/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliFieldReader.h" #include "AliMagFMaps.h" ClassImp(AliFieldReader) //_______________________________________________________________________ AliFieldReader::AliFieldReader(): fField(0), fMap(0), fCatalogue(0), fHtmlMain(0), fStepSize(0.), fZStart(1383.), fDd(0.08), fDz(0.064), fPolarity(1.), fCatalogueName("goodfiles.list") { // // Constructor // } AliFieldReader::AliFieldReader(const AliFieldReader& reader): TObject(reader), fField(0), fMap(0), fCatalogue(0), fHtmlMain(0), fStepSize(0.), fZStart(0.), fDd(0.), fDz(0.), fPolarity(0.), fCatalogueName(0) { // // Constructor // reader.Copy(*this); } //_______________________________________________________________________ AliFieldReader::~AliFieldReader() { // // Destructor // } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliFieldReader::Init() { // // Initialize the reader // // Calculated map fField = new AliMagFMaps("Maps","Maps", 2, 1., 10., 2); // Catalogue fCatalogue = fopen(fCatalogueName, "r"); // HTML fHtmlMain = fopen("bmap.html", "w"); MakeHtmlHeaderMain(fHtmlMain); } void AliFieldReader::ReadMap() { // // Read the measured dipole field map // Float_t zA[450], bxzA[200], byzA[200], bzzA[200], bxzcA[200], byzcA[200], bzzcA[200]; Float_t yA[450], bxyA[200], byyA[200], bzyA[200], bxycA[200], byycA[200], bzycA[200]; Float_t xA[450], bxxA[200], byxA[200], bzxA[200], bxxcA[200], byxcA[200], bzxcA[200]; Char_t sLine[255]; Char_t fLine[255]; Float_t xpos, ypos, zpos; Int_t iboxpos; Float_t h[3], x[3], b[3]; Float_t temp; Float_t xnt[17]; Int_t ires; Int_t iret, ipos; Int_t ic115 = 0; Float_t dx = 0.; Float_t dy = 0.; Init(); // Read register ReadRegisterMap(); // n-tuple fMap = new TNtuple("Field Map", "Map", "x:y:z:ix:iy:iz:bx:by:bz:bxc:byc:bzc:ifile:ireg:irot:temp:cal", 4000); // // Loop over files // Int_t ifiles = 0; // File catalogue while ((fgets(fLine, 255, fCatalogue)) != NULL && ifiles <= 2000) { if (strncmp(fLine,"#HEADER", 7) == 0) { iret = sscanf(&fLine[7],"%f", &fZStart); continue; } ifiles++; // if (ifiles != 87) continue; char fileName[32]; iret = sscanf(fLine, "%s", fileName); printf("Reading File %s\n", fileName); // Get run name TString* tsFile = new TString(fileName); TObjArray * tokens = tsFile->Tokenize("."); const char* runName = (((TObjString*) tokens->At(0))->GetString()).Data(); FILE* file = fopen(fileName, "r"); Float_t bdl = 0.; Float_t bdlc = 0.; Int_t iz = 0; Int_t izz = 0; Int_t iy = 0; Int_t ix = 0; Int_t iheader = 0; Float_t stepsz = 0.; // Graphs go here TMultiGraph* bxzmg = new TMultiGraph("bxzmg", "B_{x}"); TMultiGraph* byzmg = new TMultiGraph("byzmg", "B_{y}"); TMultiGraph* bzzmg = new TMultiGraph("bzzmg", "B_{z}"); while ((fgets(sLine, 255, file)) != NULL) { // read z-position if (strncmp(sLine," Current", 8) == 0) { Float_t current; iret = sscanf(&sLine[9],"%f", ¤t); printf("Current %f \n", current); fPolarity = current / 