#ifndef AliAODTrack_H #define AliAODTrack_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AOD track base class // Author: Markus Oldenburg, CERN //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "AliVirtualParticle.h" #include "AliAODVertex.h" #include "AliAODRedCov.h" class AliAODTrack : public AliVirtualParticle { public: enum AODTrk_t {kUndef = -1, kPrimary, kSecondary, kOrphan}; enum AODTrkBits_t { kIsDCA=BIT(14), // set if fPosition is the DCA and not the position of the first point kUsedForVtxFit=BIT(15), // set if this track was used to fit the vertex it is attached to kUsedForPrimVtxFit=BIT(16) // set if this track was used to fit the primary vertex }; enum AODTrkPID_t { kElectron = 0, kMuon = 1, kPion = 2, kKaon = 3, kProton = 4, kDeuteron = 5, kTriton = 6, kHelium3 = 7, kAlpha = 8, kUnknown = 9, kMostProbable = -1 }; AliAODTrack(); AliAODTrack(Int_t id, Int_t label, Double_t p[3], Bool_t cartesian, Double_t x[3], Bool_t dca, Double_t covMatrix[21], Short_t q, UChar_t itsClusMap, Double_t pid[10], AliAODVertex *prodVertex, Bool_t usedForVtxFit, Bool_t usedForPrimVtxFit, AODTrk_t ttype=kUndef); AliAODTrack(Int_t id, Int_t label, Float_t p[3], Bool_t cartesian, Float_t x[3], Bool_t dca, Float_t covMatrix[21], Short_t q, UChar_t itsClusMap, Float_t pid[10], AliAODVertex *prodVertex, Bool_t usedForVtxFit, Bool_t usedForPrimVtxFit, AODTrk_t ttype=kUndef); virtual ~AliAODTrack(); AliAODTrack(const AliAODTrack& trk); AliAODTrack& operator=(const AliAODTrack& trk); // kinematics virtual Double_t OneOverPt() const { return (fMomentum[0] != 0.) ? 1./fMomentum[0] : -999.; } virtual Double_t Phi() const { return fMomentum[1]; } virtual Double_t Theta() const { return fMomentum[2]; } virtual Double_t Px() const { return fMomentum[0] * TMath::Cos(fMomentum[1]); } virtual Double_t Py() const { return fMomentum[0] * TMath::Sin(fMomentum[1]); } virtual Double_t Pz() const { return fMomentum[0] / TMath::Tan(fMomentum[2]); } virtual Double_t Pt() const { return fMomentum[0]; } virtual Double_t P() const { return TMath::Sqrt(Pt()*Pt()+Pz()*Pz()); } Double_t Chi2perNDF() const { return fChi2perNDF; } virtual Double_t M() const { return M(GetMostProbablePID()); } Double_t M(AODTrkPID_t pid) const; virtual Double_t E() const { return E(GetMostProbablePID()); } Double_t E(AODTrkPID_t pid) const; Double_t E(Double_t m) const { return TMath::Sqrt(P()*P() + m*m); } virtual Double_t Y() const { return Y(GetMostProbablePID()); } Double_t Y(AODTrkPID_t pid) const; Double_t Y(Double_t m) const; virtual Double_t Eta() const { return -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5 * fMomentum[2])); } virtual Short_t Charge() const {return fCharge; } // PID virtual const Double_t *PID() const { return fPID; } AODTrkPID_t GetMostProbablePID() const; void ConvertAliPIDtoAODPID(); template void GetPID(T *pid) const { for(Int_t i=0; i<10; ++i) pid[i]=fPID[i];} template void SetPID(const T *pid) { if(pid) for(Int_t i=0; i<10; ++i) fPID[i]=pid[i]; else {for(Int_t i=0; i<10; fPID[i++]=0.); fPID[AliAODTrack::kUnknown]=1.;}} Int_t GetID() const { return fID; } Int_t GetLabel() const { return fLabel; } Char_t GetType() const { return fType;} Bool_t GetUsedForVtxFit() const { return TestBit(kUsedForVtxFit); } Bool_t GetUsedForPrimVtxFit() const { return TestBit(kUsedForPrimVtxFit); } template void GetP(T *p) const { p[0]=fMomentum[0]; p[1]=fMomentum[1]; p[2]=fMomentum[2];} template void GetPxPyPz(T *p) const { p[0] = Px(); p[1] = Py(); p[2] = Pz();} template Bool_t GetPosition(T *x) const { x[0]=fPosition[0]; x[1]=fPosition[1]; x[2]=fPosition[2]; return TestBit(kIsDCA);} template void SetCovMatrix(const T *covMatrix) { if(!fCovMatrix) fCovMatrix=new AliAODRedCov<6>(); fCovMatrix->SetCovMatrix(covMatrix);} template