reference storage TObjString filenameObj(filename); AliCDBMetaData metaData; if(i==1) result = Store("Calib", "HLTData", &filenameObj, &metaData); if(i==2) result = StoreReferenceData("Calib", "RefHLTData", &filenameObj, &metaData); } delete filesources; } else { Log(Form("Unknown run type: %s", runType.Data())); } if(!result) { Log("Storage error!"); return 100; } return 0; }