//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the AliKFVertex class // . // @author S.Gorbunov, I.Kisel // @version 1.0 // @since 13.05.07 // // Class to reconstruct and store primary and secondary vertices // The method is described in CBM-SOFT note 2007-003, // ``Reconstruction of decayed particles based on the Kalman filter'', // http://www.gsi.de/documents/DOC-2007-May-14-1.pdf // // This class is ALICE interface to general mathematics in AliKFParticleCore // // -= Copyright © ALICE HLT Group =- //____________________________________________________________________________ #include "AliKFVertex.h" ClassImp(AliKFVertex) AliKFVertex::AliKFVertex( const AliVVertex &vertex ): fIsConstrained(0) { // Constructor from ALICE VVertex vertex.GetXYZ( fP ); vertex.GetCovarianceMatrix( fC ); fChi2 = vertex.GetChi2(); fNDF = 2*vertex.GetNContributors() - 3; fQ = 0; fAtProductionVertex = 0; fIsLinearized = 0; fSFromDecay = 0; } /* void AliKFVertex::Print(Option_t* ) const { cout<<"AliKFVertex position: "<2 ) { Double_t worstChi = 0.; Int_t worstDaughter = 0; for( Int_t it=0; it=2 ){// final refit SetVtxGuess( fP[0], fP[1], fP[2] ); if( fIsConstrained ){ fP[0] = constrP[0]; fP[1] = constrP[1]; fP[2] = constrP[2]; for( int i=0; i<6; i++ ) fC[i] = constrC[i]; } int nDaughtersNew=0; const AliKFParticle **vDaughtersNew=new const AliKFParticle *[NDaughters]; for( int i=0; iChiCut*ChiCut*GetNDF() ){ for( int i=0; i