/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliTMinuitToolkit.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The AliTMinuitToolkit serves as an easy to use interface for the TMinuit // package: // // - It allows to fit a curve to one and two dimensional histograms // (TH2F::Fit() only allows to fit a hyperplane). // - Or n points can be specified directly via a n x 2 matrix. // - An option for robust fitting with non-linear functions is implemented. // // A small example illustrating the usage of AliTMinuitToolkit is given in the function // "AliTMinuitToolkit::Test()". // // // 1. Setting the formula: // // The formula is simply set via "void SetFitFunction(TFormula * formula)". // // // 2. Adding the data points // // - In order to fit a histogram, use "void FitHistogram(TH1F * his)" or // "void FitHistogram(TH2F * his)". The fitter is started automatically // - Alternatively, the direct specification of the points is possible via // "void SetPoints(TMatrixD * points)". Note, that the each point // corresponds to one row in the matrix. The fitter is then started with // the command "void Fit()". The weight of each point can be specified // with an n-dimensional vector using "void SetWeights(TVectorD * weights)". // // // 3. Accessing the fit results // // The N parameters of the formula are stored in a N-dimensional vector which // is returned by "TVectorD * GetParameters()". In a similar way the covariance // matrix of the fit is returned via "TMatrixD * GetCovarianceMatrix()" which // is of the type N x N. // // // 4. Non-linear robust fitting: // // Even a few outliers can lead to wrong results of a least-squares fitting // procedure. In this case the use of robust(resistant) methods can be // helpful, but a stronger dependence on starting values or convergence to // local minima can occur. // // The robust option becomes active if EnableRobust(true, sigma) is called. It is // very much recommended that a normalization value (scale variable) corresponding // to an expected deviation (sigma) is specified via // "EnableRobust(Bool_t b, Double_t sigma)". // // Performing the fit without knowledge of sigma is also possible if only // "EnableRobust(true)" is activated, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED. // // The method is based on another estimator instead of chi^2. For small deviations // the function behaves like x^2 and for larger deviations like |x| - the so // called Huber estimator: // // h(x) = x^2 , for x < 2.5*sigma // h(x) = 2*(2.5*sigma)*x - (2.5*sigma)^2 , for x > 2.5*sigma // // If a weighting function is specified in addition, a second run with the ordinary // metric is started, but before entering the iteration every point is weighted // according to its distance to the outcoming function of the first run. The weighting // function w(x) must be defined on the intervall x in [0,1]. w(0) then // corresponds to the weight of the closest point and w(1) to the point with the // largest distance. // // Some standard weighting functions are predefined in // "SetWeightFunction(Char_t * name, Float_t param1, Float_t param2 = 0)": // - "BOX" equals to 1 if x < param1 and to 0 if x > param1. // - "EXPONENTIAL" corresponds to "Math::Exp(-TMath::Log(param1)*x)" // - "ERRORFUNCTION" corresponds to "TMath::Erfc((x-param1)/param2)" // // // REFERENCE for non-linear robust fitting: // Ekblom H. and Madsen K. (1988), Alogrithms for non-linear Huber estimation, // BIT Numerical Mathematics 29 (1989) 60-76. // internet: http://www.springerlink.com/content/m277218542988344/ // // // 5. examples: // // A small example illustrating the working principles of AliTMinuitToolkit is given // in the function "AliTMinuitToolkit::Test()". // // // // Comments and questions are always welcome: A.Kalweit@gsi.de //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassImp(AliTMinuitToolkit) AliTMinuitToolkit::AliTMinuitToolkit() : TNamed(), fFormula(0), fWeightFunction(0), fFitAlgorithm(0), fPoints(0), fWeights(0), fParam(0), fParamLimits(0), fCovar(0), fChi2(0), fMaxCalls(0), fPrecision(0), fUseRobust(0), fExpectedSigma(0) { // // standard