#include #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliMultiplicity) //______________________________________________________________________ AliMultiplicity::AliMultiplicity(): TObject(), fNtracks(0), fNsingle(0), fLabels(0), fLabelsL2(0), fTh(0), fPhi(0), fDeltTh(0), fDeltPhi(0), fThsingle(0), fPhisingle(0), fLabelssingle(0), fFastOrFiredChips(1200), fClusterFiredChips(1200) { // Default Constructor fFiredChips[0] = 0; fFiredChips[1] = 0; for(Int_t ilayer = 0; ilayer < 6; ilayer++)fITSClusters[ilayer] = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliMultiplicity::AliMultiplicity(Int_t ntr, Float_t *th, Float_t *ph, Float_t *dth, Float_t *dph, Int_t *labels, Int_t* labelsL2, Int_t ns, Float_t *ts, Float_t *ps, Int_t *labelss, Short_t nfcL1, Short_t nfcL2, const TBits & fFastOr): TObject(), fNtracks(ntr), fNsingle(ns), fLabels(0), fLabelsL2(0), fTh(0), fPhi(0), fDeltTh(0), fDeltPhi(0), fThsingle(0), fPhisingle(0), fLabelssingle(0), fFastOrFiredChips(1200), fClusterFiredChips(1200) { // Standard constructor if(ntr>0){ fLabels = new Int_t[ntr]; fLabelsL2 = new Int_t[ntr]; fTh = new Double_t [ntr]; fPhi = new Double_t [ntr]; fDeltTh = new Double_t [ntr]; fDeltPhi = new Double_t [ntr]; for(Int_t i=0;i0){ fThsingle = new Double_t [ns]; fPhisingle = new Double_t [ns]; fLabelssingle = new Int_t [ns]; for(Int_t i=0;i0){ fLabels = new Int_t[ntr]; fLabelsL2 = new Int_t[ntr]; fTh = new Double_t [ntr]; fPhi = new Double_t [ntr]; fDeltTh = new Double_t [ntr]; fDeltPhi = new Double_t [ntr]; for(Int_t i=fNtracks;i--;){ fTh[i]=fPhi[i]=fDeltTh[i]=fDeltPhi[i] = 0; fLabels[i] = fLabelsL2[i] = 0; } } if(ns>0){ fThsingle = new Double_t [ns]; fPhisingle = new Double_t [ns]; fLabelssingle = new Int_t [ns]; for(Int_t i=fNsingle;i--;) fThsingle[i] = fPhisingle[i] = fLabelssingle[i] = 0; } fFiredChips[0] = nfcL1; fFiredChips[1] = nfcL2; fFastOrFiredChips = fFastOr; for(Int_t ilayer=6;ilayer--;) fITSClusters[ilayer] = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliMultiplicity::AliMultiplicity(const AliMultiplicity& m): TObject(m), fNtracks(m.fNtracks), fNsingle(m.fNsingle), fLabels(0), fLabelsL2(0), fTh(0), fPhi(0), fDeltTh(0), fDeltPhi(0), fThsingle(0), fPhisingle(0), fLabelssingle(0), fFastOrFiredChips(1200), fClusterFiredChips(1200) { // copy constructor Duplicate(m); } //______________________________________________________________________ AliMultiplicity &AliMultiplicity::operator=(const AliMultiplicity& m){ // assignment operator if(this == &m)return *this; ((TObject *)this)->operator=(m); if(fTh)delete [] fTh;fTh = 0; if(fPhi)delete [] fPhi;fPhi = 0; if(fDeltTh)delete [] fDeltTh;fDeltTh= 0; if(fDeltPhi)delete [] fDeltPhi;fDeltPhi = 0; if(fLabels)delete [] fLabels;fLabels = 0; if(fLabelsL2)delete [] fLabelsL2;fLabelsL2 = 0; if(fThsingle)delete [] fThsingle;fThsingle = 0; if(fPhisingle)delete [] fPhisingle;fPhisingle = 0; if(fLabelssingle)delete [] fLabelssingle;fLabelssingle = 0; Duplicate(m); return *this; } void AliMultiplicity::Copy(TObject &obj) const { // this overwrites the virtual TOBject::Copy() // to allow run time copying without casting // in AliESDEvent if(this==&obj)return; AliMultiplicity *robj = dynamic_cast(&obj); if(!robj)return; // not an AliMultiplicity *robj = *this; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliMultiplicity::Duplicate(const AliMultiplicity& m){ // used by copy constructor and assignment operator fNtracks = m.fNtracks; if(fNtracks>0){ fTh = new Double_t[fNtracks]; fPhi = new Double_t[fNtracks]; fDeltTh = new Double_t[fNtracks]; fDeltPhi = new Double_t[fNtracks]; fLabels = new Int_t[fNtracks]; fLabelsL2 = new Int_t[fNtracks]; } else { fTh = 0; fPhi = 0; fDeltTh = 0; fDeltPhi = 0; fLabels = 0; fLabelsL2 = 0; } fNsingle = m.fNsingle; if(fNsingle>0){ fThsingle = new Double_t[fNsingle]; fPhisingle = new Double_t[fNsingle]; fLabelssingle = new Int_t[fNsingle]; } else { fThsingle = 0; fPhisingle = 0; fLabelssingle = 