#ifndef ALIESDV0_H #define ALIESDV0_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ESD V0 Vertex Class // This class is part of the Event Summary Data set of classes // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch // Modified by: Marian Ivanov, CERN, Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch // and Boris Hippolyte,IPHC, hippolyt@in2p3.fr //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "AliESDV0Params.h" #include "AliExternalTrackParam.h" class AliESDv0 : public TObject { public: AliESDv0(); AliESDv0(const AliExternalTrackParam &t1, Int_t i1, const AliExternalTrackParam &t2, Int_t i2); AliESDv0(const AliESDv0&); virtual ~AliESDv0(); Double_t ChangeMassHypothesis(Int_t code=kK0Short); Int_t GetPdgCode() const {return fPdgCode;} Double_t GetEffMass() const {return fEffMass;} Double_t GetChi2V0() const {return fChi2V0;} void GetPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const; void GetNPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const; void GetPPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const; void GetXYZ(Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const; Double_t GetD(Double_t x0=0.,Double_t y0=0.,Double_t z0=0.) const; Int_t GetNindex() const {return fNidx;} Int_t GetPindex() const {return fPidx;} void SetESDindexes(Int_t ip, Int_t im){fNidx=ip;fPidx=im;} void SetDcaV0Daughters(Double_t rDcaV0Daughters=0.); Double_t GetDcaV0Daughters() {return fDcaV0Daughters;} Double_t GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle(Double_t&, Double_t&, Double_t&) const; void SetOnFlyStatus(Bool_t status){fOnFlyStatus=status;} Bool_t GetOnFlyStatus() const {return fOnFlyStatus;} // **** The following member functions need to be revised *** Double_t GetSigmaY(); // sigma of y coordinate at vertex posistion Double_t GetSigmaZ(); // sigma of z coordinate at vertex posistion Double_t GetSigmaAP0(); // calculate sigma of Point angle resolution at vertex pos. Double_t GetSigmaD0(); // calculate sigma of position resolution at vertex pos. Double_t GetEffectiveSigmaAP0(); // calculate sigma of point angle resolution at vertex pos. effecive parameterization Double_t GetEffectiveSigmaD0(); // calculate sigma of position resolution at vertex pos. Double_t GetMinimaxSigmaAP0(); // calculate mini-max sigma of point angle resolution Double_t GetMinimaxSigmaD0(); // calculate mini-max sigma of dca resolution Double_t GetLikelihoodAP(Int_t mode0, Int_t mode1); // get likelihood for point angle Double_t GetLikelihoodD(Int_t mode0, Int_t mode1); // get likelihood for DCA Double_t GetLikelihoodC(Int_t mode0, Int_t mode1); // get likelihood for Causality // // const AliExternalTrackParam *GetParamP() const {return &fParamP;} const AliExternalTrackParam *GetParamM() const {return &fParamN;} static const AliESDV0Params & GetParameterization(){return fgkParams;} void SetP(const AliExternalTrackParam & paramp); void SetM(const AliExternalTrackParam & paramd); void SetRp(const Double_t *rp); void SetRm(const Double_t *rm); void UpdatePID(Double_t pidp[5], Double_t pidm[5]); void SetStatus(Int_t status){fStatus=status;} Int_t GetStatus() const {return fStatus;} Float_t GetEffMass(UInt_t p1, UInt_t p2); Float_t GetProb(UInt_t p1, UInt_t p2); void SetID(Int_t id){fID =id;} Int_t GetID() const { return fID;} Int_t GetIndex(Int_t i) const {return fIndex[i];} void SetIndex(Int_t i, Int_t ind) {fIndex[i]=ind;} void SetDist1(Double_t d1) {fDist1=d1;} void SetDist2(Double_t d2) {fDist2=d2;} Double_t GetDist1() const {return fDist1;} Double_t GetDist2() const {return fDist2;} Double_t *GetAnglep() {return fAngle;} Double_t GetRr() const {return fRr;} void SetRr(Double_t rr) {fRr=rr;} Double_t *GetPMp() {return fPM;} Double_t *GetPPp() {return fPP;} Double_t *GetXrp() {return fXr;} Double_t GetXr(Int_t i) const {return fXr[i];} Double_t GetDistSigma() const {return fDistSigma;} void SetDistSigma(Double_t ds) {fDistSigma=ds;} Double_t