/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //... // Checks the quality assurance. // By comparing with reference data // Skeleton for T0 //--------------------------------------------- //checkig without reference data: //for RAW QA all histograms should have approximatly the same //number of entries as RefPoint //for Rec Points checks // - amplitude measured by 2 methos // - online and offline T0 measurements // for ESD quality of reconstruction ( and measurements): // RMS of vertex and T0 less than 75ps // // Alla.Maevskaya@cern.ch //... // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliQA.h" #include "AliQAChecker.h" #include "AliT0QAChecker.h" ClassImp(AliT0QAChecker) //__________________________________________________________________ const Double_t AliT0QAChecker::Check(AliQA::ALITASK_t index,TObjArray * list) { // Super-basic check on the QA histograms on the input list: // look whether they are empty! Double_t test = 10.0 ; Int_t count = 0 ; Double_t nent[200], nentraw[200]; TString hname[200]; const char *cname; memset(nent,0,200*sizeof(Double_t)); Double_t w[200]; memset(w,1,200*sizeof(Double_t)); TH1 *fhRecLEDAmp[24]; TH1 * fhRecQTC[24]; TH1 *fhOnlineMean = 0x0; TH1 * fhRecMean = 0x0; TH1 *fhESDMean = 0x0; TH1 *fhESDVertex = 0x0; TString dataType = AliQA::GetAliTaskName(index); if (list->GetEntries() == 0){ test = 1. ; // nothing to check } else { TIter next(list) ; TH1 * hdata ; count = 0 ; while ( (hdata = dynamic_cast(next())) ) { if (hdata) { nent[count] = hdata->GetEntries(); cname = hdata->GetName(); hname[count] = cname; AliDebug(10,Form("count %i %s -> %f",count, hname[count].Data(),nent[count])) ; if(index==2){ if(count>23 && count<48)fhRecLEDAmp[count-24] = hdata; if(count>47 && count<72)fhRecQTC[count-48] = hdata; if(count == 72) fhOnlineMean = hdata; if(count == 73) fhRecMean = hdata; } if(index==3){ if(count==0) fhESDMean = hdata; if(count==1) fhESDVertex = hdata; if(count>1){ AliWarning("Unknowm ESD QA histograms"); return 0; } } count++ ; Double_t rv = 0.; if(hdata->GetEntries()>0) rv = 1; // AliInfo(Form("%s -> %f", hdata->GetName(), rv)) ; test += rv ; } else{ AliError("Data type cannot be processed") ; } } if (count != 0) { if (test==0) { AliWarning("Histograms are there, but they are all empty: setting flag to kWARNING"); test = 0.5; //upper limit value to set kWARNING flag for a task } else { if(index == 2){ //rec points if ( TMath::Abs(fhRecMean->GetMean() - fhOnlineMean->GetMean()) > 5) AliWarning(Form("rec mean %f -> online mean %f",fhRecMean->GetMean(), fhOnlineMean->GetMean())) ; Double_t meanLED, meanQTC; for (Int_t idet=0; idet<24; idet++) { meanLED = fhRecLEDAmp[idet]->GetMean(); meanQTC = fhRecQTC[idet]->GetMean(); if (TMath::Abs(meanLED-meanQTC)> 1.) AliWarning(Form("Amplitude measurements are different in channel %i : Amp LED %f -> Amp QTC %f",idet,meanLED, meanQTC)) ; } } if (index == 0) { //raw data Float_t realNumber = Float_t(nent[0]); for (Int_t i=77; i 0.1*realNumber ) AliWarning(Form("Problem in Number of entried in hist %s is %f number of RefPoints %f\n",hname[i].Data() , nent[i],realNumber )) ; } } if (index == 3) { //ESD Double_t rmsMeanTime = fhESDMean->GetRMS(); if (rmsMeanTime>3) AliWarning(Form("Mean time with bad resolution, RMS= %f",rmsMeanTime)) ; Double_t rmsVertex = fhESDVertex->GetRMS(); if (rmsVertex>3) AliWarning(Form("Vertex with bad resolution, RMS= %f",rmsVertex)) ; } } } } // if (list->GetEntries() != 0 AliInfo(Form("Test Result = %f", test)) ; return test ; }