#include "TKDTree.h" #include "TString.h" #include #ifndef R__ALPHA templateClassImp(TKDTree) #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory setup of protected data members: // // kDataOwner; // Toggle ownership of the data // fNnodes: // size of branch node array, and index of first terminal node // fNDim; // number of variables // fNpoints; // number of multidimensional points // fBucketSize; // number of data points per terminal node // // fIndPoints : array containing rearanged indexes according to nodes: // | point indexes from 1st terminal node (fBucketSize elements) | ... | point indexes from the last terminal node (<= fBucketSize elements) // // Value **fData; // fRange : array containing the boundaries of the domain: // | 1st dimension (min + max) | 2nd dimension (min + max) | ... // fBoundaries : nodes boundaries // | 1st node {1st dim * 2 elements | 2nd dim * 2 elements | ...} | 2nd node {...} | ... // the nodes are arranged in the following order : // - first fNnodes are primary nodes // - after are the terminal nodes // fNodes : array of primary nodes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_________________________________________________________________ template TKDTree::TKDTree() : TObject() ,kDataOwner(kFALSE) ,fNnodes(0) ,fNDim(0) ,fNDimm(0) ,fNpoints(0) ,fBucketSize(0) ,fAxis(0x0) ,fValue(0x0) ,fRange(0x0) ,fData(0x0) ,fBoundaries(0x0) ,fkNNdim(0) ,fkNN(0x0) ,fkNNdist(0x0) ,fDistBuffer(0x0) ,fIndBuffer(0x0) ,fIndPoints(0x0) ,fRowT0(0) ,fCrossNode(0) ,fOffset(0) { // Default constructor. Nothing is built } //_________________________________________________________________ template TKDTree::TKDTree(Index npoints, Index ndim, UInt_t bsize, Value **data) : TObject() ,kDataOwner(kFALSE) ,fNnodes(0) ,fNDim(ndim) ,fNDimm(2*ndim) ,fNpoints(npoints) ,fBucketSize(bsize) ,fAxis(0x0) ,fValue(0x0) ,fRange(0x0) ,fData(data) //Columnwise!!!!! ,fBoundaries(0x0) ,fkNNdim(0) ,fkNN(0x0) ,fkNNdist(0x0) ,fDistBuffer(0x0) ,fIndBuffer(0x0) ,fIndPoints(0x0) ,fRowT0(0) ,fCrossNode(0) ,fOffset(0) { // Allocate data by hand. See TKDTree(TTree*, const Char_t*) for an automatic method. Build(); } //_________________________________________________________________ template TKDTree::~TKDTree() { if (fIndBuffer) delete [] fIndBuffer; if (fDistBuffer) delete [] fDistBuffer; if (fkNNdist) delete [] fkNNdist; if (fkNN) delete [] fkNN; if (fAxis) delete [] fAxis; if (fValue) delete [] fValue; if (fIndPoints) delete [] fIndPoints; if (fRange) delete [] fRange; if (fBoundaries) delete [] fBoundaries; if (kDataOwner && fData){ for(int idim=0; idim void TKDTree::Build(){ // // Build binning // // 1. calculate number of nodes // 2. calculate first terminal row // 3. initialize index array // 4. non recursive building of the binary tree // //1. fNnodes = fNpoints/fBucketSize-1; if (fNpoints%fBucketSize) fNnodes++; //2. fRowT0=0; for (;(fNnodes+1)>(1<=0){ iter++; // Int_t npoints = npointStack[currentIndex]; if (npoints<=fBucketSize) { //printf("terminal node : index %d iter %d\n", currentIndex, iter); currentIndex--; nbucketsall++; continue; // terminal node } Int_t crow = rowStack[currentIndex]; Int_t cpos = posStack[currentIndex]; Int_t cnode = nodeStack[currentIndex]; //printf("currentIndex %d npoints %d node %d\n", currentIndex, npoints, cnode); // // divide points Int_t nbuckets0 = npoints/fBucketSize; //current number of buckets if (npoints%fBucketSize) nbuckets0++; // Int_t restRows = fRowT0-rowStack[currentIndex]; // rest of fully occupied node row if (restRows<0) restRows =0; for (;nbuckets0>(2<(nfull/2)){ nleft = nfull*fBucketSize; nright = npoints-nleft; }else{ nright = nfull*fBucketSize/2; nleft = npoints-nright; } // //find the axis with biggest spread Value maxspread=0; Value tempspread, min, max; Index axspread=0; Value *array; for (Int_t