/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //--- // Produces the data needed to calculate the quality assurance. // Alla.Maevskaya@cern.ch //--- // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliT0digit.h" #include "AliT0hit.h" #include "AliT0RecPoint.h" #include "AliT0QADataMakerRec.h" #include "AliQAChecker.h" #include "AliT0RawReader.h" #include "AliT0RecoParam.h" #include "AliQAThresholds.h" #include "AliDAQ.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliQAManager.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "TFitResultPtr.h" #include "Riostream.h" ClassImp(AliT0QADataMakerRec) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliT0QADataMakerRec::AliT0QADataMakerRec() : AliQADataMakerRec(AliQAv1::GetDetName(AliQAv1::kT0), "T0 Quality Assurance Data Maker"), fMeanRawVertexParam(0), fMeanORAParam(0), fMeanORCParam(0), fCFDEffSubRangeLowParam(0), fCFDEffSubRangeHighParam(3000), fLEDEffSubRangeLowParam(0), fLEDEffSubRangeHighParam(3000) // fnEventCal(0), // fnEventPhys(0) { // ctor // RS: There is some inconsistency here: the separation of physics and calib. events/histos is done by // fEventSpecie. Why do we book separate histos on different slots for calib and physics ? // I am changing this in such way that we don't need local counters like fNumTriggers (the corresponding // histos now incremented in the MakeRaws, and for the normalization I will use the framework's counters // AliQADataMaker::GetEvCountCycle(...), AliQADataMaker::GetEvCountTotal(...) // All these fTrEff.. feff.. will by directly filled in corresponding histos for(Int_t i=0; i<24; i++){ fMeanCFDFromGoodRunParam[i]=0; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliT0QADataMakerRec::AliT0QADataMakerRec(const AliT0QADataMakerRec& qadm) : AliQADataMakerRec(), fMeanRawVertexParam(qadm.fMeanRawVertexParam), fMeanORAParam(qadm.fMeanORAParam), fMeanORCParam(qadm.fMeanORCParam), fCFDEffSubRangeLowParam(qadm.fCFDEffSubRangeLowParam), fCFDEffSubRangeHighParam(qadm.fCFDEffSubRangeHighParam), fLEDEffSubRangeLowParam(qadm.fLEDEffSubRangeLowParam), fLEDEffSubRangeHighParam(qadm.fLEDEffSubRangeHighParam) { //copy ctor SetName((const char*)qadm.GetName()) ; SetTitle((const char*)qadm.GetTitle()); for(Int_t i=0; i<24; i++){ fMeanCFDFromGoodRunParam[i]=qadm.fMeanCFDFromGoodRunParam[i]; } } //__________________________________________________________________ AliT0QADataMakerRec& AliT0QADataMakerRec::operator = (const AliT0QADataMakerRec& qadm ) { // Equal operator. this->~AliT0QADataMakerRec(); new(this) AliT0QADataMakerRec(qadm); return *this; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliT0QADataMakerRec::~AliT0QADataMakerRec() { //destructor } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::EndOfDetectorCycle(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, TObjArray ** list) { //Detector specific actions at end of cycle // do the QA checking AliInfo(Form("Task: %d",task)); ResetEventTrigClasses(); TH1* hcounter = 0; TH1* heff = 0; TH1* htmp = 0; TH1F* hEventCounter=NULL; for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++) { // // RS: There is some inconsistency here: the separation of physics and calib. events/histos is done by // fEventSpecie. Why do we book separate histos on different slots for calib and physics ? // I am changing this in such way that we don't need local counters like fNumTriggers (the corresponding // histos now incremented in the MakeRaws, and for the normalization I will use the framework's counters // AliQADataMaker::GetEvCountCycle(...), AliQADataMaker::GetEvCountTotal(...) // // I think the histos xx+250 should be suppressed (the xx calib histos of specie==calibration will be // used automatically) // if (! IsValidEventSpecie(specie, list)) continue; SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::ConvertIndex(specie)); // for (int itc=-1;itc0) { Float_t numberOfEventsAllCycles = 0.0; if((hEventCounter=(TH1F*) GetRawsData(240,itc))){ numberOfEventsAllCycles = hEventCounter->Integral() + nEvent;// count all events upto now hEventCounter->SetBinContent(1,numberOfEventsAllCycles); // increase counter } SetEfficiency(169, 241, itc, numberOfEventsAllCycles); SetEfficiency(207, 