//_________________________________________________________________________ // Macro to create the tag files from an ESD collection. // The tag files are stored according to the value set in the SetStorage method // Use Case : // SetStorage(0) --> store the tgs locally // SetStorage(1) --> store the tgs in the grid // else the program will abort!!! // // As a final step the user can create a single merged tag file. //_________________________________________________________________________ void CreateTags() { TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); //connect to AliEn's API services TGrid::Connect("alien://"); //create an AliTagCreator object AliTagCreator *t = new AliTagCreator(); //Query the file catalog and get a TGridResult //TGridResult* result = gGrid->Query("/alice/cern.ch/user/p/peters/analysis/undcent1","*.root","","-l 150 -Opublicaccess=1"); TGridResult* result = gGrid->Query("/alice/cern.ch/user/p/pchrista/PDC05/pp/*","AliESDs.root","",""); //Store the tag files in AliEn's file catalog t->SetStorage(1); //Define the SE where the tag files will be stored t->SetSE("ALICE::CERN::se01"); //Define the grid's path where the tag files will be stored t->SetGridPath("PDC05/pp/Tags"); //Read the TGridResult, create the tags and store them t->ReadESDCollection(result); //Merge the tags and store the merged file t->MergeTags(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); }