//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The AliKFParticleBase class // . // @author S.Gorbunov, I.Kisel // @version 1.0 // @since 13.05.07 // // Class to reconstruct and store the decayed particle parameters. // The method is described in CBM-SOFT note 2007-003, // ``Reconstruction of decayed particles based on the Kalman filter'', // http://www.gsi.de/documents/DOC-2007-May-14-1.pdf // // This class describes general mathematics which is used by AliKFParticle class // // -= Copyright © ALICE HLT Group =- //_________________________________________________________________________________ #ifndef ALIKFPARTICLEBASE_H #define ALIKFPARTICLEBASE_H #include "TObject.h" class AliKFParticleBase :public TObject { public: //* //* ABSTRACT METHODS HAVE TO BE DEFINED IN USER CLASS //* //* Virtual method to access the magnetic field virtual void GetFieldValue(const Double_t xyz[], Double_t B[]) const = 0; //* Virtual methods needed for particle transportation //* One can use particular implementations for collider (only Bz component) //* geometry and for fixed-target (CBM-like) geometry which are provided below //* in TRANSPORT section //* Get dS to xyz[] space point virtual Double_t GetDStoPoint( const Double_t xyz[] ) const = 0; //* Get dS to other particle p (dSp for particle p also returned) virtual void GetDStoParticle( const AliKFParticleBase &p, Double_t &DS, Double_t &DSp ) const = 0; //* Transport on dS value along trajectory, output to P,C virtual void Transport( Double_t dS, Double_t P[], Double_t C[] ) const = 0; //* //* INITIALIZATION //* //* Constructor AliKFParticleBase(); //* Destructor virtual ~AliKFParticleBase() { ; } //* Initialisation from "cartesian" coordinates ( X Y Z Px Py Pz ) //* Parameters, covariance matrix, charge, and mass hypothesis should be provided void Initialize( const Double_t Param[], const Double_t Cov[], Int_t Charge, Double_t Mass ); //* Initialise covariance matrix and set current parameters to 0.0 void Initialize(); //* Set decay vertex parameters for linearisation void SetVtxGuess( Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z ); //* //* ACCESSORS //* //* Simple accessors Double_t GetX () const { return fP[0]; } Double_t GetY () const { return fP[1]; } Double_t GetZ () const { return fP[2]; } Double_t GetPx () const { return fP[3]; } Double_t GetPy () const { return fP[4]; } Double_t GetPz () const { return fP[5]; } Double_t GetE () const { return fP[6]; } Double_t GetS () const { return fP[7]; } Int_t GetQ () const { return fQ; } Double_t GetChi2 () const { return fChi2; } Int_t GetNDF () const { return fNDF; } Double_t GetParameter ( Int_t i ) const { return fP[i]; } Double_t GetCovariance( Int_t i ) const { return fC[i]; } Double_t GetCovariance( Int_t i, Int_t j ) const { return fC[IJ(i,j)]; } //* Accessors with calculations( &value, &estimated sigma ) //* error flag returned (0 means no error during calculations) Int_t GetMomentum ( Double_t &P, Double_t &SigmaP ) const ; Int_t GetMass ( Double_t &M, Double_t &SigmaM ) const ; Int_t GetDecayLength ( Double_t &L, Double_t &SigmaL ) const ; Int_t GetLifeTime ( Double_t &T, Double_t &SigmaT ) const ; //* //* MODIFIERS //* Double_t & X () { return fP[0]; } Double_t & Y () { return fP[1]; } Double_t & Z () { return fP[2]; } Double_t & Px () { return fP[3]; } Double_t & Py () { return fP[4]; } Double_t & Pz () { return fP[5]; } Double_t & E () { return fP[6]; } Double_t & S () { return fP[7]; } Int_t & Q () { return fQ; } Double_t & Chi2 () { return fChi2; } Int_t & NDF () { return fNDF; } Double_t & Parameter ( Int_t i ) { return fP[i]; } Double_t & Covariance( Int_t i ) { return fC[i]; } Double_t & Covariance( Int_t i, Int_t j ) { return fC[IJ(i,j)]; } //* //* CONSTRUCTION OF THE PARTICLE BY ITS DAUGHTERS AND MOTHER //* USING THE KALMAN FILTER METHOD //* //* Simple way to add daughter ex. D0+= Pion; void operator +=( const AliKFParticleBase &Daughter ); //* Add daughter track to the particle void AddDaughter( const AliKFParticleBase &Daughter ); //* Set production vertex void SetProductionVertex( const AliKFParticleBase &Vtx ); //* Set mass constraint void SetMassConstraint( Double_t Mass, Double_t SigmaMass = 0 ); //* Set no decay length for resonances void SetNoDecayLength(); //* Everything in one go void Construct( const AliKFParticleBase *vDaughters[], Int_t NDaughters, const AliKFParticleBase *ProdVtx=0, Double_t Mass=-1 ); //* //* TRANSPORT //* //* ( main transportation parameter is S = SignedPath/Momentum ) //* ( parameters of decay & production vertices are stored locally ) //* //* Transport the particle to its decay vertex void TransportToDecayVertex(); //* Transport the particle to its production vertex void TransportToProductionVertex(); //* Transport the particle on dS parameter (SignedPath/Momentum) void TransportToDS( Double_t dS ); //* Particular extrapolators one can use Double_t GetDStoPointBz( Double_t Bz, const Double_t xyz[] ) const; void GetDStoParticleBz( Double_t Bz, const AliKFParticleBase &p, Double_t &dS, Double_t &dS1 ) const ; // Double_t GetDStoPointCBM( const Double_t xyz[] ) const; void TransportBz( Double_t Bz, Double_t dS, Double_t P[], Double_t C[] ) const; void TransportCBM( Double_t dS, Double_t P[], Double_t C[] ) const; //* //* OTHER UTILITIES //* //* Calculate distance from another object [cm] Double_t GetDistanceFromVertex( const Double_t vtx[] ) const; Double_t GetDistanceFromVertex( const AliKFParticleBase &Vtx ) const; Double_t GetDistanceFromParticle( const AliKFParticleBase &p ) const; //* Calculate sqrt(Chi2/ndf) deviation from vertex //* v = [xyz], Cv=[Cxx,Cxy,Cyy,Cxz,Cyz,Czz]-covariance matrix Double_t GetDeviationFromVertex( const Double_t v[], const Double_t Cv[]=0 ) const; Double_t GetDeviationFromVertex( const AliKFParticleBase &Vtx ) const; Double_t GetDeviationFromParticle( const AliKFParticleBase &p ) const; //* Subtract the particle from the vertex void SubtractFromVertex( Double_t v[], Double_t Cv[], Double_t &vChi2, Int_t vNDF ) const ; protected: static Int_t IJ( Int_t i, Int_t j ){ return ( j<=i ) ? i*(i+1)/2+j :j*(j+1)/2+i; } Double_t & Cij( Int_t i, Int_t j ){ return fC[IJ(i,j)]; } void Convert( bool ToProduction ); void TransportLine( Double_t S, Double_t P[], Double_t C[] ) const ; Double_t GetDStoPointLine( const Double_t xyz[] ) const; static void MultQSQt( const Double_t Q[], const Double_t S[], Double_t SOut[] ); void GetMeasurement( const Double_t XYZ[], Double_t m[], Double_t V[] ) const ; Double_t fP[8]; //* Main particle parameters {X,Y,Z,Px,Py,Pz,E,S[=DecayLength/P]} Double_t fC[36]; //* Low-triangle covariance matrix of fP Int_t fQ; //* Particle charge Int_t fNDF; //* Number of degrees of freedom Double_t fChi2; //* Chi^2 Double_t fSFromDecay; //* Distance from decay vertex to current position Bool_t fAtProductionVertex; //* Flag shows that the particle error along //* its trajectory is taken from production vertex Double_t fVtxGuess[3]; //* Guess for the position of the decay vertex //* ( used for linearisation of equations ) Bool_t fIsLinearized; //* Flag shows that the guess is present ClassDef( AliKFParticleBase, 1 ); }; #endif