constructor // fMaxCalls = 500; fPrecision = 1; fUseRobust = false; fExpectedSigma = 0; } AliTMinuitToolkit::AliTMinuitToolkit(const AliTMinuitToolkit&) : TNamed(), fFormula(0), fWeightFunction(0), fFitAlgorithm(0), fPoints(0), fWeights(0), fParam(0), fParamLimits(0), fCovar(0), fChi2(0), fMaxCalls(0), fPrecision(0), fUseRobust(0), fExpectedSigma(0) { } AliTMinuitToolkit& AliTMinuitToolkit::operator=(const AliTMinuitToolkit&) { return *this; } AliTMinuitToolkit::~AliTMinuitToolkit(){ // // destructor // delete fPoints; delete fWeights; delete fWeightFunction; delete fParamLimits; delete fFormula; delete fParam; delete fCovar; delete fChi2; } void AliTMinuitToolkit::FitHistogram(TH1F *const his) { // // Fit a one dimensional histogram // fPoints = new TMatrixD(his->GetNbinsX(), 2); for(Int_t ibin=0; ibin < his->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) { Double_t x = his->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ibin+1); Double_t y = his->GetBinContent(ibin+1); (*fPoints)(ibin, 0) = x; (*fPoints)(ibin, 1) = y; } Fit(); } void AliTMinuitToolkit::FitHistogram(TH2F *const his) { // // Fit a curve to a two dimensional histogram // fPoints = new TMatrixD((Long64_t)his->GetEntries(), 2); Long64_t entry = 0; for(Int_t ibin=0; ibin < his->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) { Double_t x = his->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ibin); for(Int_t jbin=0; jbin < his->GetNbinsY(); jbin++) { Long64_t n = his->GetBin(ibin, jbin); Double_t y = his->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(jbin); for(Int_t ientries=0; ientries < his->GetBinContent(n); ientries++) { (*fPoints)(entry,0) = x; (*fPoints)(entry,1) = y; entry++; } } } Fit(); } void AliTMinuitToolkit::SetWeightFunction(const Char_t *name, Float_t param1, Float_t param2) { // // Set the weight function which must be defined on the interval [0,1]. // TString FuncType(name); FuncType.ToUpper(); if (FuncType == "EXPONENTIAL") fWeightFunction = new TFormula("exp", Form("TMath::Exp(-TMath::Log(%f)*x)", param1)); if (FuncType == "BOX") fWeightFunction = new TFormula("box", Form("TMath::Erfc((x-%f)/0.0001)", param1)); if (FuncType == "ERRORFUNCTION") fWeightFunction = new TFormula("err", Form("TMath::Erfc((x-%f)/%f)", param1, param2)); } void AliTMinuitToolkit::FitterFCN(int &npar, double *dummy, double &fchisq, double *gin, int iflag){ // // internal function which gives the specified function to the TMinuit function // // suppress warnings for unused variables: dummy = dummy; iflag = iflag; npar = npar; // AliTMinuitToolkit * fitter = (AliTMinuitToolkit*)TVirtualFitter::GetFitter()->GetObjectFit(); fchisq = 0; Int_t nvar = fitter->GetPoints()->GetNcols()-1; Int_t npoints = fitter->GetPoints()->GetNrows(); // calculate mean deviation for normalization or use user-defined sigma Double_t dev = 0.; if (fitter->GetExpectedSigma() == 0 && fitter->GetStatus() == true) { for (Int_t ipoint=0; ipointGetPoints())(ipoint, ivar); } Float_t funx = fitter->GetFormula()->EvalPar(x,gin); Double_t delta = (*fitter->GetPoints())(ipoint, nvar) - funx; dev += TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(delta)); } dev = dev/npoints; } else { dev = fitter->GetExpectedSigma(); } // calculate chisquare for (Int_t ipoint=0; ipointGetPoints())(ipoint, ivar); } Float_t funx = fitter->GetFormula()->EvalPar(x,gin); Double_t delta = TMath::Abs((*fitter->GetPoints())(ipoint, nvar) - funx); if (fitter->GetStatus() == true) { delta = delta/dev; // normalization if (delta <= 2.5) fchisq+= delta*delta; // new metric: Huber-k-estimator if (delta > 2.5) fchisq+= 2*(2.5)*delta - (2.5*2.5); } else { Double_t weight = (*fitter->GetWeights())(ipoint); fchisq+= delta*delta*weight; //old metric } } } void AliTMinuitToolkit::Fit() { // // internal function