/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Analysis Oriented Data (AOD) V0 vertex class // Authors: B.Hippolyte, IReS, hippolyt@in2p3.fr // G.Van Buren, BNL, gene@bnl.gov (original STAR MuDsts) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliAODv0.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" ClassImp(AliAODv0) AliAODv0::AliAODv0() : AliAODRecoDecay(), fDcaV0ToPrimVertex(999), fOnFlyStatus(kFALSE) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Default constructor //-------------------------------------------------------------------- fCharge = 0; fNProngs = 2; fNDCA = 1; fNPID = 0; // used to be 2! fDCA = new Double_t[fNDCA]; fDCA[0] = 999; fPx = new Double_t[GetNProngs()]; fPy = new Double_t[GetNProngs()]; fPz = new Double_t[GetNProngs()]; fPx[0] = 999; fPy[0] = 999; fPz[0] = 999; fPx[1] = 999; fPy[1] = 999; fPz[1] = 999; fd0 = new Double_t[GetNProngs()]; fd0[0] = 999; fd0[1] = 999; } AliAODv0::AliAODv0(AliAODVertex* rAODVertex, Double_t rDcaV0Daughters, Double_t rDcaV0ToPrimVertex, const Double_t *rMomPos, const Double_t *rMomNeg, Double_t *rDcaDaughterToPrimVertex) : AliAODRecoDecay(rAODVertex,2,0,rDcaDaughterToPrimVertex), fDcaV0ToPrimVertex(rDcaV0ToPrimVertex), fOnFlyStatus(kFALSE) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor via setting each data member //-------------------------------------------------------------------- fCharge = 0; fNProngs = 2; fNDCA = 1; fNPID = 0; // used to be 2! fDCA = new Double_t[fNDCA]; fDCA[0] = rDcaV0Daughters; fDcaV0ToPrimVertex = rDcaV0ToPrimVertex; fPx = new Double_t[GetNProngs()]; fPy = new Double_t[GetNProngs()]; fPz = new Double_t[GetNProngs()]; fPx[0] = rMomPos[0] ; fPy[0] = rMomPos[1]; fPz[0] = rMomPos[2]; fPx[1] = rMomNeg[0]; fPy[1] = rMomNeg[1]; fPz[1] = rMomNeg[2]; } AliAODv0::AliAODv0(const AliAODv0& rAliAODv0) : AliAODRecoDecay(rAliAODv0), fDcaV0ToPrimVertex(rAliAODv0.fDcaV0ToPrimVertex), fOnFlyStatus(rAliAODv0.fOnFlyStatus) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy constructor //-------------------------------------------------------------------- } AliAODv0& AliAODv0::operator=(const AliAODv0& rAliAODv0){ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Assignment overload //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if(this!=&rAliAODv0) { AliAODRecoDecay::operator=(rAliAODv0); this->fDcaV0ToPrimVertex = rAliAODv0.fDcaV0ToPrimVertex ; this->fOnFlyStatus = rAliAODv0.fOnFlyStatus; } return *this; } AliAODv0::~AliAODv0(){ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Empty destructor //-------------------------------------------------------------------- } void AliAODv0::Fill(AliAODVertex *rAODVertex, Double_t rDcaV0Daughters, Double_t rDcaV0ToPrimVertex, const Double_t *rMomPos, const Double_t *rMomNeg, Double_t *rDcaDaughterToPrimVertex){ this->SetSecondaryVtx(rAODVertex); fDCA[0] = rDcaV0Daughters; fDcaV0ToPrimVertex = rDcaV0ToPrimVertex; fPx[0] = rMomPos[0] ; fPy[0] = rMomPos[1]; fPz[0] = rMomPos[2]; fPx[1] = rMomNeg[0]; fPy[1] = rMomNeg[1]; fPz[1] = rMomNeg[2]; fd0[0] = rDcaDaughterToPrimVertex[0]; fd0[1] = rDcaDaughterToPrimVertex[1]; } void AliAODv0::ResetV0(){ GetSecondaryVtx()->SetChi2perNDF(999); GetSecondaryVtx()->RemoveCovMatrix(); GetSecondaryVtx()->RemoveDaughters(); GetSecondaryVtx()->SetParent((TObject*) 0x0); GetSecondaryVtx()->SetID(-1); GetSecondaryVtx()->SetPosition(999,999,999); GetSecondaryVtx()->SetType(AliAODVertex::kUndef); fDCA[0] = 999; fDcaV0ToPrimVertex = 999; fPx[0] = 999; fPy[0] = 999; fPz[0] = 999; fPx[1] = 999; fPy[1] = 999; fPz[1] = 999; fd0[0] = 999; fd0[1] = 999; } Short_t AliAODv0::GetPosID() const { AliAODTrack *posTrack = (AliAODTrack *) (this->GetSecondaryVtx()->GetDaughter(0)); Short_t posID = posTrack->GetID(); return posID; } Short_t AliAODv0::GetNegID() const { AliAODTrack *negTrack = (AliAODTrack *) (this->GetSecondaryVtx()->GetDaughter(1)); Short_t negID = negTrack->GetID(); return negID; } void AliAODv0::Print(Option_t* /*option*/) const { // // Print some information // AliAODRecoDecay::Print(); printf("AliAODv0: invariant mass (k0s %.6f, lambda %.6f, anti-lambda %.6f) \n",MassK0Short(),MassLambda(),MassAntiLambda()); printf("AliAODv0: dca (v0d %.6f, v0tpv %.6f, postpv %.6f, negtpv %.6f ) \n",DcaV0Daughters(),DcaV0ToPrimVertex(),DcaPosToPrimVertex(),DcaNegToPrimVertex()); printf("AliAODv0: mom (ptot2 %.6f, pt2 %.6f, rapk0 %.6f, rapla %.6f ) \n",Ptot2V0(),Pt2V0(),RapK0Short(),RapLambda()); printf("AliAODv0: cin (mpav0 %.6f, mnav0 %.6f, alpha %.6f, ptarm %.6f ) \n",MomPosAlongV0(),MomNegAlongV0(),AlphaV0(),PtArmV0()); printf("AliAODv0: nrg (eppro %.6f, enpro %.6f, eppio %.6f, enpio %.6f ) \n",EPosProton(),ENegProton(),EPosPion(),ENegPion()); return; }