#ifndef ALIMULTIPLICITY_H #define ALIMULTIPLICITY_H #include #include #include class AliRefArray; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Class containing multiplicity information // //// to stored in the ESD // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AliMultiplicity : public TObject { public: // enum {kMultTrackRefs =BIT(14),// in new format (old is default for bwd.comp.) multiple cluster->track references are allowed kScaleDThtbySin2=BIT(15) // scale Dtheta by 1/sin^2(theta). Default is DON'T scale, for bwd.comp. }; AliMultiplicity(); // default constructor // standard constructor AliMultiplicity(Int_t ntr,Float_t *th, Float_t *ph, Float_t *dth, Float_t *dph, Int_t *labels, Int_t* labelsL2, Int_t ns, Float_t *ts, Float_t *ps, Int_t *labelss, Short_t nfcL1, Short_t nfcL2, const TBits & fFastOrFiredChips); AliMultiplicity(Int_t ntr, Int_t ns, Short_t nfcL1, Short_t nfcL2, const TBits & fFastOr); AliMultiplicity(const AliMultiplicity& m); AliMultiplicity& operator=(const AliMultiplicity& m); virtual void Copy(TObject &obj) const; virtual void Clear(Option_t* opt=""); virtual ~AliMultiplicity(); // methods to access tracklet information Bool_t GetMultTrackRefs() const {return TestBit(kMultTrackRefs);} void SetMultTrackRefs(Bool_t v) {SetBit(kMultTrackRefs,v);} Bool_t GetScaleDThetaBySin2T() const {return TestBit(kScaleDThtbySin2);} void SetScaleDThetaBySin2T(Bool_t v) {SetBit(kScaleDThtbySin2,v);} // Int_t GetNumberOfTracklets() const {return fNtracks;} Double_t GetTheta(Int_t i) const { if(i>=0 && i=0 && i=0 && i=0 && i=0 && i=0 && i=0 && itrack references AliRefArray *fSCl2Tracks[2]; // container with multiple single_cluster->track references Double32_t *fTh; //[fNtracks] array with theta values Double32_t *fPhi; //[fNtracks] array with phi values Double32_t *fDeltTh; //[fNtracks] array with delta theta values Double32_t *fDeltPhi; //[fNtracks] array with delta phi values Double32_t *fThsingle; //[fNsingle] array with theta values of L1 clusters Double32_t *fPhisingle; //[fNsingle] array with phi values of L1 clusters Int_t *fLabelssingle; //[fNsingle] array with labels of clusters in L1 not used for tracklets Short_t fFiredChips[2]; // Number of fired chips in the two SPD layers UInt_t fITSClusters[6]; // Number of ITS cluster per layer TBits fFastOrFiredChips; // Map of FastOr fired chips TBits fClusterFiredChips; // Map of fired chips (= at least one cluster) ClassDef(AliMultiplicity,18); }; inline Int_t AliMultiplicity::GetLabel(Int_t i, Int_t layer) const { if(i>=0 && i=0 && i=fNtracks) return -1; if (fDPhiWindow2<1E-9 || fDThetaWindow2<1E-9) return -1; // not stored double dphi = TMath::Abs(fDeltPhi[i]) - fDPhiShift; double dtheta = fDeltTh[i]; if (GetScaleDThetaBySin2T()) { double sinTI = TMath::Sin(fTh[i]-dtheta/2); sinTI *= sinTI; dtheta /= sinTI>1.e-6 ? sinTI : 1.e-6; } return dphi*dphi/fDPhiWindow2 + dtheta*dtheta/fDThetaWindow2; } #endif