//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AliBarrelTrack is a snapshot of the TPC or TRD track. // The barrel track is stored by tracker every time a track is crossing // reference plane. // // Barrel track have // - state vactor in "external represenantion" // - diagonal elements of covariance matric // - auxiliary paramrters: // chi2, number of clusters, number of sector srossed // - methods to compare with track references // // Barrel track can be directly compared with AliTrackReferences, // TPC and TRD tracks can be compared using the same macro. // // S. Radomski, [GSI] mail: S.Radomski@gsi.de // 07.04.2003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliBarrelTrack.h" ClassImp(AliBarrelTrack) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliBarrelTrack:: AliBarrelTrack() : TObject() { // // Standard constructor // reset all data-members // fLabel = fRefPlane = fIsIn = 0; fX = fAlpha = 0.0; fZ = fY = fTgLambda = fSnPhi = f1Pt = 0.0; for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) fTimeHypothesis[i] = 0; fLength = 0.0; fNClusters = fNWrong = fNRotate = 0; fChi2 = 0.0; fMass = fdEdX = 0; fCy = fCz = fCtg = fCpt = fCphi = 0.0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliBarrelTrack::SetLabel(Int_t label) { // // Sets the label // fLabel = label; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliBarrelTrack::SetX(Double_t x, Double_t alpha) { // fX = x; fAlpha = alpha; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliBarrelTrack::SetRefPlane(Int_t nRefPlane, Int_t isIn) { fRefPlane = nRefPlane; fIsIn = isIn; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliBarrelTrack::SetNClusters(Int_t nClusters, Double_t chi2) { fNClusters = nClusters; fChi2 = chi2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliBarrelTrack::SetTime(Double_t time[5], Double_t length) { for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) fTimeHypothesis[i] = time[i]; fLength = length; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliBarrelTrack::SetStateVector(Double_t vec[5]) { // // Set State Vector from external representation // fY = vec[0]; fZ = vec[1]; fTgLambda = vec[3]; fSnPhi = vec[2]; f1Pt = vec[4]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliBarrelTrack::SetCovarianceMatrix(Double_t vec[15]) { // // Set Covariance Matrix from external represenatation // fCy = vec[0]; fCz = vec[2]; fCtg = vec[9]; fCphi = vec[5]; fCpt = vec[14]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////