idim=0; idimfAxis, node->fValue); // // npointStack[currentIndex] = nleft; rowStack[currentIndex] = crow+1; posStack[currentIndex] = cpos; nodeStack[currentIndex] = cnode*2+1; currentIndex++; npointStack[currentIndex] = nright; rowStack[currentIndex] = crow+1; posStack[currentIndex] = cpos+nleft; nodeStack[currentIndex] = (cnode*2)+2; // if (0){ // consistency check Info("Build()", Form("points %d left %d right %d", npoints, nleft, nright)); if (nleft Bool_t TKDTree::FindNearestNeighbors(const Value *point, const Int_t k, Index *&in, Value *&d) { // Find "k" nearest neighbors to "point". // // Return true in case of success and false in case of failure. // The indexes of the nearest k points are stored in the array "in" in // increasing order of the distance to "point" and the maxim distance // in "d". // // The arrays "in" and "d" are managed internally by the TKDTree. Index inode = FindNode(point); if(inode < fNnodes){ Error("FindNearestNeighbors()", "Point outside data range."); return kFALSE; } UInt_t debug = 0; Int_t nCalculations = 0; // allocate working memory if(!fDistBuffer){ fDistBuffer = new Value[fBucketSize]; fIndBuffer = new Index[fBucketSize]; } if(fkNNdim < k){ if(debug>=1){ if(fkNN) printf("Reallocate memory %d -> %d \n", fkNNdim, 2*k); else printf("Allocate %d memory\n", 2*k); } fkNNdim = 2*k; if(fkNN){ delete [] fkNN; delete [] fkNNdist; } fkNN = new Index[fkNNdim]; fkNNdist = new Value[fkNNdim]; } memset(fkNN, -1, k*sizeof(Index)); for(int i=0; i=1) printf("Calculate boundaries [nBounds = %d]\n", nBounds); // traverse tree UChar_t ax; Value val, dif; Int_t nAllNodes = fNnodes + GetNTNodes(); Int_t nodeStack[128], nodeIn[128]; Index currentIndex = 0; nodeStack[0] = inode; nodeIn[0] = inode; while(currentIndex>=0){ Int_t tnode = nodeStack[currentIndex]; Int_t entry = nodeIn[currentIndex]; currentIndex--; if(debug>=1) printf("Analyse tnode %d entry %d\n", tnode, entry); // check if node is still eligible Int_t inode = (tnode-1)>>1; //tnode/2 + (tnode%2) - 1; ax = fAxis[inode]; val = fValue[inode]; dif = point[ax] - val; if((TMath::Abs(dif) > fkNNdist[k-1]) && ((dif > 0. && (tnode&1)) || (dif < 0. && !(tnode&1)))) { if(debug>=1) printf("\tremove %d\n", (tnode-1)>>1); // mark bound nBounds++; // end all recursions if(nBounds==2 * fNDim) break; continue; } if(IsTerminal(tnode)){ if(debug>=2) printf("\tProcess terminal node %d\n", tnode); // Link data to terminal node Int_t offset = (tnode >= fCrossNode) ? (tnode-fCrossNode)*fBucketSize : fOffset+(tnode-fNnodes)*fBucketSize; Index *indexPoints = &fIndPoints[offset]; Int_t nbs = (tnode == 2*fNnodes) ? fNpoints%fBucketSize : fBucketSize; nbs = nbs ? nbs : fBucketSize; nCalculations += nbs; Int_t npoints = 0; for(int idx=0; idx= fkNNdist[k-1]) continue; //insert neighbor int iNN=0; while(fDistBuffer[ibrowse] >= fkNNdist[iNN]) iNN++; if(debug>=2) printf("\t\tinsert data %d @ %d distance %f\n", fIndBuffer[ibrowse], iNN, fDistBuffer[ibrowse]); itmp = fkNN[iNN]; ftmp = fkNNdist[iNN]; fkNN[iNN] = fIndBuffer[ibrowse]; fkNNdist[iNN] = fDistBuffer[ibrowse]; for(int ireplace=iNN+1; ireplace=3){ for(int i=0; i>1;//tnode/2 + (tnode%2) - 1; if(pn >= 0 && entry != pn){ // check if parent node is eligible at all if(TMath::Abs(point[fAxis[pn]] - fValue[pn]) > fkNNdist[k-1]){ // mark bound nBounds++; // end all recursions if(nBounds==2 * fNDim) break; } currentIndex++; nodeStack[currentIndex]=pn; nodeIn[currentIndex]=tnode; if(debug>=2) printf("\tregister %d\n", nodeStack[currentIndex]); } if(IsTerminal(tnode)) continue; // register children nodes Int_t cn; Bool_t kAllow[] = {kTRUE, kTRUE}; ax = fAxis[tnode]; val = fValue[tnode]; if(TMath::Abs(point[ax] - val) > fkNNdist[k-1]){ if(point[ax] > val) kAllow[0] = kFALSE; else kAllow[1] = kFALSE; } for(int ic=1; ic<=2; ic++){ if(!kAllow[ic-1]) continue; cn = (tnode<<1)+ic; if(cn < nAllNodes && entry != cn){ currentIndex++; nodeStack[currentIndex] = cn; nodeIn[currentIndex]=tnode; if(debug>=2) printf("\tregister %d\n", nodeStack[currentIndex]); } } } // save results in = fkNN; d = fkNNdist; return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________ template