6000.; } if (strncmp(sLine," z", 2) == 0) { Float_t zmin, zmax; Int_t nsteps; iret = sscanf(&sLine[3],"%f %f %d", &zmin, &zmax, &nsteps); printf("zmin zmax %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f\n", zmin, zmax, TMath::Abs(zmax - zmin)/Float_t(nsteps)); zmax = TMath::Max(zmin, zmax); stepsz = TMath::Abs(zmax - zmin)/Float_t(nsteps); } if (strncmp(sLine," X position", 11) == 0) { TString string; TString* tsLine = new TString(sLine); TObjArray * tokens = tsLine->Tokenize("="); string = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(1))->GetString(); iret = sscanf(string.Data(), "%f", &xpos); string = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(2))->GetString(); iret = sscanf(string.Data(), "%f", &ypos); string = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(3))->GetString(); iret = sscanf(string.Data(), "%d", &iboxpos); printf("This file is for x = %13.3f y = %13.3f Box Position %1d\n", xpos, ypos, iboxpos); iheader++; } if (strncmp(sLine," R Z-pos",8) == 0) { iret = sscanf(&sLine[8],"%e", &zpos); ipos = 0; ic115 = 0; izz++; } if (strncmp(sLine,"C",1) == 0) { ipos++; Int_t ireg; iret = sscanf(&sLine[2],"%d %f %f %f %f %d", &ireg, &h[0], &h[1], &h[2], &temp, &ires); // // fix for address 115 // if (ireg == 115) ic115++; if (ic115 == 2 && ireg == 115) ireg = 119; if (iheader == 1) { Float_t bx = 0., by = 0., bz = 0.; Int_t jx = fRegMap[ireg][0]; Int_t jy = fRegMap[ireg][1]; Int_t jz = fRegMap[ireg][2]; switch (iboxpos) { case 0: bx = h[1]; by = h[2]; dx = -0.36 + jx * fDd; dy = jy * fDd; break; case 1: bx = -h[2]; by = h[1]; dx = 0.36 + jy * fDd; dy = -(-0.36 + jx * fDd); break; case 2: bx = -h[1]; by = -h[2]; dx = 0.36 - jx * fDd; dy = -jy * fDd; break; case 3: bx = h[2]; by = -h[1]; dx = -0.36 - jy * fDd; dy = -(0.36 - jx * fDd); break; } // switch bz = h[0]; if (jz == 0) { bz = -bz; if (iboxpos == 1 || iboxpos == 3) { by = -by; } else { bx = -bx; } } Float_t dz = (jz == 0)? fDz/2. : - fDz/2.; dz *= 100.; Float_t xc = xpos + dx; Float_t yc = ypos + dy; x[0] = - xc * 100.; x[1] = + yc * 100.; x[2] = - (-zpos * 100. + fZStart + dz); fField->Field(x, b); b[0] *= fPolarity; b[1] *= fPolarity; b[2] *= fPolarity; xnt[ 0] = xc; xnt[ 1] = yc; xnt[ 2] = -x[2] / 100.; xnt[ 3] = Float_t (jx); xnt[ 4] = Float_t (jy); xnt[ 5] = Float_t (jz); xnt[ 6] = bx; xnt[ 7] = by; xnt[ 8] = bz; xnt[ 9] = b[0]/10.; xnt[10] = b[1]/10.; xnt[11] = b[2]/10.; xnt[12] = Float_t (ifiles); xnt[13] = Float_t (ireg); xnt[14] = Float_t(iboxpos); xnt[15] = temp; xnt[16] = Float_t(ires); fMap->Fill(xnt); // // Calculated field if (jy != -1 && jz == 1 && jy == 0 && izz == 40){ x[1] = x[1] + 10.; fField->Field(x, b); yA [jx] = yc; bxyA[jx] = bx; byyA[jx] = by; bzyA[jx] = bz; bxycA[jx] = b[0] / 10.; byycA[jx] = b[1] / 10.; bzycA[jx] = b[2] / 10.; iy++; } // if if (jy != -1 && jz == 1 && jy == 0 && izz == 1){ x[1] = x[1] + 10.; fField->Field(x, b); xA [jx] = xc; bxxA[jx] = bx; byxA[jx] = by; bzxA[jx] = bz; bxxcA[jx] = b[0] / 10.; byxcA[jx] = b[1] / 10.; bzxcA[jx] = b[2] / 10.; ix++; } // if if (ireg == 181) { fField->Field(x, b); // printf("Field %f %f %f %f %f %f \n", x[0], x[1], x[2], b[0], b[1] , b[2]); bdl += stepsz * bx; bdlc += stepsz * b[0]; zA [iz] = x[2]; bxzA[iz] = bx; byzA[iz] = by; bzzA[iz] = bz; bxzcA[iz] = b[0] / 10.; byzcA[iz] = b[1] / 10.; bzzcA[iz] = b[2] / 10.; iz++; } } // if 1st header } // if C } // next line gStyle->SetOptStat(0); char title[128]; sprintf(title, "File#: %5d, X = %13.2f m , Y = %13.2f m, Box Orientation: %2d", ifiles, xpos, ypos, iboxpos); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2", title, 1200, 800); c2->Divide(2,2); c2->cd(1); TGraph* bxg = new TGraph(iz, zA, bxzA); TGraph* bxcg = new TGraph(iz, zA, bxzcA); bxcg->SetLineColor(2); bxzmg->Add(bxg); bxzmg->Add(bxcg); bxzmg->Draw("lA"); bxzmg->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("z[m]"); bxzmg->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("B_{x} [T]"); bxzmg->Draw("lA"); c2->cd(2); TGraph* byg = new TGraph(iz, zA, byzA); TGraph* bycg = new TGraph(iz, zA, byzcA); bycg->SetLineColor(2); byzmg->Add(byg); byzmg->Add(bycg); byzmg->Draw("lA"); byzmg->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("z[m]"); byzmg->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("B_{y} [T]"); byzmg->Draw("lA"); c2->cd(3); TGraph* bzg = new TGraph(iz, zA, bzzA); TGraph* bzcg = new TGraph(iz, zA, bzzcA); bzcg->SetLineColor(2); bzzmg->Add(bzg); bzzmg->Add(bzcg); bzzmg->Draw("lA"); bzzmg->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("z[m]"); bzzmg->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("B_{z} [T]"); bzzmg->Draw("lA"); c2->Update(); char pictFile[64]; sprintf(pictFile, "%s.gif", runName); c2->SaveAs(pictFile); // // Html generation // char htmlFile[64]; sprintf(htmlFile, "%s.html", runName); FILE* chtml = fopen(htmlFile, "w"); MakeHtmlHeaderPict(chtml); MakeHtmlPict(chtml, pictFile); MakeHtmlTableEntry(fHtmlMain, fileName, htmlFile, xpos, ypos, iboxpos, bdl, ifiles); // // printf("Bdl [Tm] %f %f \n", 2. * bdl, 2 * bdlc / 10.); } // files MakeHtmlTrailor(fHtmlMain); TFile* out = new TFile("fmap.root", "recreate"); fMap->Write(); out->Close(); } void AliFieldReader::ReadMapSolenoid(){ // // Read map for solenoid measurement // Float_t phiA[450], bzPhiA[200], brPhiA[200], btPhiA[200], bbPhiA[200]; Float_t bzcPhiA[200], brcPhiA[200], btcPhiA[200], bbcPhiA[200]; Char_t sLine[255]; Char_t fLine[255]; Float_t zpos, phipos, skewing, temp; Int_t ical; Float_t zmin, zmax; Float_t h[3], x[3], b[3]; Int_t iret; Int_t ipos = 0; Init(); ReadRegisterMapSolenoid(); fMap = new TNtuple("Field Map", "Map", "r:phi:z:br:bt:bz:brc:btc:bzc:ifile:ireg:temp:cal:arm", 4000); // // Loop over files // Int_t ifiles = 0; // File catalogue while ((fgets(fLine, 255, fCatalogue)) != NULL && ifiles <= 2000) { if (strncmp(fLine,"#HEADER", 7) == 0) { iret = sscanf(&fLine[7],"%f", &fZStart); continue; } ifiles++; char fileName[32]; iret = sscanf(fLine, "%s", fileName); printf("Reading File %s\n", fileName); // Get run name TString* tsFile = new TString(fileName); TObjArray * tokens = tsFile->Tokenize("."); Int_t n = tokens->GetEntries(); char* runName = new char[256]; sprintf(runName, "%s", (((TObjString*) tokens->At(0))->GetString()).Data()); if (n > 2) { for (Int_t i = 1; i < n-1; i++) { sprintf(runName, "%s.%s", runName, (((TObjString*) tokens->At(i))->GetString()).Data()); } } FILE* file = fopen(fileName, "r"); Float_t bdl = 0.; Float_t bdlc = 0.; Int_t iA = 0; Int_t izz = 0; Int_t iphi = 0; // Graphs go here TMultiGraph* bxzmg = new TMultiGraph("bxzmg", "B_{z}"); TMultiGraph* byzmg = new TMultiGraph("byzmg", "B_{r}"); TMultiGraph* bzzmg = new TMultiGraph("bzzmg", "B_{t}"); TMultiGraph* bbmg = new TMultiGraph("bbmg", "|B|"); while ((fgets(sLine, 255, file)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(sLine," z", 2) == 0) { Int_t nsteps; iret = sscanf(&sLine[3],"%f %f %d", &zmin, &zmax, &nsteps); printf("zmin zmax %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f\n", zmin, zmax, TMath::Abs(zmax - zmin)/Float_t(nsteps)); } if (strncmp(sLine," R\tPOSITION NUMBER", 18) == 0) { // // Current z-position TString string; TString* tsLine = new TString(sLine); TObjArray * tokens = tsLine->Tokenize("="); string = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(1))->GetString(); iret = sscanf(string.Data(), "%f", &zpos); printf("POSITION NUMBER Z: %f\n", zpos); izz ++; delete tsLine; } if (strncmp(sLine," SKEWING ON Z:", 14) == 0) { // // Skew in z iret = sscanf(&sLine[14],"%f", &skewing); printf("SKEWING ON Z: %f\n", skewing); } if (strncmp(sLine,"Phi", 3) == 0) { Float_t phiStart, phiStop; iret = sscanf(&sLine[3],"%f %f", &phiStart, &phiStop); printf("phiStart phiStop %f %f\n", phiStart, phiStop); } if (strncmp(sLine," R\tPhi-Angle",12) == 0) { iret = sscanf(&sLine[12],"%e", &phipos); ipos = 0; iphi++; } if (strncmp(sLine,"C",1) == 0) { Int_t ireg; iret = sscanf(&sLine[2],"%d %f %f %f %f %d", &ireg, &h[0], &h[1], &h[2], &temp, &ical); ipos++; Int_t ir = fRegMap[ireg][0]; Int_t ia = fRegMap[ireg][1]; Float_t rpos = 0.; if (ia == 0) { rpos = 0.2295 + ir * 0.16; } else { if (ireg == 81) rpos = 0.2295; if (ireg == 59) rpos = 1.0295; if (ireg == 142) rpos = 2.1495; if (ireg == 180) rpos = 3.1095; if (ireg == 69) rpos = 4.2295; // if (ireg == 55) rpos = 0.2295; //if (ireg == 195) rpos = 1.0295; //if (ireg == 129) rpos = 2.1495; //if (ireg == 167) rpos = 3.1095; //if (ireg == 142) rpos = 4.2295; } Float_t phi = phipos; if (ia == 1) { phi += 180.; if (phi > 360.) phi -= 360.; } phi = - phi * TMath::Pi() / 180.; Float_t xpos = rpos * TMath::Cos(phi); Float_t ypos = rpos * TMath::Sin(phi); x[0] = - xpos * 100.; x[1] = ypos * 100.; x[2] = -400. + zpos * 100.; fField->Field(x, b); Float_t phi0 = TMath::Pi() - phi; Float_t brc = b[0] * TMath::Cos(phi0) + b[1] * TMath::Sin(phi0); Float_t btc = - b[0] * TMath::Sin(phi0) + b[1] * TMath::Cos(phi0); Float_t bzc = b[2]; brc /= 10.; btc /= 10.; bzc /= 10.; fMap->Fill(rpos, -phi, -(615.5 - fZStart) / 100. + zpos, h[2], -h[1], h[0], brc, btc, bzc, ifiles, ireg, temp, Float_t(ical), Int_t(ia)); if (ireg == 174) { printf("Field (Bx, By, Bz) at position %d: %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f %5d\n", ipos, zpos, rpos, phipos, h[0], h[1], h[2], ia); if (izz == 1) { phiA[iA] = phi; bzPhiA[iA] = -h[0]; brPhiA[iA] = h[2]; btPhiA[iA] = -h[1]; bbPhiA[iA] = TMath::Sqrt(h[0] * h[0] + h[1] * h[1] + h[2] * h[2]); bzcPhiA[iA] = bzc; brcPhiA[iA] = brc; btcPhiA[iA] = btc; bbcPhiA[iA] = TMath::Sqrt(brc * brc + bzc * bzc + btc * btc); iA++; } } } // if R } // next line gStyle->SetOptStat(0); char title[128]; sprintf(title, "Z = %13.2f m , Phi = %13.2f m", zpos, phipos); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2", title, 1200, 800); c2->Divide(2,2); c2->cd(1); TGraph* bzg = new TGraph(iA, phiA, bzPhiA); TGraph* bzcg = new TGraph(iA, phiA, bzcPhiA); bzcg->SetLineColor(2); bxzmg->Add(bzg); bxzmg->Add(bzcg); bxzmg->Draw("lA"); bxzmg->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#phi[rad]"); bxzmg->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("B_{z} [T]"); bxzmg->Draw("lA"); c2->cd(2); TGraph* brg = new TGraph(iA, phiA, brPhiA); TGraph* brcg = new TGraph(iA, phiA, brcPhiA); brcg->SetLineColor(2); byzmg->Add(brcg); byzmg->Add(brg); byzmg->SetMaximum(0.03); byzmg->SetMinimum(-0.03); byzmg->Draw("lA"); byzmg->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#phi[rad]"); byzmg->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("B_{r} [T]"); byzmg->Draw("lA"); c2->cd(3); TGraph* btg = new TGraph(iA, phiA, btPhiA); TGraph* btcg = new TGraph(iA, phiA, btcPhiA); btcg->SetLineColor(2); bzzmg->Add(btcg); bzzmg->Add(btg); bzzmg->Draw("lA"); bzzmg->SetMaximum(0.03); bzzmg->SetMinimum(-0.03); bzzmg->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#phi[rad]"); bzzmg->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("B_{t} [T]"); bzzmg->Draw("lA"); c2->cd(4); TGraph* bg = new TGraph(iA, phiA, bbPhiA); TGraph* bcg = new TGraph(iA, phiA, bbcPhiA); bcg->SetLineColor(2); bbmg->Add(bg); bbmg->Add(bcg); bbmg->Draw("lA"); bbmg->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#phi[rad]"); bbmg->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("|B| [T]"); bbmg->Draw("lA"); char pictFile[64]; sprintf(pictFile, "%s.gif", runName); c2->SaveAs(pictFile); // // Html generation // char htmlFile[64]; sprintf(htmlFile, "%s.html", runName); FILE* chtml = fopen(htmlFile, "w"); MakeHtmlHeaderPict(chtml); MakeHtmlPict(chtml, pictFile); MakeHtmlTableEntry(fHtmlMain, fileName, htmlFile, zmin, zmax, ifiles, 0., 0); // // printf("Bdl [Tm] %f %f \n", 2. * bdl, 2 * bdlc / 10.); } // files MakeHtmlTrailor(fHtmlMain); TFile* out = new