#include "TMatrixDSym.h" #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "AliTrackFitterRieman.h" ClassImp(AliTrackFitterRieman) AliTrackFitterRieman::AliTrackFitterRieman(): AliTrackFitter() { // // default constructor // fAlpha = 0.; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXY[i] = 0; fSumYY = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXZ[i] = 0; fSumZZ = 0; fNUsed = 0; fConv = kFALSE; } AliTrackFitterRieman::AliTrackFitterRieman(AliTrackPointArray *array, Bool_t owner): AliTrackFitter(array,owner) { // // Constructor // fAlpha = 0.; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXY[i] = 0; fSumYY = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXZ[i] = 0; fSumZZ = 0; fNUsed = 0; fConv = kFALSE; } AliTrackFitterRieman::AliTrackFitterRieman(const AliTrackFitterRieman &rieman): AliTrackFitter(rieman) { // // copy constructor // fAlpha = rieman.fAlpha; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXY[i] = rieman.fSumXY[i]; fSumYY = rieman.fSumYY; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXZ[i] = rieman.fSumXZ[i]; fSumZZ = rieman.fSumZZ; fNUsed = rieman.fNUsed; fConv = rieman.fConv; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTrackFitterRieman &AliTrackFitterRieman::operator =(const AliTrackFitterRieman& rieman) { // assignment operator // if(this==&rieman) return *this; ((AliTrackFitter *)this)->operator=(rieman); fAlpha = rieman.fAlpha; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXY[i] = rieman.fSumXY[i]; fSumYY = rieman.fSumYY; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXZ[i] = rieman.fSumXZ[i]; fSumZZ = rieman.fSumZZ; fNUsed = rieman.fNUsed; fConv = rieman.fConv; return *this; } AliTrackFitterRieman::~AliTrackFitterRieman() { // destructor // } void AliTrackFitterRieman::Reset() { // Reset the track parameters and // rieman sums AliTrackFitter::Reset(); fAlpha = 0.; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXY[i] = 0; fSumYY = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) fSumXZ[i] = 0; fSumZZ = 0; fNUsed = 0; fConv =kFALSE; } Bool_t AliTrackFitterRieman::Fit(const TArrayI *volIds,const TArrayI *volIdsFit, AliAlignObj::ELayerID layerRangeMin, AliAlignObj::ELayerID layerRangeMax) { // Fit the track points. The method takes as an input // the set of id's (volids) of the volumes in which // one wants to calculate the residuals. // The following parameters are used to define the // range of volumes to be used in the fitting // As a result two AliTrackPointArray's obects are filled. // The first one contains the space points with // volume id's from volids list. The second array of points represents // the track extrapolations corresponding to the space points // in the first array. The two arrays can be used to find // the residuals in the volids and consequently construct a // chi2 function to be minimized during the alignment // procedures. For the moment the track extrapolation is taken // at the space-point reference plane. The reference plane is // found using the covariance matrix of the point // (assuming sigma(x)=0 at the reference coordinate system. Reset(); Int_t npoints = fPoints->GetNPoints(); if (npoints < 3) return kFALSE; Bool_t isAlphaCalc = kFALSE; AliTrackPoint p,plocal; // fPoints->GetPoint(p,0); // fAlpha = TMath::ATan2(p.GetY(),p.GetX()); Int_t npVolId = 0; fNUsed = 0; Int_t *pindex = new Int_t[npoints]; fX = new Float_t[npoints]; fY = new Float_t[npoints]; fZ = new Float_t[npoints]; fSy = new Float_t[npoints]; fSz = new Float_t[npoints]; for (Int_t ipoint = 0; ipoint < npoints; ipoint++) { fPoints->GetPoint(p,ipoint); UShort_t iVolId = p.GetVolumeID(); if (FindVolId(volIds,iVolId)) { pindex[npVolId] = ipoint; npVolId++; } if (volIdsFit != 0x0) { if (!FindVolId(volIdsFit,iVolId)) continue; } else { if (iVolId < AliAlignObj::LayerToVolUID(layerRangeMin,0) || iVolId > AliAlignObj::LayerToVolUID(layerRangeMax, AliAlignObj::LayerSize(layerRangeMax- AliAlignObj::kFirstLayer))) continue; } if (!isAlphaCalc) { fAlpha = p.GetAngle(); isAlphaCalc = kTRUE; } plocal = p.Rotate(fAlpha); AddPoint(plocal.GetX(),plocal.GetY(),plocal.GetZ(), TMath::Sqrt(plocal.GetCov()[3]),TMath::Sqrt(plocal.GetCov()[5])); fNUsed++; } if (fNUsed < 3) { delete [] pindex; delete [] fX; delete [] fY; delete [] fZ; delete [] fSy; delete [] fSz; return kFALSE; } Update(); delete [] fX; delete [] fY; delete [] fZ; delete [] fSy; delete [] fSz; if (!fConv) { delete [] pindex; return kFALSE; } if ((fParams[0] == 0) || ((-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1) <= 0)) { delete [] pindex; return kFALSE; } if (fNUsed < fMinNPoints) { delete [] pindex; return kFALSE; } fPVolId = new AliTrackPointArray(npVolId); fPTrack = new AliTrackPointArray(npVolId); AliTrackPoint p2; for (Int_t ipoint = 0; ipoint < npVolId; ipoint++) { Int_t index = pindex[ipoint]; fPoints->GetPoint(p,index); if (GetPCA(p,p2)) { Float_t xyz[3],xyz2[3]; p.GetXYZ(xyz); p2.GetXYZ(xyz2); // printf("residuals %f %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",fChi2,fNUsed,fConv,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],xyz2[0]-xyz[0],xyz2[1]-xyz[1],xyz2[2]-xyz[2]); fPVolId->AddPoint(ipoint,&p); fPTrack->AddPoint(ipoint,&p2); } } delete [] pindex; // debug info // Float_t chi2 = 0, chi22 = 0; // for (Int_t ipoint = 0; ipoint < npoints; ipoint++) // { // fPoints->GetPoint(p,ipoint); // UShort_t iVolId = p.GetVolumeID(); // if (volIdFit != 0) { // if (iVolId != volIdFit) continue; // } // else { // if (iVolId < AliAlignObj::LayerToVolUID(layerRangeMin,0) || // iVolId > AliAlignObj::LayerToVolUID(layerRangeMax,AliAlignObj::LayerSize(layerRangeMax- // AliAlignObj::kFirstLayer))) continue; // } // plocal = p.Rotate(fAlpha); // Float_t delta = (fParams[0]*(plocal.GetX()*plocal.GetX()+plocal.GetY()*plocal.GetY())+ // 2.*plocal.GetX()*fParams[1]+ // fParams[2]- // 2.*plocal.GetY())/ // (2.*TMath::Sqrt(plocal.GetCov()[3])); // // Float_t delta2 = (fParams[3]+ // // plocal.GetX()*fParams[4]+ // // plocal.GetX()*plocal.GetX()*fParams[5]- // // plocal.GetZ())/ // // (TMath::Sqrt(plocal.GetCov()[5])); // Double_t r = TMath::Sqrt(plocal.GetX()*plocal.GetX()+plocal.GetY()*plocal.GetY()); // Double_t Rm1 = fParams[0]/TMath::Sqrt(-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1); // Float_t delta2 = (fParams[3]+ // r*fParams[4]+r*r*r*fParams[4]*Rm1*Rm1/24- // plocal.GetZ())/ // (TMath::Sqrt(plocal.GetCov()[5])); // chi2 += delta*delta; // chi22 += delta2*delta2; // // printf("pulls %d %d %f %f\n",ipoint,iVolId,delta,delta2); // } // printf("My chi2 = %f + %f = %f\n",chi2,chi22,chi2+chi22); return kTRUE; } void AliTrackFitterRieman::AddPoint(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z, Float_t sy, Float_t sz) { // // Rieman update // //------------------------------------------------------ // XY direction // // (x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2-R^2=0 ===> // // (x^2+y^2 -2*x*x0 - 2*y*y0+ x0^2 -y0^2 -R^2 =0; ==> // // substitution t = 1/(x^2+y^2), u = 2*x*t, v = 2*y*t, D0 = R^2 - x0^2- y0^2 // // 1 - u*x0 - v*y0 - t *D0 =0 ; - linear equation // // next substition a = 1/y0 b = -x0/y0 c = -D0/y0 // // final linear equation : a + u*b +t*c - v =0; // // Minimization : // // sum( (a + ui*b +ti*c - vi)^2)/(sigmai)^2 = min; // // where sigmai is the error of maesurement (a + ui*b +ti*c - vi) // // neglecting error of xi, and supposing xi>>yi sigmai ~ sigmaVi ~ 2*sigmay*t // fX[fNUsed] = x; fY[fNUsed]=y; fZ[fNUsed]=z; fSy[fNUsed]=sy; fSz[fNUsed]=sz; // // XY part // Double_t t = x*x+y*y; if (t<2) return; t = 1./t; Double_t u = 2.