/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2000, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /****************************************************************** * Produde digits from hits * digits is TObject and includes * We are writing array if C & A TDC * C & A ADC (will need for slow simulation) * TOF first particle C & A * mean time and time difference (vertex position) * * Alla.Maevskaya@cern.ch ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliT0Digitizer.h" #include "AliT0.h" #include "AliT0hit.h" #include "AliT0digit.h" #include "AliRunDigitizer.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include #include #include #include "AliT0Parameters.h" ClassImp(AliT0Digitizer) //___________________________________________ AliT0Digitizer::AliT0Digitizer() :AliDigitizer(), fT0(0), fHits(0), fdigits(0), ftimeCFD(new TArrayI(24)), ftimeLED (new TArrayI(24)), fADC(new TArrayI(24)), fADC0 (new TArrayI(24)), fSumMult(0), fAmpLED(0), fAmpQTC(0), fParam(0) { // Default ctor - don't use it ; } //___________________________________________ AliT0Digitizer::AliT0Digitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) :AliDigitizer(manager), fT0(0), fHits(0), fdigits(0), ftimeCFD(new TArrayI(24)), ftimeLED (new TArrayI(24)), fADC(new TArrayI(24)), fADC0 (new TArrayI(24)), fSumMult(0), fAmpLED(0), fAmpQTC(0), fParam(0) { // ctor which should be used AliDebug(1,"processed"); fParam = AliT0Parameters::Instance(); fParam->Init(); for (Int_t i=0; i<24; i++){ TGraph* gr = fParam ->GetAmpLED(i); Int_t np = gr->GetN(); Double_t *x = gr->GetX(); Double_t *y = gr->GetY(); Double_t *x1 = new Double_t[np]; Double_t *y1 = new Double_t[np]; for (Int_t ii=0; iiGetQTC(i); Int_t npq = grq->GetN(); Double_t *xq = grq->GetX(); Double_t *yq = grq->GetY(); Double_t *x1q = new Double_t[npq]; Double_t *y1q = new Double_t[npq]; for (Int_t ii=1; iiGetOutputFolderName()); AliLoader * pOutStartLoader = outRL->GetLoader("T0Loader"); AliDebug(1,"start..."); //input loader // // From hits to digits // Int_t hit, nhits; Int_t countE[24]; Int_t volume, pmt, trCFD, trLED; Float_t sl, qt; Int_t bestATDC=0; Int_t bestCTDC=0; Float_t qtCh=0; Float_t time[24], besttime[24], timeGaus[24] ; //Q->T-> coefficients !!!! should be asked!!! Float_t timeDelayCFD[24]; Int_t threshold =50; //photoelectrons Float_t zdetA, zdetC; Int_t sumMultCoeff = 100; Int_t refpoint=0; Int_t ph2Mip = fParam->GetPh2Mip(); Float_t channelWidth = fParam->GetChannelWidth() ; Float_t delayVertex = fParam->GetTimeDelayTVD(); zdetC = TMath::Abs(fParam->GetZPosition("T0/C/PMT1")); zdetA = TMath::Abs(fParam->GetZPosition("T0/A/PMT15")); // printf(" !!!!!Z det A = %f C = % f",zdetA,zdetC); AliT0hit *startHit; TBranch *brHits=0; Int_t nFiles=fManager->GetNinputs(); for (Int_t inputFile=0; inputFile Reset(); fADC -> Reset(); fADC0 -> Reset(); ftimeLED ->Reset(); for (Int_t i0=0; i0<24; i0++) { time[i0]=besttime[i0]=timeGaus[i0]=999999; countE[i0]=0; } AliRunLoader * inRL = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fManager->GetInputFolderName(inputFile)); AliLoader * pInStartLoader = inRL->GetLoader("T0Loader"); if (!inRL->GetAliRun()) inRL->LoadgAlice(); fT0 = (AliT0*)inRL ->GetAliRun()->GetDetector("T0"); //read Hits pInStartLoader->LoadHits("READ");//probably it is necessary to load them before fHits = fT0->Hits (); TTree *th = pInStartLoader->TreeH(); brHits = th->GetBranch("T0"); if (brHits) { fT0->SetHitsAddressBranch(brHits); }else{ AliWarning("Branch T0 hit not found for this