#ifndef AliQADataMakerSim_H #define AliQADataMakerSim_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ // Base Class: // Produces the data needed to calculate the quality assurance. // All data must be mergeable objects. // Y. Schutz CERN July 2007 // --- ROOT system --- // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliQADataMaker.h" class AliQADataMakerSim: public AliQADataMaker { public: AliQADataMakerSim(const char * name="", const char * title="") ; // ctor AliQADataMakerSim(const AliQADataMakerSim& qadm) ; AliQADataMakerSim& operator = (const AliQADataMakerSim& qadm) ; virtual ~AliQADataMakerSim() ; // dtor virtual Int_t Add2DigitsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE, const Bool_t image = kFALSE) { return Add2List(hist, index, fDigitsQAList, expert, image) ; } virtual Int_t Add2ESDsList(TH1 * /*hist*/, const Int_t /*index*/, const Bool_t /*expert = kFALSE*/, const Bool_t /*image = kFALSE*/) { return -1 ; } virtual Int_t Add2HitsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE, const Bool_t image = kFALSE) { return Add2List(hist, index, fHitsQAList, expert, image) ; } virtual Int_t Add2RecPointsList(TH1 * /*hist*/, const Int_t /*index*/, const Bool_t /*expert = kFALSE*/, const Bool_t /*image = kFALSE*/) { return -1 ; } virtual Int_t Add2RawsList(TH1 * /*hist*/, const Int_t /*index*/, const Bool_t /*expert = kFALSE*/, const Bool_t /*saveForCorr = kFALSE*/, const Bool_t /*image = kFALSE*/) { return -1 ; } virtual Int_t Add2SDigitsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE, const Bool_t image = kFALSE) { return Add2List(hist, index, fSDigitsQAList, expert, image) ; } virtual void Exec(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, TObject * data) ; virtual void EndOfCycle() ; virtual void EndOfCycle(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task) ; virtual void EndOfDetectorCycle(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t, TObjArray ** ) {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual TH1 * GetDigitsData(const Int_t index) { return dynamic_cast(GetData(fDigitsQAList, index)) ; } virtual TH1 * GetESDsData(const Int_t /*index*/) { return NULL ; } virtual TH1 * GetHitsData(const Int_t index) { return dynamic_cast(GetData(fHitsQAList, index)) ; } virtual TH1 * GetRecPointsData(const Int_t /*index*/) { return NULL ; } virtual TH1 * GetRawsData(const Int_t /*index*/) { return NULL ; } virtual TH1 * GetSDigitsData(const Int_t index) { return dynamic_cast(GetData(fSDigitsQAList, index)) ; } virtual TObjArray** Init(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, Int_t cycles = -1) ; virtual void Init(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, TObjArray ** list, Int_t run, Int_t cycles = -1) ; virtual void InitRaws() {AliWarning("Call not valid") ; } virtual void MakeImage(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task) ; virtual void StartOfCycle(Int_t run = -1) ; virtual void StartOfCycle(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, Int_t run, const Bool_t sameCycle = kFALSE) ; protected: virtual void InitDigits() {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void InitESDs() {AliWarning("Call not valid") ; } virtual void InitHits() {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void InitRecPoints() {AliWarning("Call not valid") ; } virtual void InitSDigits() {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void MakeESDs(AliESDEvent * ) {AliWarning("Call not valid") ; } virtual void MakeHits() {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void MakeHits(TTree * ) {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void MakeDigits() {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void MakeDigits(TTree * ) {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void MakeRaws(AliRawReader *) {AliWarning("Call not valid") ; } virtual void MakeRecPoints(TTree * ) {AliWarning("Call not valid") ; } virtual void MakeSDigits() {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void MakeSDigits(TTree * ) {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} virtual void StartOfDetectorCycle() {AliInfo("To be implemented by detectors");} TObjArray * * fDigitsQAList ; //! list of the digits QA data objects TObjArray * * fHitsQAList ; //! list of the hits QA data objects TObjArray * * fSDigitsQAList ; //! list of the sdigits QA data objects TClonesArray * fHitsArray ; //! array to hold the hits TClonesArray * fSDigitsArray ; //! array to hold the digits ClassDef(AliQADataMakerSim,2) // description }; #endif // AliQADataMakerSim_H