0; } if(m.fTh)memcpy(fTh,m.fTh,fNtracks*sizeof(Double_t)); if(m.fPhi)memcpy(fPhi,m.fPhi,fNtracks*sizeof(Double_t)); if(m.fDeltTh)memcpy(fDeltTh,m.fDeltTh,fNtracks*sizeof(Double_t)); if(m.fDeltPhi)memcpy(fDeltPhi,m.fDeltPhi,fNtracks*sizeof(Double_t)); if(m.fLabels)memcpy(fLabels,m.fLabels,fNtracks*sizeof(Int_t)); if(m.fLabelsL2)memcpy(fLabelsL2,m.fLabelsL2,fNtracks*sizeof(Int_t)); if(m.fThsingle)memcpy(fThsingle,m.fThsingle,fNsingle*sizeof(Double_t)); if(m.fPhisingle)memcpy(fPhisingle,m.fPhisingle,fNsingle*sizeof(Double_t)); if(m.fLabelssingle)memcpy(fLabelssingle,m.fLabelssingle,fNsingle*sizeof(Int_t)); fFiredChips[0] = m.fFiredChips[0]; fFiredChips[1] = m.fFiredChips[1]; for(Int_t ilayer = 0; ilayer < 6; ilayer++){ fITSClusters[ilayer] = m.fITSClusters[ilayer]; } fUsedClusT[0] = m.fUsedClusT[0]; fUsedClusT[1] = m.fUsedClusT[1]; fUsedClusS[0] = m.fUsedClusS[0]; fUsedClusS[1] = m.fUsedClusS[1]; fFastOrFiredChips = m.fFastOrFiredChips; fClusterFiredChips = m.fClusterFiredChips; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliMultiplicity::~AliMultiplicity(){ // Destructor if(fTh)delete [] fTh;fTh = 0; if(fPhi)delete [] fPhi;fPhi = 0; if(fDeltTh)delete [] fDeltTh;fDeltTh = 0; if(fDeltPhi)delete [] fDeltPhi;fDeltPhi = 0; if(fLabels)delete [] fLabels;fLabels = 0; if(fLabelsL2)delete [] fLabelsL2;fLabelsL2 = 0; if(fThsingle)delete [] fThsingle;fThsingle = 0; if(fPhisingle)delete [] fPhisingle;fPhisingle = 0; if(fLabelssingle)delete [] fLabelssingle;fLabelssingle = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliMultiplicity::Clear(Option_t*) { // reset all TObject::Clear(); if(fTh)delete [] fTh;fTh = 0; if(fPhi)delete [] fPhi;fPhi = 0; if(fDeltTh)delete [] fDeltTh;fDeltTh = 0; if(fDeltPhi)delete [] fDeltPhi;fDeltPhi = 0; if(fLabels)delete [] fLabels;fLabels = 0; if(fLabelsL2)delete [] fLabelsL2;fLabelsL2 = 0; if(fThsingle)delete [] fThsingle;fThsingle = 0; if(fPhisingle)delete [] fPhisingle;fPhisingle = 0; if(fLabelssingle)delete [] fLabelssingle;fLabelssingle = 0; fNtracks = fNsingle = 0; for (int i=6;i--;) fITSClusters[0] = 0; fFiredChips[0] = fFiredChips[1] = 0; fFastOrFiredChips.ResetAllBits(kTRUE); fClusterFiredChips.ResetAllBits(kTRUE); fUsedClusT[0].ResetAllBits(kTRUE); fUsedClusT[1].ResetAllBits(kTRUE); fUsedClusS[0].ResetAllBits(kTRUE); fUsedClusS[1].ResetAllBits(kTRUE); // } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliMultiplicity::SetLabel(Int_t i, Int_t layer, Int_t label) { if(i>=0 && i=0 && i layer max"); return 0; } if(layMin < 0) { AliError("layer min < 0"); return 0; } if(layMax < 0) { AliError("layer max > 0"); return 0; } Int_t sum=0; for (Int_t i=layMin; i<=layMax; i++) sum+=fITSClusters[i]; return sum; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliMultiplicity::SetTrackletData(Int_t id, const Float_t* tlet, UInt_t bits) { // fill tracklet data if (id>=fNtracks) {AliError(Form("Number of declared tracklets %d < %d",fNtracks,id)); return;} fTh[id] = tlet[0]; fPhi[id] = tlet[1]; fDeltPhi[id] = tlet[2]; fDeltTh[id] = tlet[3]; fLabels[id] = Int_t(tlet[4]); fLabelsL2[id] = Int_t(tlet[5]); if (bits&BIT(0)) fUsedClusT[0].SetBitNumber(id); if (bits&BIT(1)) fUsedClusT[1].SetBitNumber(id); // } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliMultiplicity::SetSingleClusterData(Int_t id, const Float_t* scl, UInt_t bits) { // fill single cluster data if (id>=fNsingle) {AliError(Form("Number of declared singles %d < %d",fNsingle,id)); return;} fThsingle[id] = scl[0]; fPhisingle[id] = scl[1]; fLabelssingle[id] = scl[2]; if (bits&BIT(0)) fUsedClusS[0].SetBitNumber(id); if (bits&BIT(1)) fUsedClusS[1].SetBitNumber(id); // } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliMultiplicity::CompactBits() { // sqeeze bit contrainers to minimum fFastOrFiredChips.Compact(); fClusterFiredChips.Compact(); fUsedClusT[0].Compact(); fUsedClusT[1].Compact(); fUsedClusS[0].Compact(); fUsedClusS[1].Compact(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliMultiplicity::Print(Option_t *opt) const { // print printf("N.tracklets: %4d N.singles: %4d\n",fNtracks,fNsingle); TString opts = opt; opts.ToLower(); if (opts.Contains("t")) { for (int i=0;i