/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // Container class for the reference distributions for TRD PID // The class contains the reference distributions and the momentum steps // the references are taken at. Mapping is done inside. To derive references, // the functions GetUpperReference and GetLowerReference return the next // reference distribution object and the momentum step above respectively below // the tracklet momentum. // // Authors: // Markus Fasel // #include "TObjArray.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTRDPIDReference.h" ClassImp(AliTRDPIDReference) //____________________________________________________________ AliTRDPIDReference::AliTRDPIDReference(): TNamed(), fRefContainer(NULL), fMomentumBins() { // // Dummy constructor // SetBit(kIsOwner, kTRUE); } //____________________________________________________________ AliTRDPIDReference::AliTRDPIDReference(const Char_t *name): TNamed(name, "TRD PID References"), fRefContainer(NULL), fMomentumBins() { // // Default constructor // SetBit(kIsOwner, kTRUE); } //____________________________________________________________ AliTRDPIDReference::AliTRDPIDReference(const AliTRDPIDReference &ref): TNamed(ref), fRefContainer(NULL), fMomentumBins(ref.fMomentumBins) { // // Copy constructor // fRefContainer = new TObjArray(fMomentumBins.GetSize() * AliPID::kSPECIES); fRefContainer->SetOwner(); for(Int_t ip = 0; ip < GetNumberOfMomentumBins(); ip++){ for(Int_t is = 0; is < 5; is++){ Int_t ent=is * fMomentumBins.GetSize() + ip; TObject *obj=ref.fRefContainer->At(ent); if(obj){ fRefContainer->AddAt(obj->Clone(),ent); } } } SetBit(kIsOwner, kTRUE); } //____________________________________________________________ AliTRDPIDReference &AliTRDPIDReference::operator=(const AliTRDPIDReference &ref){ // // Assginment operator // Only copies poiters, object is not the owner of the references // if(this != &ref){ TNamed::operator=(ref); if(TestBit(kIsOwner) && fRefContainer) delete fRefContainer; fRefContainer = ref.fRefContainer; fMomentumBins = ref.fMomentumBins; SetBit(kIsOwner, kFALSE); } return *this; } //____________________________________________________________ AliTRDPIDReference::~AliTRDPIDReference(){ // // Destructor // references are deleted if the object is the owner // if(fRefContainer && TestBit(kIsOwner)) delete fRefContainer; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliTRDPIDReference::SetNumberOfMomentumBins(Int_t nBins, Float_t *momenta){ // // Set the momentum binning // if(fRefContainer) fRefContainer->Clear(); else{ fRefContainer = new TObjArray; fRefContainer->SetOwner(); } fRefContainer->Expand(nBins * AliPID::kSPECIES); fMomentumBins.Set(nBins,momenta); } //____________________________________________________________ void AliTRDPIDReference::AddReference(TObject *ref, AliPID::EParticleType spec, Int_t pbin){ // // Add a new reference distribution for a given species and a givem // momentum value to the reference container // The reference distribution is associated with the momentum value defined for the // given momentum bin // if(!fRefContainer){ AliError("Reference Container not initialized"); return; } if(pbin > fMomentumBins.GetSize()){ AliError("Pbin overflow"); return; } AliDebug(1, Form("Adding object with address %p to position %d", ref, spec * fMomentumBins.GetSize() + pbin)); fRefContainer->AddAt(ref->Clone(), spec * fMomentumBins.GetSize() + pbin); } //____________________________________________________________ TObject *AliTRDPIDReference::GetUpperReference(AliPID::EParticleType spec, Float_t p, Float_t &pUpper) const{ // // Get the next reference associated with a momentum larger than the requested momentum // In case no next upper reference is found, NULL is returned // The momentum value the reference is associated to is stored in the reference pUpper // Int_t bin = -1; pUpper = 20; for(Int_t ip = 0; ip < fMomentumBins.GetSize(); ip++){ AliDebug(10, Form("Bin %d, p = %.1f", ip, fMomentumBins[ip])); if(p < fMomentumBins[ip]){ AliDebug(10, "Bin found"); bin = ip; break; } } AliDebug(2, Form("p = %.1f, bin = %d\n", p, bin)); if(bin >= 0) { pUpper = fMomentumBins[bin]; return fRefContainer->At(spec * fMomentumBins.GetSize() + bin); } else return NULL; } //____________________________________________________________ TObject *AliTRDPIDReference::GetLowerReference(AliPID::EParticleType spec, Float_t p, Float_t &pLower) const{ // // Get the next reference associated with a momentum smaller than the requested momentum // In case no next lower reference is found, NULL is returned // The momentum value the reference is associated to is stored in the reference pLower // Int_t bin = -1; pLower = 0; for(Int_t ip = fMomentumBins.GetSize() - 1; ip >= 0; ip--){ AliDebug(10, Form("Bin %d, p = %.1f", ip, fMomentumBins[ip])); if(p > fMomentumBins[ip]){ AliDebug(10, "Bin found"); bin = ip; break; } } AliDebug(2, Form("p = %.1f, bin = %d\n", p, bin)); if(bin >= 0){ pLower = fMomentumBins[bin]; return fRefContainer->At(spec * fMomentumBins.GetSize() + bin); } else return NULL; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliTRDPIDReference::Print(const Option_t*) const{ // // Print content of the PID reference container // printf("Number of Momentum Bins: %d\n", GetNumberOfMomentumBins()); printf("=====================================\n"); for(Int_t ip = 0; ip < GetNumberOfMomentumBins(); ip++){ printf("Bin %d: p = %.1f\n", ip, fMomentumBins[ip]); } printf("=====================================\n"); if(fRefContainer){ printf("Content of the reference container:\n"); for(Int_t ip = 0; ip < GetNumberOfMomentumBins(); ip++){ printf("["); for(Int_t is = 0; is < 5; is++) printf("%p|", fRefContainer->At(is * fMomentumBins.GetSize() + ip)); printf("]\n"); } } }