GetDistNorm() const {return fDistNorm;} void SetDistNorm(Double_t ds) {fDistNorm=ds;} Float_t GetChi2Before() const {return fChi2Before;} void SetChi2Before(Float_t cb) {fChi2Before=cb;} Float_t GetChi2After() const {return fChi2After;} void SetChi2After(Float_t ca) {fChi2After=ca;} Float_t GetPointAngle() const {return fPointAngle;} void SetOrder(Int_t i, Int_t ord) {fOrder[i]=ord;} Float_t GetNAfter() const {return fNAfter;} void SetNAfter(Float_t na) {fNAfter=na;} Float_t GetNBefore() const {return fNBefore;} void SetNBefore(Float_t nb) {fNBefore=nb;} Int_t GetLab(Int_t i) const {return fLab[i];} void SetLab(Int_t i, Int_t lab) {fLab[i]=lab;} void SetCausality(Float_t pb0, Float_t pb1, Float_t pa0, Float_t pa1); const Float_t * GetCausalityP() const {return fCausality;} void SetClusters(Int_t *clp, Int_t *clm); const Int_t * GetClusters(Int_t i) const {return fClusters[i];} void SetNormDCAPrim(Float_t nd0, Float_t nd1){fNormDCAPrim[0] = nd0; fNormDCAPrim[1]=nd1;} const Float_t *GetNormDCAPrimP() const {return fNormDCAPrim;} protected: Bool_t fOnFlyStatus; // if kTRUE, then this V0 is recontructed // "on fly" during the tracking Int_t fPdgCode; // reconstructed V0's type (PDG code) Double_t fEffMass; // reconstructed V0's effective mass Double_t fDcaV0Daughters; // dca between V0's daughters Double_t fChi2V0; // V0's chi2 value Double_t fPos[3]; // V0's position (global) Double_t fPosCov[6]; // covariance matrix of the vertex position Int_t fNidx; // index of the negative daughter Double_t fNmom[3]; // momentum of the negative daughter (global) Double_t fNmomCov[6]; // covariance matrix of the negative daughter mom. Int_t fPidx; // index of the positive daughter Double_t fPmom[3]; // momentum of the positive daughter (global) Double_t fPmomCov[6]; // covariance matrix of the positive daughter mom. // **** The following data members need to be revised *** AliExternalTrackParam fParamP; // external parameters of positive particle AliExternalTrackParam fParamN; // external parameters of negative particle Float_t fRP[5]; // combined pid positive Float_t fRM[5]; // combined pid positive Int_t fID; // ID number of the V0 in the ESDV0 container Int_t fLab[2]; // MC label of the particle Int_t fIndex[2]; // reconstructed labels of the tracks Int_t fClusters[2][6]; //! its clusters // // Float_t fNormDCAPrim[2]; // normalize distance to the priary vertex Double_t fDist1; //info about closest distance according closest MC - linear DCA Double_t fDist2; //info about closest distance parabolic DCA // Double_t fPP[3]; //momentum positive - according approx at DCA Double_t fPM[3]; //momentum negative // Double_t fXr[3]; //rec. position according helix Double_t fAngle[3]; //three angles Double_t fRr; //rec position of the vertex Int_t fStatus; //status Int_t fRow0; // critical layer Int_t fOrder[3]; //order of the vertex // quality information Double_t fDistNorm; //normalized DCA Double_t fDistSigma; //sigma of distance Float_t fCausality[4]; // causality information - see comments in SetCausality Float_t fChi2Before; //chi2 of the tracks before V0 Float_t fNBefore; // number of possible points before V0 Float_t fChi2After; // chi2 of the tracks after V0 Float_t fNAfter; // number of possible points after V0 Float_t fPointAngleFi; //point angle fi Float_t fPointAngleTh; //point angle theta Double_t fPointAngle; //point angle full // // parameterization coefficients static AliESDV0Params fgkParams; // resolution and likelihood parameterization private: AliESDv0& operator=(const AliESDv0&); ClassDef(AliESDv0,2) // ESD V0 vertex }; inline void AliESDv0::GetNPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const { px=fNmom[0]; py=fNmom[1]; pz=fNmom[2]; } inline void AliESDv0::GetPPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const { px=fPmom[0]; py=fPmom[1]; pz=fPmom[2]; } inline void AliESDv0::SetDcaV0Daughters(Double_t rDcaV0Daughters){ fDcaV0Daughters=rDcaV0Daughters; } #endif