*x*t; Double_t v = 2.*y*t; Double_t error = 2.*sy*t; error *=error; Double_t weight = 1./error; fSumXY[0] +=weight; fSumXY[1] +=u*weight; fSumXY[2]+=v*weight; fSumXY[3]+=t*weight; fSumXY[4] +=u*u*weight; fSumXY[5]+=t*t*weight; fSumXY[6] +=u*v*weight; fSumXY[7]+=u*t*weight; fSumXY[8]+=v*t*weight; fSumYY += v*v*weight; // // XZ part // if (1) { weight = 1./(sz*sz); // fSumXZ[0] +=weight; // fSumXZ[1] +=weight*x; fSumXZ[2] +=weight*x*x; fSumXZ[3] +=weight*x*x*x; fSumXZ[4] += weight*x*x*x*x; // fSumXZ[5] +=weight*z; fSumXZ[6] +=weight*x*z; fSumXZ[7] +=weight*x*x*z; fSumZZ += z*z*weight; } else { weight = 1./(sz*sz); fSumXZ[0] +=weight; Double_t r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y); fSumXZ[1] +=weight*r; fSumXZ[2] +=weight*r*r; fSumXZ[3] +=weight*z; fSumXZ[4] += weight*r*z; // Now the auxulary sums fSumXZ[5] +=weight*r*r*r/24; fSumXZ[6] +=weight*r*r*r*r/12; fSumXZ[7] +=weight*r*r*r*z/24; fSumXZ[8] +=weight*r*r*r*r*r*r/(24*24); fSumZZ += z*z*weight; } } void AliTrackFitterRieman::Update(){ // // Rieman update // // for (Int_t i=0;i<6;i++)fParams[i]=0; fChi2 = 0; fNdf = 0; Int_t conv=0; // // XY part // TMatrixDSym smatrix(3); TMatrixD sums(1,3); // // smatrix(0,0) = s0; smatrix(1,1)=su2; smatrix(2,2)=st2; // smatrix(0,1) = su; smatrix(0,2)=st; smatrix(1,2)=sut; // sums(0,0) = sv; sums(0,1)=suv; sums(0,2)=svt; smatrix(0,0) = fSumXY[0]; smatrix(1,1)=fSumXY[4]; smatrix(2,2)=fSumXY[5]; smatrix(0,1) = fSumXY[1]; smatrix(0,2)=fSumXY[3]; smatrix(1,2)=fSumXY[7]; sums(0,0) = fSumXY[2]; sums(0,1) =fSumXY[6]; sums(0,2) =fSumXY[8]; smatrix.Invert(); if (smatrix.IsValid()){ for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) for (Int_t j=0;j<=i;j++){ (*fCov)(i,j)=smatrix(i,j); } TMatrixD res = sums*smatrix; fParams[0] = res(0,0); fParams[1] = res(0,1); fParams[2] = res(0,2); TMatrixD tmp = res*sums.T(); fChi2 += fSumYY - tmp(0,0); fNdf += fNUsed - 3; conv++; } // // XZ part // if (1) { Double_t x0 = -fParams[1]/fParams[0]; Double_t Rm1 = fParams[0]/TMath::Sqrt(-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1); for (Int_t i=0;i // // (x^2+y^2 -2*x*x0 - 2*y*y0+ x0^2 -y0^2 -R^2 =0; ==> // substitution t = 1/(x^2+y^2), u = 2*x*t, y = 2*y*t, D0 = R^2 - x0^2- y0^2 // // 1 - u*x0 - v*y0 - t *D0 =0 ; - linear equation // // next substition a = 1/y0 b = -x0/y0 c = -D0/y0 // final linear equation : a + u*b +t*c - v =0; // // fParam[0] = 1/y0 // fParam[1] = -x0/y0 // fParam[2] = - (R^2 - x0^2 - y0^2)/y0 if (conv>1) fConv =kTRUE; else fConv=kFALSE; } Double_t AliTrackFitterRieman::GetYat(Double_t x){ if (!fConv) return 0.; Double_t res2 = (x*fParams[0]+fParams[1]); res2*=res2; res2 = 1.-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]-res2; if (res2<0) return 0; res2 = TMath::Sqrt(res2); res2 = (1-res2)/fParams[0]; return res2; } Double_t AliTrackFitterRieman::GetDYat(Double_t x) const { if (!fConv) return 0.; Double_t x0 = -fParams[1]/fParams[0]; if (-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1<0) return 0; Double_t Rm1 = fParams[0]/TMath::Sqrt(-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1); if ( 1./(Rm1*Rm1)-(x-x0)*(x-x0)<=0) return 0; Double_t res = (x-x0)/TMath::Sqrt(1./(Rm1*Rm1)-(x-x0)*(x-x0)); if (fParams[0]<0) res*=-1.; return res; } Double_t AliTrackFitterRieman::GetZat(Double_t x) const { if (!fConv) return 0.; Double_t x0 = -fParams[1]/fParams[0]; if (-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1<=0) return 0; Double_t Rm1 = fParams[0]/TMath::Sqrt(-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1); Double_t phi = TMath::ASin((x-x0)*Rm1); Double_t phi0 = TMath::ASin((0.