242, itc, numberOfEventsAllCycles); SetEfficiency(208, 243, itc, numberOfEventsAllCycles); SetEfficiency(237, 244, itc, numberOfEventsAllCycles); SetEfficiency(238, 245, itc, numberOfEventsAllCycles); //fk// orA and orC for given specie and trigger class Float_t numberOfORAEndOfCycle = 0.0; Float_t numberOfORCEndOfCycle = 0.0; if((htmp=GetRawsData(172,itc))) numberOfORAEndOfCycle = htmp->Integral(); //ORA if((htmp=GetRawsData(173,itc))) numberOfORCEndOfCycle = htmp->Integral(); //ORC if((heff=GetRawsData(209,itc))){ //QTC efficiency if((hcounter=GetRawsData(246,itc))){ //QTC counter if(numberOfORCEndOfCycle>0){ for(int ipmt=0; ipmt<12; ipmt++){ Float_t val = hcounter->GetBinContent(ipmt+1); //first bin has consequtive number 1 heff->SetBinContent(ipmt+1,val/numberOfORCEndOfCycle); } }else{ for(int ipmt=0;ipmt<12; ipmt++) heff->SetBinContent(ipmt+1,0); } if(numberOfORAEndOfCycle>0){ for(int ipmt=12;ipmt<24; ipmt++){ Float_t val = hcounter->GetBinContent(ipmt+1); heff->SetBinContent(ipmt+1,val/numberOfORAEndOfCycle); } }else{ for(int ipmt=0;ipmt<12; ipmt++) heff->SetBinContent(ipmt+1,0); } } } }//Evt >0 } // kRAWS } // RS: loop over eventual clones per trigger class } // loop over species // AliQAChecker::Instance()->Run(AliQAv1::kT0, task, list); //FK } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::StartOfDetectorCycle() { //Detector specific actions at start of cycle AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); //man->SetDefaultStorage(gSystem->Getenv("AMORE_CDB_URI")); if(!man) return; AliCDBEntry* entry = man->Get("GRP/Calib/QAThresholds"); if(!entry) return; TObjArray* t0branch = (TObjArray*) entry->GetObject(); AliQAThresholds* thresholds = (AliQAThresholds*) t0branch->FindObject("T00"); // here you should test that you got a non-null pointer if(!thresholds) return; if(AliDAQ::DetectorID("T0")!= thresholds->GetDetectorId()){ AliInfo(Form("DETECTOR ID %d DOES NOT MATCH TO TZERO",thresholds->GetDetectorId())); return; } int iparam = 0; if((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam)){ // mean raw vertex fMeanRawVertexParam = ((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam))->GetVal(); } iparam = 76; if((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam)){ // mean raw vertex fMeanORAParam = ((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam))->GetVal(); } iparam = 77; if((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam)){ // mean raw vertex fMeanORCParam = ((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam))->GetVal(); } iparam = 78; if((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam)){ // mean raw vertex fCFDEffSubRangeLowParam = ((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam))->GetVal(); } iparam = 79; if((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam)){ // mean raw vertex fCFDEffSubRangeHighParam = ((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam))->GetVal(); } iparam = 80; if((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam)){ // mean raw vertex fLEDEffSubRangeLowParam = ((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam))->GetVal(); } iparam = 81; if((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam)){ // mean raw vertex fLEDEffSubRangeHighParam = ((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam))->GetVal(); } for(int ipmt=0; ipmt<24;ipmt++){ iparam = ipmt + 1; //current consecutive number of parameter if((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam)){ // mean CFD from a good run fMeanCFDFromGoodRunParam[ipmt] = ((TParameter*) thresholds->GetThreshold(iparam))->GetVal(); } } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::InitRaws() { // create Raw histograms in Raw subdir const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ; const Bool_t saveCorr = kTRUE ; const Bool_t image = kTRUE ; Float_t low[500]; Float_t high[500]; //triggers const Char_t *triggers[6] = {"T0 OR", "vertex","ORA","ORC","central","semi-central"}; for (Int_t i=0; i<500; i++){ low[i] = 0; high[i] = 30000; } TString timename, ampname, qtcname, ledname; TString timeCalname, ampCalname, ledCalname, qtcCalname; TString qt1name, qt0name, qt1Calname, qt0Calname; TString nhits; TH1F* hRefPoint = new TH1F("hRefPoint","Ref