event"); // fT0->AddDigit(bestATDC,bestCTDC,meanTime,timeDiff,fSumMult, refpoint, // ftimeCFD,fADC0,ftimeLED,fADC); continue; } Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) th->GetEntries(); if (ntracks<=0) return; // Start loop on tracks in the hits containers for (Int_t track=0; trackGetEntry(track); nhits = fHits->GetEntriesFast(); for (hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); if (!startHit) { AliError("The unchecked hit doesn't exist"); break; } pmt=startHit->Pmt(); Int_t numpmt=pmt-1; Double_t e=startHit->Etot(); volume = startHit->Volume(); if(e>0 ) { countE[numpmt]++; besttime[numpmt] = startHit->Time(); if(besttime[numpmt] threshold) { timeGaus[ipmt]=gRandom->Gaus(time[ipmt],25)+koef; if(timeGaus[ipmt] threshold) { timeGaus[ipmt]=gRandom->Gaus(time[ipmt],25); if(timeGaus[ipmt]GetTimeDelayCFD(0); for (Int_t i=0; i<24; i++) { Float_t al = countE[i]; if (al>threshold && timeGaus[i]<50000 ) { //fill ADC // QTC procedure: // phe -> mV 0.3; 1MIP ->500phe -> ln (amp (mV)) = 5; // max 200ns, HIJING mean 50000phe -> 15000mv -> ln = 15 (s zapasom) // channel 25ps qt= al/ph2Mip; // 50mv/Mip amp in mV // before will we have calibration for high multiplicity // if (qt > 115.) qt =115.; //must be fix!!! // fill TDC timeDelayCFD[i] = fParam->GetTimeDelayCFD(i); trCFD = Int_t (timeGaus[i]/channelWidth + timeDelayCFD[i]); TGraph* gr = ((TGraph*)fAmpLED.At(i)); sl = gr->Eval(qt); TGraph* gr1 = ((TGraph*)fAmpQTC.At(i)); qtCh = gr1->Eval(qt); fADC0->AddAt(0,i); fADC->AddAt(qtCh,i); // sumMult += Int_t ((al*gain[i]/ph2Mip)*50) ; sumMult += Int_t (qtCh/sumMultCoeff) ; // put slewing TGraph *fu=(TGraph*) fParam ->GetWalk(i); Float_t slew=fu->Eval(Float_t(qtCh)); // trCFD=trCFD-Int_t(fMaxValue[i]-slew); trCFD = trCFD + slew; //for the same channel as cosmic ftimeCFD->AddAt(Int_t (trCFD),i); trLED = Int_t(trCFD + sl ); ftimeLED->AddAt(trLED,i); AliDebug(10,Form(" pmt %i : time in ns %f time in channels %i LEd %i ", i, timeGaus[i],trCFD, trLED )); AliDebug(10,Form(" qt in MIP %f led-cfd in %f qt in channels %f ",qt, sl, qtCh)); } } //pmt loop //folding with alignmentz position distribution if( besttimeC > 10000. && besttimeC <15000) bestCTDC=Int_t ((besttimeC+timeDelayCFD[pmtBestC]) /channelWidth); if( besttimeA > 10000. && besttimeA <15000) bestATDC=Int_t ((besttimeA+timeDelayCFD[pmtBestA]) /channelWidth); if (bestATDC < 99999 && bestCTDC < 99999) { timeDiff=Int_t (((besttimeC-besttimeA)+1000*delayVertex) /channelWidth); meanTime=Int_t (((besttimeC+besttimeA)/2. )/channelWidth); } if (sumMult > threshold){ fSumMult = Int_t (1000.* TMath::Log(Double_t(sumMult) / Double_t(sumMultCoeff)) /channelWidth); AliDebug(10,Form("summult mv %i mult in chammens %i in ps %i ", sumMult, fSumMult, fSumMult*channelWidth)); } fT0->AddDigit(bestATDC,bestCTDC,meanTime,timeDiff,fSumMult, refpoint, ftimeCFD,fADC0,ftimeLED,fADC); AliDebug(10,Form(" Digits wrote refpoint %i bestATDC %i bestCTDC %i meanTime %i timeDiff %i fSumMult %i ",refpoint ,bestATDC,bestCTDC,meanTime,timeDiff,fSumMult )); pOutStartLoader->UnloadHits(); } //input streams loop //load digits pOutStartLoader->LoadDigits("UPDATE"); TTree *treeD = pOutStartLoader->TreeD(); if (treeD == 0x0) { pOutStartLoader->MakeTree("D"); treeD = pOutStartLoader->TreeD(); } treeD->Reset(); fT0 = (AliT0*)outRL ->GetAliRun()->GetDetector("T0"); // Make a branch in the tree fT0->MakeBranch("D"); treeD->Fill(); pOutStartLoader->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); fT0->ResetDigits(); pOutStartLoader->UnloadDigits(); }