-x0)*Rm1); Double_t dphi = (phi-phi0); Double_t res = fParams[3]+fParams[4]*dphi/Rm1; return res; } Double_t AliTrackFitterRieman::GetDZat(Double_t x) const { if (!fConv) return 0.; Double_t x0 = -fParams[1]/fParams[0]; if (-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1<=0) return 0; Double_t Rm1 = fParams[0]/TMath::Sqrt(-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1); Double_t res = fParams[4]/TMath::Cos(TMath::ASin((x-x0)*Rm1)); return res; } Double_t AliTrackFitterRieman::GetC(){ return fParams[0]/TMath::Sqrt(-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1); } Bool_t AliTrackFitterRieman::GetXYZat(Double_t r, Float_t *xyz){ if (!fConv) return kFALSE; Double_t res2 = (r*fParams[0]+fParams[1]); res2*=res2; res2 = 1.-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]-res2; if (res2<0) return kFALSE; res2 = TMath::Sqrt(res2); res2 = (1-res2)/fParams[0]; if (!fConv) return kFALSE; Double_t x0 = -fParams[1]/fParams[0]; if (-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1<=0) return 0; Double_t Rm1 = fParams[0]/TMath::Sqrt(-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1); Double_t phi = TMath::ASin((r-x0)*Rm1); Double_t phi0 = TMath::ASin((0.-x0)*Rm1); Double_t dphi = (phi-phi0); Double_t res = fParams[3]+fParams[4]*dphi/Rm1; Double_t sin = TMath::Sin(fAlpha); Double_t cos = TMath::Cos(fAlpha); xyz[0] = r*cos - res2*sin; xyz[1] = res2*cos + r*sin; xyz[2] = res; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliTrackFitterRieman::GetPCA(const AliTrackPoint &p, AliTrackPoint &p2) const { // Get the closest to a given spacepoint track trajectory point // Look for details in the description of the Fit() method if (!fConv) return kFALSE; // First X and Y coordinates Double_t sin = TMath::Sin(fAlpha); Double_t cos = TMath::Cos(fAlpha); // fParam[0] = 1/y0 // fParam[1] = -x0/y0 // fParam[2] = - (R^2 - x0^2 - y0^2)/y0 if (fParams[0] == 0) return kFALSE; // Track parameters in the global coordinate system Double_t x0 = -fParams[1]/fParams[0]*cos - 1./fParams[0]*sin; Double_t y0 = 1./fParams[0]*cos - fParams[1]/fParams[0]*sin; if ((-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1) <= 0) return kFALSE; Double_t R = TMath::Sqrt(-fParams[2]*fParams[0]+fParams[1]*fParams[1]+1)/ fParams[0]; // Define space-point refence plane Double_t alphap = p.GetAngle(); Double_t sinp = TMath::Sin(alphap); Double_t cosp = TMath::Cos(alphap); Double_t x = p.GetX()*cosp + p.GetY()*sinp; Double_t y = p.GetY()*cosp - p.GetX()*sinp; Double_t x0p= x0*cosp + y0*sinp; Double_t y0p= y0*cosp - x0*sinp; if ((R*R - (x-x0p)*(x-x0p))<0) return kFALSE; Double_t temp = TMath::Sqrt(R*R - (x-x0p)*(x-x0p)); Double_t y1 = y0p + temp; Double_t y2 = y0p - temp; Double_t yprime = y1; if(TMath::Abs(y2-y) < TMath::Abs(y1-y)) yprime = y2; // Back to the global coordinate system Double_t xsecond = x*cosp - yprime*sinp; Double_t ysecond = yprime*cosp + x*sinp; // Now Z coordinate and track angles Double_t x2 = xsecond*cos + ysecond*sin; Double_t zsecond = GetZat(x2); Double_t dydx = GetDYat(x2); Double_t dzdx = GetDZat(x2); // Fill the cov matrix of the track extrapolation point Double_t cov[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; Double_t sigmax = 100*100.; cov[0] = sigmax; cov[1] = sigmax*dydx; cov[2] = sigmax*dzdx; cov[3] = sigmax*dydx*dydx; cov[4] = sigmax*dydx*dzdx; cov[5] = sigmax*dzdx*dzdx; Float_t newcov[6]; newcov[0] = cov[0]*cos*cos- 2*cov[1]*sin*cos+ cov[3]*sin*sin; newcov[1] = cov[1]*(cos*cos-sin*sin)- (cov[3]-cov[0])*sin*cos; newcov[2] = cov[2]*cos- cov[4]*sin; newcov[3] = cov[0]*sin*sin+ 2*cov[1]*sin*cos+ cov[3]*cos*cos; newcov[4] = cov[4]*cos+ cov[2]*sin; newcov[5] = cov[5]; p2.SetXYZ(xsecond,ysecond,zsecond,newcov); return kTRUE; }