TFile("fmap.root", "recreate"); fMap->Write(); out->Close(); } void AliFieldReader::MakeHtmlHeaderMain(FILE* file) { // // Write the header of the heml output // fprintf(file,"\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "main.html\n"); fprintf(file, "<\\head>\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); } void AliFieldReader::MakeHtmlHeaderPict(FILE* file) { // // Write header for picture // fprintf(file,"\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "main.html\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); } void AliFieldReader:: MakeHtmlPict(FILE* chtml, char* pictFile) { // // Write html for including picture // fprintf(chtml, "\"%s\"\n", pictFile, pictFile); fprintf(chtml, "

\n"); fprintf(chtml, "Back to main page
\n"); fprintf(chtml, "\n"); fprintf(chtml, "\n"); fclose(chtml); } void AliFieldReader::MakeHtmlTableEntry(FILE* htmlmain, char* fileName, char* htmlFile, Float_t x, Float_t y, Int_t i, Float_t bdl, Int_t ifile) { fprintf(htmlmain, "\n"); // fprintf(htmlmain, "\n", ifile); fprintf(htmlmain, "\n", fileName); // fprintf(htmlmain, "\n",x); fprintf(htmlmain, "\n",y); fprintf(htmlmain, "\n",i); fprintf(htmlmain, "\n",bdl); // fprintf(htmlmain, "\n", htmlFile); fprintf(htmlmain, "\n"); } void AliFieldReader::MakeHtmlTrailor(FILE* htmlmain) { // // Write the html trailor // fprintf(htmlmain, "\n"); fprintf(htmlmain, "
File Name
Box Orientation
Link to plots
%5d%s%13.2f%13.2f%3d %13.3f\n"); fprintf(htmlmain, "gif
\n"); fprintf(htmlmain, "\n"); fprintf(htmlmain, "\n"); fclose(htmlmain); } void AliFieldReader::ReadRegisterMap() { // // Read the register map // FILE* regmap = fopen("register.map", "r"); Int_t ireg; for (ireg = 0; ireg < 200; ireg++) { fRegMap[ireg][0] = -1; fRegMap[ireg][1] = -1; fRegMap[ireg][2] = -1; } for (Int_t iz = 0; iz < 2; iz++) { for (Int_t iy = 2; iy >= 0; iy--) { for (Int_t ix = 0; ix < 10; ix++) { fscanf(regmap, "%d\n", &ireg); printf("Address %5d %5d %5d %5d \n", iz, iy, ix, ireg); fRegMap[ireg][1] = iy; fRegMap[ireg][2] = iz; if (iz == 1) { fRegMap[ireg][0] = ix; } else { fRegMap[ireg][0] = 9 - ix; } } // ix } // iy } // iz fclose(regmap); printf("-> ReadRegisterMap()\n\n"); } void AliFieldReader::ReadRegisterMapSolenoid() { // // Read the register map // FILE* regmap = fopen("register.map", "r"); Int_t ireg; // Initialize for (ireg = 0; ireg < 200; ireg++) { fRegMap[ireg][0] = -1; fRegMap[ireg][1] = -1; fRegMap[ireg][2] = -1; } // Main arm for (Int_t ir = 0; ir < 33; ir++) { fscanf(regmap, "%d\n", &ireg); fRegMap[ireg][0] = ir; fRegMap[ireg][1] = 0; } // Opposite arm for (Int_t ir = 0; ir < 5; ir++) { fscanf(regmap, "%d\n", &ireg); fRegMap[ireg][0] = ir; fRegMap[ireg][1] = 1; } fclose(regmap); } AliFieldReader& AliFieldReader::operator=(const AliFieldReader& rhs) { // Assignment operator rhs.Copy(*this); return *this; } void AliFieldReader::Copy( TObject&) const { // // Copy // Fatal("Copy","Not implemented!\n"); }