#ifndef ALIVERTEXERTRACKS_H #define ALIVERTEXERTRACKS_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-2003, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //------------------------------------------------------- // Class for vertex determination with ESD tracks // // Origin: AliITSVertexerTracks // A.Dainese, Padova, andrea.dainese@pd.infn.it // M.Masera, Torino, massimo.masera@to.infn.it // Moved to STEER and adapted to ESD tracks: // F.Prino, Torino, prino@to.infn.it //------------------------------------------------------- /***************************************************************************** * * * This class determines the vertex of a set of ESD tracks. * * Different algorithms are implemented, see data member fAlgo. * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include class TTree; class AliESD; class AliVertexerTracks : public TObject { public: AliVertexerTracks(); AliVertexerTracks(Double_t fieldkG); virtual ~AliVertexerTracks(); AliESDVertex* FindPrimaryVertex(const AliESD *esdEvent); AliESDVertex* VertexForSelectedTracks(TTree *trkTree,Bool_t optUseFitter=kTRUE, Bool_t optPropagate=kTRUE); AliESDVertex* VertexForSelectedTracks(TObjArray *trkArray, Bool_t optUseFitter=kTRUE, Bool_t optPropagate=kTRUE); AliESDVertex* RemoveTracksFromVertex(AliESDVertex *inVtx,TTree *trksTree,Float_t *diamondxy); void SetConstraintOff() { fConstraint=kFALSE; return; } void SetConstraintOn() { fConstraint=kTRUE; return; } void SetDebug(Int_t optdebug=0) { fDebug=optdebug; return; } void SetDCAcut(Double_t maxdca) { fDCAcut=maxdca; return; } void SetFinderAlgorithm(Int_t opt=1) { fAlgo=opt; return; } void SetITSRequired() { fITSin=kTRUE; return; } void SetITSrefitRequired() { fITSin=kTRUE;fITSrefit=kTRUE; return; } void SetITSNotRequired() { fITSrefit=kFALSE;fITSin=kFALSE; return; } void SetITSrefitNotRequired() { fITSrefit=kFALSE; return; } void SetMaxd0z0(Double_t maxd0z0=0.5) { fMaxd0z0=maxd0z0; return; } void SetMinITSClusters(Int_t n=5) { fMinITSClusters = n; return; } void SetMinTracks(Int_t n=1) { fMinTracks = n; return; } void SetNSigmad0(Double_t n=3) { fNSigma=n; return; } Double_t GetNSigmad0() const { return fNSigma; } void SetOnlyFitter() { if(!fConstraint) AliFatal("Set constraint first!"); fOnlyFitter=kTRUE; return; } void SetSkipTracks(Int_t n,Int_t *skipped); void SetVtxStart(Double_t x=0,Double_t y=0,Double_t z=0) { fNominalPos[0]=x; fNominalPos[1]=y; fNominalPos[2]=z; return; } void SetVtxStartSigma(Double_t sx=3,Double_t sy=3,Double_t sz=6) { fNominalCov[0]=sx*sx; fNominalCov[2]=sy*sy; fNominalCov[5]=sz*sz; fNominalCov[1]=0.; fNominalCov[3]=0.; fNominalCov[4]=0.; return; } void SetVtxStart(AliESDVertex *vtx); static Double_t GetStrLinMinDist(Double_t *p0,Double_t *p1,Double_t *x0); static Double_t GetDeterminant3X3(Double_t matr[][3]); static void GetStrLinDerivMatrix(Double_t *p0,Double_t *p1,Double_t (*m)[3],Double_t *d); static void GetStrLinDerivMatrix(Double_t *p0,Double_t *p1,Double_t *sigmasq,Double_t (*m)[3],Double_t *d); static AliVertex TrackletVertexFinder(TClonesArray *lines, Int_t optUseWeights=0); void SetFieldkG(Double_t field=-999.) { fFieldkG=field; return; } Double_t GetFieldkG() const { if(fFieldkG<-99.) AliFatal("Field value not set"); return fFieldkG; } protected: void HelixVertexFinder(); void OneTrackVertFinder(); Int_t PrepareTracks(TTree &trkTree,Int_t optImpParCut); Bool_t TrackToPoint(AliESDtrack *t, TMatrixD &ri,TMatrixD &wWi) const; void VertexFinder(Int_t optUseWeights=0); void VertexFitter(Bool_t useConstraint=kFALSE); void StrLinVertexFinderMinDist(Int_t optUseWeights=0); void TooFewTracks(const AliESD *esdEvent); AliVertex fVert; // vertex after vertex finder AliESDVertex *fCurrentVertex; // ESD vertex after fitter Double_t fFieldkG; // z component of field (kGauss) Double_t fNominalPos[3]; // initial knowledge on vertex position Double_t fNominalCov[6]; // initial knowledge on vertex position Bool_t fConstraint; // true when "mean vertex" was set in // fNominal ... and must be used in the fit Bool_t fOnlyFitter; // primary with one fitter shot only // (use only with beam constraint) Int_t fMinTracks; // minimum number of tracks Int_t fMinITSClusters; // minimum number of ITS clusters per track TObjArray fTrkArray; // array with tracks to be processed Int_t *fTrksToSkip; // tracks to be skipped for find and fit Int_t fNTrksToSkip; // number of tracks to be skipped Double_t fDCAcut; // maximum DCA between 2 tracks used for vertex Int_t fAlgo; // option for vertex finding algorythm Double_t fNSigma; // number of sigmas for d0 cut in PrepareTracks() Double_t fMaxd0z0; // value [mm] for sqrt(d0d0+z0z0) cut // in PrepareTracks(1) if fConstraint=kFALSE Bool_t fITSin; // if kTRUE (default), use only kITSin tracks // if kFALSE, use all tracks (also TPC only) Bool_t fITSrefit; // if kTRUE (default), use only kITSrefit tracks // if kFALSE, use all tracks (also TPC only) Int_t fDebug; //! debug flag - verbose printing if >0 // fAlgo=1 (default) finds minimum-distance point among all selected tracks // approximated as straight lines // and uses errors on track parameters as weights // fAlgo=2 finds minimum-distance point among all the selected tracks // approximated as straight lines // fAlgo=3 finds the average point among DCA points of all pairs of tracks // treated as helices // fAlgo=4 finds the average point among DCA points of all pairs of tracks // approximated as straight lines // and uses errors on track parameters as weights // fAlgo=5 finds the average point among DCA points of all pairs of tracks // approximated as straight lines private: AliVertexerTracks(const AliVertexerTracks & source); AliVertexerTracks & operator=(const AliVertexerTracks & source); ClassDef(AliVertexerTracks,7) // 3D Vertexing with ESD tracks }; #endif