Bool_t GetCovMatrix(T *covMatrix) const { if(!fCovMatrix) return kFALSE; fCovMatrix->GetCovMatrix(covMatrix); return kTRUE;} void RemoveCovMatrix() {delete fCovMatrix; fCovMatrix=NULL;} UChar_t GetITSClusterMap() const { return (UChar_t)fITSMuonClusterMap; } UInt_t GetMUONClusterMap() const { return fITSMuonClusterMap/65536; } UInt_t GetITSMUONClusterMap() const { return fITSMuonClusterMap; } AliAODVertex *GetProdVertex() const { return (AliAODVertex*)fProdVertex.GetObject(); } // print void Print(const Option_t *opt = "") const; // setters void SetID(Int_t id) { fID = id; } void SetLabel(Int_t label) {fLabel = label; } template void SetPosition(const T *x, Bool_t isDCA = kFALSE); void SetDCA(Double_t d, Double_t z); void SetUsedForVtxFit(Bool_t used = kTRUE) { used ? SetBit(kUsedForVtxFit) : ResetBit(kUsedForVtxFit); } void SetUsedForPrimVtxFit(Bool_t used = kTRUE) { used ? SetBit(kUsedForPrimVtxFit) : ResetBit(kUsedForPrimVtxFit); } void SetOneOverPt(Double_t oneOverPt) { fMomentum[0] = oneOverPt; } void SetPt(Double_t pt) { fMomentum[0] = pt; }; void SetPhi(Double_t phi) { fMomentum[1] = phi; } void SetTheta(Double_t theta) { fMomentum[2] = theta; } template void SetP(const T *p, Bool_t cartesian = kTRUE); void SetP() {fMomentum[0]=fMomentum[1]=fMomentum[2]=-999.;} void SetCharge(Short_t q) { fCharge = q; } void SetChi2perNDF(Double_t chi2perNDF) { fChi2perNDF = chi2perNDF; } void SetITSClusterMap(UChar_t itsClusMap) { fITSMuonClusterMap = (UInt_t)itsClusMap; } void SetMuonClusterMap(UInt_t muonClusMap) { fITSMuonClusterMap = muonClusMap*65536; } void SetITSMuonClusterMap(UInt_t itsMuonClusMap) { fITSMuonClusterMap = itsMuonClusMap; } Int_t GetMatchTrigger() const {return fITSMuonClusterMap>>30;} // 0 Muon track does not match trigger // 1 Muon track match but does not pass pt cut // 2 Muon track match Low pt cut // 3 Muon track match High pt cut void SetMatchTrigger(Int_t MatchTrigger); Int_t MatchTrigger(){ return (GetMatchTrigger()>0)?1:0; } // Muon track matches trigger track Int_t MatchTriggerAnyPt(){ return (GetMatchTrigger()>0)?1:0; } // Muon track matches trigger track Int_t MatchTriggerLowPt(){ return (GetMatchTrigger()>1)?1:0; } // Muon track matches trigger track and passes Low pt cut Int_t MatchTriggerHighPt(){ return (GetMatchTrigger()>2)?1:0; } // Muon track matches trigger track and passes High pt cut Double_t GetChi2MatchTrigger() const {return fChi2MatchTrigger;} void SetChi2MatchTrigger(Double_t Chi2MatchTrigger) {fChi2MatchTrigger = Chi2MatchTrigger;} UShort_t GetHitsPatternInTrigCh() const { return (fITSMuonClusterMap&0xff00)>>8; } void SetHitsPatternInTrigCh(UShort_t hitsPatternInTrigCh); Int_t HitsMT(Int_t istation, Int_t iplane, Char_t *cathode=0); // Check if track hits Muon chambers Int_t HitsMuonChamber(Int_t MuonChamber); // Check if track hits Muon chambers void SetProdVertex(TObject *vertex) { fProdVertex = vertex; } // name and title void SetType(AODTrk_t ttype) { fType=ttype; } private : // Momentum & position Double32_t fMomentum[3]; // momemtum stored in pt, phi, theta Double32_t fPosition[3]; // position of first point on track or dca Double32_t fPID[10]; // [0.,1.,8] pointer to PID object Double32_t fChi2perNDF; // chi2/NDF of mometum fit Int_t fID; // unique track ID, points back to the ESD track Int_t fLabel; // track label, points back to MC track AliAODRedCov<6> *fCovMatrix; // covariance matrix (x, y, z, px, py, pz) TRef fProdVertex; // vertex of origin Char_t fCharge; // particle charge UInt_t fITSMuonClusterMap; // map of ITS and muon clusters, one bit per layer (ITS: bit 1-8, muon: bit 17-32) Char_t fType; // Track Type Double_t fChi2MatchTrigger; // chi2 of trigger/track matching ClassDef(AliAODTrack,2); }; #endif