#ifndef ALIRECTMATRIX_H #define ALIRECTMATRIX_H #include "TObject.h" class TString; class AliRectMatrix : public TObject { // public: AliRectMatrix(); AliRectMatrix(Int_t nrow,Int_t ncol); AliRectMatrix(const AliRectMatrix &src); virtual ~AliRectMatrix(); // Int_t GetNRows() const {return fNRows;} Int_t GetNCols() const {return fNCols;} // Double_t Query(Int_t rown, Int_t coln) const {return operator()(rown,coln);} AliRectMatrix& operator=(const AliRectMatrix& src); Double_t operator()(Int_t rown, Int_t coln) const; Double_t& operator()(Int_t rown, Int_t coln); Double_t* operator()(Int_t row) const {return GetRow(row);} Double_t* GetRow(Int_t row) const {return fRows[row];} // void Reset(); // virtual void Print(Option_t* option="") const; // protected: // Int_t fNRows; // Number of rows Int_t fNCols; // Number of columns Double_t **fRows; // pointers on rows // ClassDef(AliRectMatrix,0) //Rectangular Matrix Class }; //___________________________________________________________ inline Double_t AliRectMatrix::operator()(Int_t row, Int_t col) const { return (const Double_t&) GetRow(row)[col]; } //___________________________________________________________ inline Double_t& AliRectMatrix::operator()(Int_t row, Int_t col) { return (Double_t&) fRows[row][col]; } #endif