Index TKDTree::FindNode(const Value * point){ // // find the terminal node to which point belongs Index stackNode[128], inode; Int_t currentIndex =0; stackNode[0] = 0; while (currentIndex>=0){ inode = stackNode[currentIndex]; if (IsTerminal(inode)) return inode; currentIndex--; if (point[fAxis[inode]]<=fValue[inode]){ currentIndex++; stackNode[currentIndex]=(inode<<1)+1; } if (point[fAxis[inode]]>=fValue[inode]){ currentIndex++; stackNode[currentIndex]=(inode+1)<<1; } } return -1; } //_________________________________________________________________ template void TKDTree::FindPoint(Value * point, Index &index, Int_t &iter){ // // find the index of point // works only if we keep fData pointers Int_t stackNode[128]; Int_t currentIndex =0; stackNode[0] = 0; iter =0; // while (currentIndex>=0){ iter++; Int_t inode = stackNode[currentIndex]; currentIndex--; if (IsTerminal(inode)){ // investigate terminal node Int_t indexIP = (inode >= fCrossNode) ? (inode-fCrossNode)*fBucketSize : (inode-fNnodes)*fBucketSize+fOffset; printf("terminal %d indexP %d\n", inode, indexIP); for (Int_t ibucket=0;ibucket=fNpoints) continue; Int_t index0 = fIndPoints[indexIP]; for (Int_t idim=0;idim=fValue[inode]){ currentIndex++; stackNode[currentIndex]=(inode*2)+2; } } // // printf("Iter\t%d\n",iter); } //_________________________________________________________________ template void TKDTree::FindInRangeA(Value * point, Value * delta, Index *res , Index &npoints, Index & iter, Int_t bnode) { // // Find all points in the range specified by (point +- range) // res - Resulting indexes are stored in res array // npoints - Number of selected indexes in range // NOTICE: // For some cases it is better to don't keep data - because of memory consumption // If the data are not kept - only boundary conditions are investigated // some of the data can be outside of the range // What is guranteed in this mode: All of the points in the range are selected + some fraction of others (but close) Index stackNode[128]; iter=0; Index currentIndex = 0; stackNode[currentIndex] = bnode; while (currentIndex>=0){ iter++; Int_t inode = stackNode[currentIndex]; // currentIndex--; if (!IsTerminal(inode)){ // not terminal //TKDNode * node = &(fNodes[inode]); if (point[fAxis[inode]] - delta[fAxis[inode]] < fValue[inode]) { currentIndex++; stackNode[currentIndex]= (inode*2)+1; } if (point[fAxis[inode]] + delta[fAxis[inode]] >= fValue[inode]){ currentIndex++; stackNode[currentIndex]= (inode*2)+2; } }else{ Int_t indexIP = (inode >= fCrossNode) ? (inode-fCrossNode)*fBucketSize : (inode-fNnodes)*fBucketSize+fOffset; for (Int_t ibucket=0;ibucket=fNpoints) break; res[npoints] = fIndPoints[indexIP+ibucket]; npoints++; } } } if (fData){ // // compress rest if data still accesible // Index npoints2 = npoints; npoints=0; for (Index i=0; idelta[idim]) isOK = kFALSE; } if (isOK){ res[npoints] = res[i]; npoints++; } } } } //_________________________________________________________________ template void TKDTree::FindInRangeB(Value * point, Value * delta, Index *res , Index &npoints,Index & iter, Int_t bnode) { // Long64_t goldStatus = (1<<(2*fNDim))-1; // gold status Index stackNode[128]; Long64_t stackStatus[128]; iter=0; Index currentIndex = 0; stackNode[currentIndex] = bnode; stackStatus[currentIndex] = 0; while (currentIndex>=0){ Int_t inode = stackNode[currentIndex]; Long64_t status = stackStatus[currentIndex]; currentIndex--; iter++; if (IsTerminal(inode)){ Int_t indexIP = (inode >= fCrossNode) ? (inode-fCrossNode)*fBucketSize : (inode-fNnodes)*fBucketSize+fOffset; for (Int_t ibucket=0;ibucket=fNpoints) break; res[npoints] = fIndPoints[indexIP+ibucket]; npoints++; } continue; } // not terminal if (status == goldStatus){ Int_t ileft = inode; Int_t iright = inode; for (;ileft= fCrossNode) ? (ileft-fCrossNode)*fBucketSize : (ileft-fNnodes)*fBucketSize+fOffset; Int_t indexR = (iright >= fCrossNode) ? (iright-fCrossNode)*fBucketSize : (iright-fNnodes)*fBucketSize+fOffset; if (indexL<=indexR){ Int_t endpoint = indexR+fBucketSize; if (endpoint>fNpoints) endpoint=fNpoints; for (Int_t ipoint=indexL;ipoint * node = &(fNodes[inode]); if (point[fAxis[inode]] - delta[fAxis[inode]] < fValue[inode]) { currentIndex++; stackNode[currentIndex]= (inode<<1)+1; if (point[fAxis[inode]] + delta[fAxis[inode]] > fValue[inode]) stackStatus[currentIndex]= status | (1<<(2*fAxis[inode])); } if (point[fAxis[inode]] + delta[fAxis[inode]] >= fValue[inode]){ currentIndex++; stackNode[currentIndex]= (inode<<1)+2; if (point[fAxis[inode]] - delta[fAxis[inode]]delta[idim]) isOK = kFALSE; } if (isOK){ res[npoints] = res[i]; npoints++; } } } } //_________________________________________________________________ template void TKDTree::SetData(Index npoints, Index ndim, UInt_t bsize, Value **data) { // TO DO // // Check reconstruction/reallocation of memory of data. Maybe it is not // necessary to delete and realocate space but only to use the same space Clear(); //Columnwise!!!! fData = data; fNpoints = npoints; fNDim = ndim; fBucketSize = bsize; Build(); } //_________________________________________________________________ template void TKDTree::Spread(Index ntotal, Value *a, Index *index, Value &min, Value &max) { //Value min, max; Index i; min = a[index[0]]; max = a[index[0]]; for (i=0; imax) max = a[index[i]]; } } //_________________________________________________________________ template Value TKDTree::KOrdStat(Index ntotal, Value *a, Index k, Index *index) { // //copy of the TMath::KOrdStat because I need an Index work array Index i, ir, j, l, mid; Index arr; Index temp; Index rk = k; l=0; ir = ntotal-1; for(;;) { if (ir<=l+1) { //active partition contains 1 or 2 elements if (ir == l+1 && a[index[ir]]> 1; //choose median of left, center and right {temp = index[mid]; index[mid]=index[l+1]; index[l+1]=temp;}//elements as partitioning element arr. if (a[index[l]]>a[index[ir]]) //also rearrange so that a[l]<=a[l+1] {temp = index[l]; index[l]=index[ir]; index[ir]=temp;} if (a[index[l+1]]>a[index[ir]]) {temp=index[l+1]; index[l+1]=index[ir]; index[ir]=temp;} if (a[index[l]]>a[index[l+1]]) {temp = index[l]; index[l]=index[l+1]; index[l+1]=temp;} i=l+1; //initialize pointers for partitioning j=ir; arr = index[l+1]; for (;;) { do i++; while (a[index[i]]a[arr]); if (j=rk) ir = j-1; //keep active the partition that if (j<=rk) l=i; //contains the k_th element } } } //_________________________________________________________________ template void TKDTree::MakeBoundaries(Value *range) { // Build boundaries for each node. if(range) memcpy(fRange, range, fNDimm*sizeof(Value)); // total number of nodes including terminal nodes Int_t totNodes = fNnodes + GetNTNodes(); fBoundaries = new Value[totNodes*fNDimm]; //Info("MakeBoundaries(Value*)", Form("Allocate boundaries for %d nodes", totNodes)); // loop Value *tbounds = 0x0, *cbounds = 0x0; Int_t cn; for(int inode=fNnodes-1; inode>=0; inode--){ tbounds = &fBoundaries[inode*fNDimm]; memcpy(tbounds, fRange, fNDimm*sizeof(Value)); // check left child node cn = (inode<<1)+1; if(IsTerminal(cn)) CookBoundaries(inode, kTRUE); cbounds = &fBoundaries[fNDimm*cn]; for(int idim=0; idim void TKDTree::CookBoundaries(const Int_t node, Bool_t LEFT) { // define index of this terminal node Int_t index = (node<<1) + (LEFT ? 1 : 2); //Info("CookBoundaries()", Form("Node %d", index)); // build and initialize boundaries for this node Value *tbounds = &fBoundaries[fNDimm*index]; memcpy(tbounds, fRange, fNDimm*sizeof(Value)); Bool_t flag[256]; // cope with up to 128 dimensions memset(flag, kFALSE, fNDimm); Int_t nvals = 0; // recurse parent nodes Int_t pn = node; while(pn >= 0 && nvals < fNDimm){ if(LEFT){ index = (fAxis[pn]<<1)+1; if(!flag[index]) { tbounds[index] = fValue[pn]; flag[index] = kTRUE; nvals++; } } else { index = fAxis[pn]<<1; if(!flag[index]) { tbounds[index] = fValue[pn]; flag[index] = kTRUE; nvals++; } } LEFT = pn&1; pn = (pn - 1)>>1; } } template class TKDTree; template class TKDTree;