Point", 10000, 0 ,50000); hRefPoint->SetLabelSize(0.02); Add2RawsList( hRefPoint,0, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F *hRefPointcal = new TH1F("hRefPointcal","Ref Point laser", 5000, 0 ,20000); Add2RawsList( hRefPointcal,250, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F *hRawCFD[24]; TH1F *hRawLEDamp[24]; TH1F *hRawQTC[24]; TH1F *hRawLED[24]; TH1F *hRawQT1[24]; TH1F *hRawQT0[24]; TH1F* hRawNhits[24]; for(Int_t i=0; i<24; i++){ timename ="hRawCFD"; ledname = "hRawLED"; qtcname = "hRawQTC"; qt0name = "hRawQT0_"; qt1name = "hRawQT1_"; ampname = "hRawLEDminCFD"; nhits = "hRawNhits"; timename += i+1; ampname += i+1; qtcname += i+1; qt0name += i+1; qt1name += i+1; ledname += i+1; nhits += i+1; hRawCFD[i] = new TH1F(timename.Data(), Form("%s;CFD [#channels]; Counts", timename.Data()),Int_t((high[i+1]-low[i+1])/4),low[i+1],high[i+1]); // ForbidCloning(hRawCFD[i]); //RS I don't know how histos 1-24 should be processed in MakeRaws, for the moment forbidding the cloning Add2RawsList( hRawCFD[i],i+1, expert, !image, !saveCorr); hRawLED[i] = new TH1F(ledname.Data(), Form("%s;LED [#channels]; Counts", ledname.Data()),Int_t((high[i+25]-low[i+25])/4),low[i+25],high[i+25]); Add2RawsList( hRawLED[i],i+25, expert, !image, !saveCorr); hRawLEDamp[i] = new TH1F(ampname.Data(), Form("%s;LED-CFD [#channels]; Counts", ampname.Data()),1000,0,1000); Add2RawsList( hRawLEDamp[i],i+49, expert, !image, !saveCorr); hRawQTC[i] = new TH1F(qtcname.Data(), Form("%s;QTC[#channels]; Counts", qtcname.Data()), 2500,0,10000); //fk //QT0 Add2RawsList( hRawQTC[i],i+73, expert, !image, !saveCorr); hRawQT0[i] = new TH1F(qt0name.Data(), Form("%s; QT0 [#channels]; Counts", qt0name.Data()),Int_t((high[97+i]-low[97+i])/4),low[97+i],high[97+i]); Add2RawsList( hRawQT0[i],97+i, expert, !image, !saveCorr); //QT1 hRawQT1[i] = new TH1F(qt1name.Data(), Form("%s; QT1 [#channels]; Counts", qt1name.Data()),Int_t((high[121+i]-low[121+i])/4),low[121+i],high[121+i]); Add2RawsList( hRawQT1[i],121+i, expert, !image, !saveCorr); hRawNhits[i] = new TH1F(nhits.Data(), Form("%s;#Hits;Events", nhits.Data()),20, 0, 20); Add2RawsList( hRawNhits[i],176+i, expert, !image, !saveCorr); } TH1F* hRawTrigger = new TH1F("hRawTrigger"," triggers;Trigger ;Counts",6,0,6); for (Int_t itr=0; itr<6; itr++) hRawTrigger->Fill(triggers[itr], 0); // RS Modified to allow cloning (no fNumTriggers member anymore) Add2RawsList(hRawTrigger ,169, !expert, image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hRawMean = new TH1F("hRawMean","online timer mean signal, physics event;",Int_t((high[170]-low[170])/4),low[170],high[170]); Add2RawsList( hRawMean,170, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hRawVertex = new TH1F("hRawVertex","online 0TVX vertex signal; counts",Int_t((high[171]-low[171])/4),low[171],high[171]); Add2RawsList( hRawVertex,171, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hRawORA = new TH1F("hRawORA","online OR A; counts",Int_t((high[172]-low[172])/4),low[172],high[172]); Add2RawsList( hRawORA,172, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hRawORC = new TH1F("hRawORC","online OR C;counts",Int_t(( high[173]-low[173])/4),low[173],high[173]); Add2RawsList( hRawORC,173, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hMultCentr = new TH1F("hMultCentr","online trigger Central;counts ",Int_t(( high[174]-low[174])/4),low[174],high[174]); Add2RawsList( hMultCentr,174, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hMultSeCentr = new TH1F("hMultSemiCentr","online trigger SemiCentral;counts ",Int_t(( high[175]-low[175])/4),low[175],high[175]); Add2RawsList( hMultSeCentr,175, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hMultA = new TH1F("hMultA","full mulltiplicity A side;Multiplicity;Entries", Int_t((high[201]-low[201])/4) ,low[201],high[201]); Add2RawsList( hMultA,201, expert, !image, !saveCorr );//FK TH1F* hMultAS = new TH1F("hMultASemi","full multiplicity with semi-central trigger A side ;Multiplicity;Entries", Int_t((high[202]-low[202])/4),low[202],high[202] ); Add2RawsList( hMultAS, 202, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hMultAC = new TH1F("hMultACentr","full multiplicity with central