that calls the fitter // Int_t nparam = fParam->GetNrows(); Int_t npoints = fPoints->GetNrows(); Int_t nvar = fPoints->GetNcols()-1; // set all paramter limits to infinity as default if (fParamLimits == 0) { fParamLimits = new TMatrixD(nparam ,2); for (Int_t iparam=0; iparamSetObjectFit(this); minuit->SetFCN(AliTMinuitToolkit::FitterFCN); // initialize paramters (step size???) for (Int_t iparam=0; iparamSetParameter(iparam, Form("p[%d]",iparam), (*fParam)(iparam), (*fParam)(iparam)/10, (*fParamLimits)(iparam, 0), (*fParamLimits)(iparam, 1)); } // Double_t argList[2]; argList[0] = fMaxCalls; //maximal number of calls argList[1] = fPrecision; //tolerance normalized to 0.001 if (fMaxCalls == 500 && fPrecision == 1) minuit->ExecuteCommand(fFitAlgorithm, 0, 0); if (fMaxCalls != 500 || fPrecision != 1) minuit->ExecuteCommand(fFitAlgorithm, argList, 2); // two additional arguments can be specified ExecuteCommand("migrad", argList, 2) - use 0,0 for default // fill parameter vector for (Int_t ivar=0; ivarGetParameter(ivar); fFormula->SetParameter(ivar, minuit->GetParameter(ivar)); } // if a weight function is specified -> enter 2nd run with weights if (weightFlag == true && fUseRobust == true) { // sort points for weighting Double_t *sortList = new Double_t[npoints]; Int_t *indexList = new Int_t[npoints]; for (Int_t ipoint=0; ipointEval((*fPoints)(ipoint, 0)); Double_t delta = TMath::Abs((*fPoints)[ipoint][nvar] - funx); sortList[ipoint] = delta; } TMath::Sort(npoints, sortList, indexList, false); for (Int_t ip=0; ipEval(t); } // set up the fitter fUseRobust = false; for (Int_t iparam=0; iparamSetParameter(iparam, Form("p[%d]",iparam), (*fParam)(iparam), (*fParam)(iparam)/10, (*fParamLimits)(iparam, 0), (*fParamLimits)(iparam, 1)); } // start fitting if (fMaxCalls == 500 && fPrecision == 1) minuit->ExecuteCommand(fFitAlgorithm, 0, 0); if (fMaxCalls != 500 || fPrecision != 1) minuit->ExecuteCommand(fFitAlgorithm, argList, 2); fUseRobust = true; delete sortList; delete indexList; } // fill parameter vector for (Int_t ivar=0; ivarGetParameter(ivar); fFormula->SetParameter(ivar, minuit->GetParameter(ivar)); } // fill covariance matrix fCovar = new TMatrixD(nparam, nparam); for(Int_t i=0; i < nparam; i++) { for(Int_t j=0; j < nparam; j++) { (*fCovar)(i,j) = minuit->GetCovarianceMatrixElement(i,j); } } if (weightFlag == false) fWeightFunction = 0; } void AliTMinuitToolkit::Test() { // // This test function shows the basic working principles of this class // and illustrates how a robust fit can improve the results // // 1. provide some example histogram TH1F * hist = new TH1F("test", "with (red) and without (black) robust option", 20,0,4); TRandom * rand = new TRandom(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { hist->Fill(rand->Exp(1)); if (i < 1000) hist->Fill(3); //"outliers" if (i < 1070) hist->Fill(3.5); if (i < 670) hist->Fill(2); if (i < 770) hist->Fill(1.5);//"outliers" if (i < 740) hist->Fill(1); } TCanvas * canv = new TCanvas(); canv->cd(1); hist->Draw(); // 2. example fit without robust option AliTMinuitToolkit * tool = new AliTMinuitToolkit(); TFormula *aFormExp = new TFormula("formExp", "[0]*TMath::Exp(-[1]*x)"); tool->SetFitFunction(aFormExp); TVectorD *vec1 = new TVectorD(2); // Set initial values (*vec1)(0) = 1800; (*vec1)(1) = 1; tool->SetInitialParam(vec1); tool->FitHistogram(hist); // draw fit function TF1 *func = new TF1("test", "[0]*TMath::Exp(-[1]*x)", 0, 6); func->SetParameters((*tool->GetParameters())(0), (*tool->GetParameters())(1)); func->Draw("same"); // 3 . robust fit TVectorD *vec2 = new TVectorD(2); (*vec2)(0) = 1800; (*vec2)(1) = 1; tool->SetInitialParam(vec2); tool->EnableRobust(true, 10); tool->SetWeightFunction("box", 0.75); tool->FitHistogram(hist); TF1 *func2 = new TF1("test2", "[0]*TMath::Exp(-[1]*x)", 0, 6); func2->SetParameter(0, (*tool->GetParameters())(0)); func2->SetParameter(1, (*tool->GetParameters())(1)); func2->SetLineColor(kRed); func2->Draw("same"); }