#include "TKDInterpolatorBase.h" #include "TKDNodeInfo.h" #include "TKDTree.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TLinearFitter.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TBox.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TMarker.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TVectorD.h" #include "TMatrixD.h" ClassImp(TKDInterpolatorBase) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory setup of protected data members // fRefPoints : evaluation point of PDF for each terminal node of underlying KD Tree. // | 1st terminal node (fNDim point coordinates) | 2nd terminal node (fNDim point coordinates) | ... // // fRefValues : evaluation value/error of PDF for each terminal node of underlying KD Tree. // | 1st terminal node (value) | 2nd terminal node (value) | ... | 1st terminal node (error) | 2nd terminal node (error) | ... // // status = |0|0|0|0|0|1(tri-cubic weights)|1(STORE)|1 INT(0 COG )| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_________________________________________________________________ TKDInterpolatorBase::TKDInterpolatorBase(Int_t dim) : fNSize(dim) ,fNTNodes(0) ,fTNodes(0x0) ,fStatus(4) ,fLambda(1 + dim + (dim*(dim+1)>>1)) ,fDepth(-1) ,fAlpha(.5) ,fRefPoints(0x0) ,fBuffer(0x0) ,fKDhelper(0x0) ,fFitter(0x0) { // Default constructor. To be used with care since in this case building // of data structure is completly left to the user responsability. } //_________________________________________________________________ void TKDInterpolatorBase::Build(Int_t n) { // allocate memory for data if(fTNodes) delete fTNodes; fNTNodes = n; fTNodes = new TClonesArray("TKDNodeInfo", fNTNodes); for(int in=0; in fNTNodes) return kFALSE; TKDNodeInfo *node = (TKDNodeInfo*)(*fTNodes)[inode]; coord = &(node->Data()[0]); val = node->Val()[0]; err = node->Val()[1]; return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________ TKDNodeInfo* TKDInterpolatorBase::GetNodeInfo(Int_t inode) const { if(!fTNodes || inode >= fNTNodes) return 0x0; return (TKDNodeInfo*)(*fTNodes)[inode]; } //__________________________________________________________________ void TKDInterpolatorBase::GetStatus() { // Prints the status of the interpolator printf("Interpolator Status :\n"); printf(" Dim : %d [%d]\n", fNSize, fLambda); printf(" Method : %s\n", fStatus&1 ? "INT" : "COG"); printf(" Store : %s\n", fStatus&2 ? "YES" : "NO"); printf(" Weights: %s\n", fStatus&4 ? "YES" : "NO"); printf("fNTNodes %d\n", fNTNodes); //Number of evaluation data points for(int i=0; iPrint(); } } //_________________________________________________________________ Double_t TKDInterpolatorBase::Eval(const Double_t *point, Double_t &result, Double_t &error, Bool_t force) { // Evaluate PDF for "point". The result is returned in "result" and error in "error". The function returns the chi2 of the fit. // // Observations: // // 1. The default method used for interpolation is kCOG. // 2. The initial number of neighbors used for the estimation is set to Int(alpha*fLambda) (alpha = 1.5) Float_t pointF[50]; // local Float_t conversion for "point" for(int idim=0; idimCov() && !force) return node->CookPDF(point, result, error); // Allocate memory if(!fBuffer) fBuffer = new Double_t[2*fLambda]; if(!fKDhelper){ fRefPoints = new Float_t*[fNSize]; for(int id=0; idData()[id]; } fKDhelper = new TKDTreeIF(fNTNodes, fNSize, 30, fRefPoints); fKDhelper->MakeBoundaries(); } if(!fFitter) fFitter = new TLinearFitter(fLambda, Form("hyp%d", fLambda-1)); // generate parabolic for nD //Float_t alpha = Float_t(2*lambda + 1) / fNTNodes; // the bandwidth or smoothing parameter //Int_t npoints = Int_t(alpha * fNTNodes); //printf("Params : %d NPoints %d\n", lambda, npoints); // prepare workers Int_t *index, // indexes of NN ipar, // local looping variable npoints = Int_t((1.+fAlpha)*fLambda); // number of data points used for interpolation Float_t *dist, // distances of NN d, // NN normalized distance w0, // work w; // tri-cubic weight function do{ // find nearest neighbors for(int idim=0; idimFindNearestNeighbors(pointF, npoints+1, index, dist)){ Error("Eval()", Form("Failed retriving %d neighbours for point:", npoints)); for(int idim=0; idimClearPoints(); TKDNodeInfo *tnode = 0x0; for(int in=0; inPrint(); if(fStatus&1){ // INT Float_t *bounds = &(tnode->Data()[fNSize]); ipar = 0; for(int idim=0; idimData()[0]); ipar = 0; for(int idim=0; idimVal()[0], tnode->Val()[1]/w, tnode->Val()[1], w); fFitter->AddPoint(fBuffer, tnode->Val()[0], tnode->Val()[1]/w); } npoints += 4; } while(fFitter->Eval()); // retrive fitter results TMatrixD cov(fLambda, fLambda); TVectorD par(fLambda); fFitter->GetCovarianceMatrix(cov); fFitter->GetParameters(par); Double_t chi2 = fFitter->GetChisquare()/(npoints - 4 - fLambda); // store results if(fStatus&2 && fStatus&1) node->Store(par, cov); // Build df/dpi|x values Double_t *fdfdp = &fBuffer[fLambda]; ipar = 0; fdfdp[ipar++] = 1.; for(int idim=0; idimGetXaxis()->SetTitle(Form("x_{%d}", ax1)); h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("x_{%d}", ax2)); h2->Draw(); const Float_t kBorder = 0.;//1.E-4; TBox *boxArray = new TBox[fNTNodes], *box; Float_t *bounds = 0x0; for(int inode = 0; inode < fNTNodes; inode++){ box = &boxArray[inode]; box->SetFillStyle(3002); box->SetFillColor(50+inode/*Int_t(gRandom->Uniform()*50.)*/); bounds = &(((TKDNodeInfo*)(*fTNodes)[inode])->Data()[fNSize]); box->DrawBox(bounds[2*ax1]+kBorder, bounds[2*ax2]+kBorder, bounds[2*ax1+1]-kBorder, bounds[2*ax2+1]-kBorder); } // Draw reference points TGraph *ref = new TGraph(fNTNodes); ref->SetMarkerStyle(3); ref->SetMarkerSize(.7); ref->SetMarkerColor(2); for(int inode = 0; inode < fNTNodes; inode++){ TKDNodeInfo *node = (TKDNodeInfo*)(*fTNodes)[inode]; ref->SetPoint(inode, node->Data()[ax1], node->Data()[ax2]); } ref->Draw("p"); return; } //__________________________________________________________________ void TKDInterpolatorBase::SetInterpolationMethod(Bool_t on) { // Set interpolation bit to "on". if(on) fStatus += fStatus&1 ? 0 : 1; else fStatus += fStatus&1 ? -1 : 0; } //_________________________________________________________________ void TKDInterpolatorBase::SetStore(Bool_t on) { // Set store bit to "on" if(on) fStatus += fStatus&2 ? 0 : 2; else fStatus += fStatus&2 ? -2 : 0; } //_________________________________________________________________ void TKDInterpolatorBase::SetWeights(Bool_t on) { // Set weights bit to "on" if(on) fStatus += fStatus&4 ? 0 : 4; else fStatus += fStatus&4 ? -4 : 0; }