trigger;Multiplicity;Entries", Int_t((high[203]-low[203])/4),low[203],high[203]); Add2RawsList( hMultAC, 203, expert, !image, !saveCorr); //side C TH1F* hMultC = new TH1F("hMultC","full mulltiplicity C side;Multiplicity;Entries", Int_t(high[204]-low[204]/4) ,low[204],high[204]); Add2RawsList( hMultC,204, expert, !image, !saveCorr );//FK TH1F* hMultCS = new TH1F("hMultCSemi","full multiplicity with semi-central trigger C side;Multiplicity;Entries", Int_t((high[205]-low[205])/4),low[205],high[205] ); Add2RawsList( hMultCS,205, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hMultCC = new TH1F("hMultCCentr","full multiplicity with central trigger C side;Multiplicity;Entries", Int_t((high[206]-low[206])/4),low[206],high[206]); Add2RawsList( hMultCC,206, expert, !image, !saveCorr); //efficiency TH1F* hCFDeff= new TH1F("hCFDeff"," CFD efficiency; #PMT; #CFD counts/nEvents",24, 0 ,24); hCFDeff->SetMinimum(0); hCFDeff->SetMaximum(2); hCFDeff->SetMarkerStyle(20);//fk hCFDeff->SetMarkerColor(2);//fk hCFDeff->SetOption("p");//fk Add2RawsList( hCFDeff, 207, expert, image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hEffLED = new TH1F("hEffLED","LED efficiency; #PMT; #LED counts/nEvent",24, 0 ,24); hEffLED ->SetMinimum(0); hEffLED->SetMaximum(2); hEffLED->SetMarkerStyle(28);//fk hEffLED->SetMarkerColor(1);//fk hEffLED->SetOption("p,same");//fk Add2RawsList( hEffLED, 208, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK is published attahced to the CFD efficiency TH1F* hEffQTC = new TH1F("hEffQTC","QTC efficiency; #PMT; QTC efficiency%s;",24, 0 ,24); hEffQTC->SetMinimum(0); hEffQTC->SetMaximum(2); Add2RawsList( hEffQTC,209, !expert, image, !saveCorr); TH2F* hCFD = new TH2F("hCFD","CFD ; #PMT; CFD {#channnels}", 24, 0 , 24,Int_t((high[210]-low[210])/4),low[210],high[210]); hCFD->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2RawsList( hCFD,210, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//fk TH2F* hLED = new TH2F("hLED","LED ; #PMT; LED [#channnels]", 24, 0 , 24,Int_t((high[211]-low[211])/4),low[211],high[211]); hLED->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2RawsList( hLED,211, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//fk TH2F* hQTC = new TH2F("hQTC","QTC ; #PMT; QTC [#channnels]", 24, 0, 24,Int_t( (high[212]-low[212])/4),low[212],high[212]); hQTC->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2RawsList( hQTC,212, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//fk TH1F* hNumPMTA= new TH1F("hNumPMTA","number of PMT hitted per event A side",13, 0 ,13); Add2RawsList(hNumPMTA ,213, expert, image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hNumPMTC= new TH1F("hNumPMTC","number of PMT hitted per event C side",13, 0 ,13); Add2RawsList(hNumPMTC ,214, expert, image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hHitsOrA= new TH1F("hHitsOrA","T0_OR A hit multiplicity",20, 0 ,20); Add2RawsList( hHitsOrA,215, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hHitsOrC= new TH1F("hHitsOrC","T0_OR C hit multiplicity",20, 0 ,20); Add2RawsList(hHitsOrC ,216, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hOrCminOrA= new TH1F("hOrCminOrA","T0_OR C - T0_OR A [cm]",10000,-5000,5000); Add2RawsList( hOrCminOrA,219, expert, !image, !saveCorr); //FK TH1F* hOrCminOrATvdcOn= new TH1F("hOrCminOrATvdcOn","T0_OR C - T0_OR A TVDC on [cm]",10000,-5000,5000); Add2RawsList( hOrCminOrATvdcOn,217, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hOrCminOrATvdcOff= new TH1F("hOrCminOrATvdcOff","T0_OR C - T0_OR A TVDC off [cm]",10000,-5000,5000); Add2RawsList( hOrCminOrATvdcOff,218, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK //satellite & beam background TH2F* hBeam = new TH2F("hBeam", "Mean vs Vertex from 1st hit", 120, -30, 30, 120, -30, 30); hBeam->SetOption("COLZ"); hBeam->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(T0C-T0A)/2, ns from 1st"); //vtx hBeam->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(T0C+T0A)/2, ns"); //time Add2RawsList( hBeam,220, !expert, image, !saveCorr); TH2F* hBeamTVDCon = new TH2F("hBeamTVDCon", "Mean vs Vertex TVDC on from 1st hit",50, -5, 5, 50, -5, 5);//FK hBeamTVDCon->SetOption("COLZ"); hBeamTVDCon->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(T0C-T0A)/2, ns from 1st hit"); hBeamTVDCon->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(T0C+T0A)/2, ns"); Add2RawsList( hBeamTVDCon,221, expert, image, !saveCorr); TH2F* hBeamTVDCoff = new TH2F("hBeamTVDCoff", "Mean vs Vertex TVDC off from 1st hit", 120, -30, 30, 120, -30, 30); hBeamTVDCoff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(T0C-T0A)/2, ns from 1st hit"); hBeamTVDCoff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(T0C+T0A)/2, ns"); hBeamTVDCoff->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2RawsList( hBeamTVDCoff,222, expert, image, !saveCorr); //vertex 1st TH1F* hVertex1stTVDCon = new TH1F("hVertex1stTVDCon", "(T0A-T0C)/2, ps, from 1st hit TVDC on", 200, -2000, 2000); //FK Add2RawsList(hVertex1stTVDCon ,223, !expert, image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hVertex1stTVDCoff = new TH1F("hVertex1stTVDCoff", "(T0A-T0C)/2, ps, from 1st hit TVDC off", 500, -2000, 2000);//FK Add2RawsList( hVertex1stTVDCoff,225, !expert, image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hMean1stTVDCon = new TH1F("hMean1stTVDCon", "(T0A+T0C)/2, ps, from 1st hit TVDC on", 200, -2000, 2000);//FK Add2RawsList( hMean1stTVDCon, 226, !expert, image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hMean1stTVDCoff = new TH1F("hMean1stTVDCoff", "(T0A+T0C)/2, ps, from 1st hit TVDC off", 200, -2000, 2000);//FK Add2RawsList( hMean1stTVDCoff, 227, !expert, image, !saveCorr); //FK histograms start from 230 TH1F* hRawVertexMinMean = new TH1F("hRawVertexMinMean","online 0TVX vertex signal minus mean; counts",200,-1000,1000); Add2RawsList(hRawVertexMinMean,230, expert, image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hCFDSubtrMean = new TH1F("hCFDSubtrMean","CFD minus mean; #PMT; CFD - mean {#channnels}", 24, 0, 24); hCFDSubtrMean->SetMarkerStyle(20); hCFDSubtrMean->SetOption("p"); Add2RawsList( hCFDSubtrMean,231, !expert, image, !saveCorr);//fk filled in Checker TH1F* hLEDSubtrMean = new TH1F("hLEDSubtrMean","LED minus mean; #PMT; LED - mean [#channnels]", 24, 0, 24); hLEDSubtrMean->SetMarkerStyle(20); hLEDSubtrMean->SetOption("p"); Add2RawsList( hLEDSubtrMean,232, expert, image, !saveCorr);//fk filled in Checker TH1F* hQTCSubtrMean = new TH1F("hQTCSubtrMean","QTC minus mean; #PMT; QTC - mean [#channnels]", 24, 0, 24); hQTCSubtrMean->SetMarkerStyle(20); hQTCSubtrMean->SetOption("p"); Add2RawsList( hQTCSubtrMean,233, expert, image, !saveCorr);//fk filled in Checker TH2F* hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOn= new TH2F("hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOn","ORC-meanORC versus ORA-meanORA (TVDC on)",50,-200,200,50,-200,200); hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOn->SetOption("COLZ"); hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOn->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ORA - mean ORA [channel]"); hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOn->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ORC - mean ORC [channel]"); Add2RawsList(hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOn, 234, expert, image, !saveCorr);//FK TH2F* hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOff= new TH2F("hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOff","ORC-meanORC vetsus ORA-meanORA (TVDC off)",50,-200,200,50,-200,200); hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOff->SetOption("COLZ"); hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ORA - mean ORA [channel]"); hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ORC - mean ORC [channel]"); Add2RawsList(hDiffOrCVersusDiffOrATvdcOff, 235, expert, image, !saveCorr);//FK TH2F* hBCID = new TH2F("hBCID", "header BCID vs TRM BC ID ", 500, 0, 5000, 500, 0, 5000); hBCID->SetOption("COLZ"); hBCID->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TRM BC ID"); hBCID->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("event header BC ID"); Add2RawsList(hBCID ,236, !expert, image, !saveCorr); //CFD and LED efficiency in range ~2000- ~3000 TH1F* hCFDeffSubRange = new TH1F("hCFDeffSubRange"," CFD eff in subrange; #PMT; #CFD counts/nEvents",24, 0 ,24); Add2RawsList( hCFDeffSubRange, 237, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hEffLEDSubRange = new TH1F("hEffLEDSubRange","LED eff in subrange; #PMT; #LED counts/nEvent",24, 0 ,24); Add2RawsList( hEffLEDSubRange,238, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK // ratio CDF eff /LEF eff in subragne TH1F* hRatioCFDLEDeff = new TH1F("hRatioCFDLEDeff","Ratio CFD/LED eff in subrange; #PMT; ratio CDF/LED eff",24, 0 ,24); hRatioCFDLEDeff->SetMinimum(0); hRatioCFDLEDeff->SetMaximum(2); Add2RawsList( hRatioCFDLEDeff, 239, !expert, image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hEventCounter = new TH1F("hEventCounter","Event counter for eff histos; X; number of events",1, 0 ,1); Add2RawsList( hEventCounter, 240, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK //counters TH1F* hRawTriggerCounter = new TH1F("hRawTriggerCounter"," triggers;Trigger ;Counts",6,0,6); for (Int_t itr=0; itr<6; itr++) hRawTriggerCounter->Fill(triggers[itr], 0); Add2RawsList(hRawTriggerCounter ,241, expert, !image, !saveCorr); TH1F* hCFDCounter= new TH1F("hCFDCounter"," CFD counter #PMT; #CFD counts",24, 0 ,24); Add2RawsList( hCFDCounter, 242, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hLEDCounter = new TH1F("hLEDCounter","LED counter; #PMT; #LED counts",24, 0 ,24); Add2RawsList( hLEDCounter, 243, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hCFDeffSubRangeCounter = new TH1F("hCFDeffSubRangeCounter"," CFD eff in subrange counter; #PMT; #CFD counts",24, 0 ,24); Add2RawsList( hCFDeffSubRangeCounter, 244, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hEffLEDSubRangeCounter = new TH1F("hEffLEDSubRangeCounter","LED eff in subrange counter; #PMT; #LED counts",24, 0 ,24); Add2RawsList( hEffLEDSubRangeCounter,245, expert, !image, !saveCorr);//FK TH1F* hQTCCounter = new TH1F("hQTCCounter","QTC counter; #PMT; QTC counts;",24, 0 ,24); Add2RawsList( hQTCCounter,246, expert, !image, !saveCorr); ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kRAWS); // this should be the last line } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::InitDigits() { // create Digits histograms in Digits subdir const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ; const Bool_t image = kTRUE ; TH2F * fhDigCFD = new TH2F("fhDigCFD", " CFD digits; #PMT; CFD digits[#channels]",25,-0.5,24.5,100,0,1000); fhDigCFD->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2DigitsList( fhDigCFD,0, !expert, image); TH2F *fhDigLEDamp = new TH2F("fhDigLEDamp", " LED-CFD digits; #PMT; LED-CFD amplitude ",25,-0.5,24.5,100,100,1000); fhDigLEDamp->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2DigitsList( fhDigLEDamp,1, !expert, !image); TH2F * fhDigQTC = new TH2F("fhDigQTC", " QTC digits; #PMT; QTC amplitude",25,-0.5,24.5,100,100,10000); fhDigQTC->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2DigitsList( fhDigQTC,2, !expert, !image); // ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kDIGITS); // this should be the last line } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::InitRecPoints() { // create cluster histograms in RecPoint subdir const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ; const Bool_t image = kTRUE ; TH2F* fhRecCFD = new TH2F("hRecCFD"," CFD time;#PMT; CFD Time [ns];",24, 0 ,24, 100,-50,50); fhRecCFD->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2RecPointsList ( fhRecCFD,0, !expert, image); TH2F* fhRecAmpDiff = new TH2F("hRecAmpDiff"," LED-CFD min QTC amplitude;#PMT; difference [MIPs];", 24, 0 ,24, 200,-10,10); fhRecAmpDiff->SetOption("COLZ"); Add2RecPointsList (fhRecAmpDiff, 1, !expert, image); TH1F *fhMean = new TH1F("hMean","online - rec mean;online - rec mean[#channels];",2000, -1000, 1000); Add2RecPointsList ( fhMean,2, !expert, image); // ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kRECPOINTS); // this should be the last line } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::InitESDs() { //create ESDs histograms in ESDs subdir const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ; const Bool_t image = kTRUE ; TH1F *fhESDMean = new TH1F("hESDmean"," ESD mean; mean time[%channels]",1000, -5, 5); Add2ESDsList(fhESDMean, 0, expert, !image) ; TH1F * fhESDVertex = new TH1F("hESDvertex","ESDvertex; vertex[cm];",82,-30,30); Add2ESDsList(fhESDVertex, 1, expert, !image) ; TH1F * fhESDResolution = new TH1F("hESDResolution","(T0A-T0C)/2 corrected by SPD vertex; ns",800,-2,2); Add2ESDsList(fhESDResolution, 2, !expert, image) ; // ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kESDS); // this should be the last line } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::MakeRaws( AliRawReader* rawReader) { //indices in lookup table lookUpTable_tanay.txt enum { kTZeroRefPoint=0, kTZeroFirstCfdC=1, kTZeroFirstLedC=13, kTZeroFirstQT0C=25,kTZeroFirstQT1C=26, kTZeroVertex=50, kTZeroOrA=51, kTZeroOrC=52, kT0multAQ0=53, kT0multAQ1=54, kTZeroMultCent=55, kTZeroMultSemi=56, kTZeroFirstCfdA=57, kTZeroFirstLedA=69, kTZeroFirstQT0A=81,kTZeroFirstQT1A=82, kT0multCQ0=105, kT0multCQ1=106 }; Int_t time[24] ; for(Int_t i=0; i<24; i++) time[i] = 0; rawReader->Reset() ; //fills QA histos for RAW //Int_t shift=0; // Int_t refPointParam = GetRecoParam()->GetRefPoint(); Int_t refpoint = 0; Int_t refPointParam = 0; AliT0RawReader *start = new AliT0RawReader(rawReader); if (! start->Next()) { AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(),Form(" no raw data found!!")); delete start; return; } UInt_t type =rawReader->GetType(); if (GetEventSpecie()==AliRecoParam::kCalib && type!=8) { delete start; return; } // // RS: Don't use custom counters, they create problems with trigger cloning // Use instead framework counters, incremented in the end of this routine // RS: There is some inconsistency here: the separation of physics and calib. events/histos is done by // fEventSpecie. Why do we book separate histos on different slots for calib and physics ? // I am changing this in such way that we don't need local counters like fNumTriggers (the corresponding // histos now incremented in the MakeRaws, and for the normalization I will use the framework's counters // AliQADataMaker::GetEvCountCycle(...), AliQADataMaker::GetEvCountTotal(...) // // I think the histos xx+250 should be suppressed (the xx calib histos of specie==calibration will be // used automatically) // //BC ID // if (type == 7){ UInt_t bcid = rawReader->GetBCID(); UInt_t trmbcid = start->GetTRMBunchID(); FillRawsData(236,trmbcid, bcid); //FillRawsData(236,100, bcid); fake error for testing // } // if (type == 7){ shift=1; fnEventPhys++;} Int_t allData[110][5]; for(Int_t i0=0; i0<110; i0++){ for(Int_t j0=0; j0<5; j0++){ allData[i0][j0]=0; } } for(Int_t i=0; i<=kT0multCQ1; i++){ for(Int_t iHit=0; iHit<5; iHit++){ allData[i][iHit]= start->GetData(i,iHit); } } if( allData[kTZeroRefPoint][0] > 0 /*&& (type == 7)*/){ FillRawsData(0, allData[kTZeroRefPoint][0]); //Reference point } refpoint = allData[refPointParam][0]; if(refPointParam < 0 ) refpoint=0; if(refPointParam == 0 ) refpoint = allData[kTZeroRefPoint][0] - 5000; Int_t offsetCDF, offsetLED, offsetQT0, offsetQT1; Int_t numPmtC=0; Int_t numPmtA=0; for(Int_t ik = 0; ik<24; ik++){ Int_t ipmt = ik; //C side if(ik<12) { offsetCDF = kTZeroFirstCfdC; offsetLED = kTZeroFirstLedC; offsetQT0 = kTZeroFirstQT0C; offsetQT1 = kTZeroFirstQT1C; if(allData[ipmt+offsetCDF][0]>0 /*&& type == 7 */ ) numPmtC++; }else{ ipmt = ik - 12; //A side offsetCDF = kTZeroFirstCfdA; offsetLED = kTZeroFirstLedA; offsetQT0 = kTZeroFirstQT0A; offsetQT1 = kTZeroFirstQT1A; if(allData[ipmt + offsetCDF][0]>0 /*&& type == 7 */) numPmtA++; } Int_t nhitsPMT=0; //count hits for this pmt for (Int_t iHt=0; iHt<5; iHt++) { //cfd if(allData[ipmt+offsetCDF][iHt]>0){ FillRawsData(ik+1, allData[ipmt+offsetCDF][iHt]); //CFD for each PMT FillRawsData(210, ik, allData[ipmt+offsetCDF][iHt]); //CFD vs PMT FillRawsData(242,ik,1.); // CFD counter for efficiency if( fCFDEffSubRangeLowParamGetName())); nhitsPMT++; } //led if(allData[ipmt+offsetLED][iHt] > 0){ FillRawsData(ik+25,allData[ipmt+offsetLED][iHt]); FillRawsData(211,ik, allData[ipmt+offsetLED][iHt]); FillRawsData(243,ik,1.); //LED counter for LED efficiency if(fLEDEffSubRangeLowParam < allData[ipmt+offsetLED][iHt] && allData[ipmt+offsetLED][iHt]GetName())); } //led -cfd if(allData[ipmt+offsetLED][iHt] > 0 && allData[ipmt+offsetCDF][iHt] > 0 ) FillRawsData(ik+49, allData[ipmt+offsetLED][iHt]-allData[ipmt+offsetCDF][iHt]); //qtc if(allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT0][iHt] > 0 && allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT1][iHt] > 0 ) { FillRawsData(ik+73, allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT0][iHt]-allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT1][iHt]); //QTC = QT0 - QT1 for each channel FillRawsData(212,ik, allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT0][iHt]-allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT1][iHt]); //QTC vs pmt FillRawsData(246,ik,1.); // QTC counter for QTC efficiency AliDebug(50,Form("%i QTC %i data %s",ik, 2*ipmt+offsetQT0, GetRawsData(ik+73)->GetName())); } if(allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT0][iHt] > 0) { //QT0 AliDebug(50,Form("%i QT0 %i data %s",ik, 2*ipmt+offsetQT0, GetRawsData(ik+97)->GetName())); FillRawsData(ik+97,allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT0][iHt]); } if(allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT1][iHt] > 0) {//QT1 AliDebug(50,Form("%i QT1 %i data %s",ik, 2*ipmt+offsetQT1, GetRawsData(ik+121)->GetName())); FillRawsData(ik+121,allData[2*ipmt+offsetQT1][iHt]); } } FillRawsData(ik+176, nhitsPMT); } FillRawsData(213, numPmtA); FillRawsData(214, numPmtC); Int_t trChannel[6] = {kTZeroRefPoint, kTZeroVertex, kTZeroOrA, kTZeroOrC, kTZeroMultCent, kTZeroMultSemi}; Float_t ch2cm = 24.4*0.029979; Int_t nhitsOrA=0; Int_t nhitsOrC=0; for (Int_t iHt=0; iHt<5; iHt++) { //orA-orC phys tvdc 1 if((allData[kTZeroOrA][iHt]>0 && allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt]>0) && allData[kTZeroVertex][iHt]>0) { AliDebug(10,Form("orA-orC phys tvdc 1 %i data %s", 217, GetRawsData(217)->GetName())); FillRawsData(217,(allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt] - allData[kTZeroOrA][iHt])*ch2cm); } //orA-orC phys tvdc 0 if((allData[kTZeroOrA][iHt]>0 && allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt]>0) && allData[kTZeroVertex][iHt]<=0) { AliDebug(10,Form("orA-orC phys tvdc 0 %i data %s", 218, GetRawsData(218)->GetName())); FillRawsData(218,(allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt] - allData[kTZeroOrA][iHt])*ch2cm); } if(allData[kTZeroOrA][iHt]>0 && allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt]>0) { AliDebug(50,Form("orA-orC phys tvdc all %i data %s", 219, GetRawsData(219)->GetName())); FillRawsData(219,(allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt] - allData[kTZeroOrA][iHt])*ch2cm); } for (Int_t itr=0; itr<6; itr++) {//T0_MEAN,TO_VERTX,ORA,ORC,T0_mult,T0_mult if (allData[trChannel[itr]][iHt] >0) { // // RS instead of incremented custom counters, fill directly the specie-specific histos // FillRawsData(169+shift, 0.5+itr, 1.); // RS: increment counters // FillRawsData(169+shift, itr, 1.); //hRawTrigger RS: increment counters FillRawsData(241, itr, 1.); // fill trigger counter AliDebug(50,Form(" triggers %i data %s", 170+itr, GetRawsData(170+itr)->GetName())); FillRawsData(170+itr,allData[trChannel[itr]][iHt]); if( trChannel[itr] == kTZeroVertex){ //T0_VERTEX minus mean from config files FillRawsData(230, allData[kTZeroVertex][iHt] - fMeanRawVertexParam ); } } } if(allData[kTZeroOrA][iHt] > 0 && allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt] > 0 ){ //FK// ORC-mean ORA -mean Float_t diffORA = allData[kTZeroOrA][iHt] - fMeanORAParam; Float_t diffORC = allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt] - fMeanORCParam; if(allData[kTZeroVertex][iHt]>0){ //TVDC on FillRawsData(234, diffORA, diffORC); //Estimate mean orA and orC based on these //cout<<"ORA "<0){ nhitsOrA++; } /* if(type == 7) */if(allData[kTZeroOrC][iHt] >0){ nhitsOrC++; } //mult trigger signals phys //A side if(allData[kT0multAQ0][iHt]>0 && allData[kT0multAQ1][iHt]>0) { AliDebug(50,Form(" mpdA %i data %s", 201, GetRawsData(201)->GetName())); FillRawsData(201,allData[kT0multAQ0][iHt]-allData[kT0multAQ1][iHt]); if(allData[kTZeroMultSemi][iHt]>0) FillRawsData(202,allData[kT0multAQ0][iHt]-allData[kT0multAQ1][iHt]); if(allData[kTZeroMultCent][iHt]>0) FillRawsData(203,allData[kT0multAQ0][iHt]-allData[kT0multAQ1][iHt]); } //C side if(allData[kT0multCQ0][iHt]>0 && allData[kT0multCQ1][iHt]>0) { AliDebug(50,Form(" mpdC %i data %s", 204, GetRawsData(204)->GetName())); FillRawsData(204,allData[kT0multCQ0][iHt]-allData[kT0multCQ1][iHt]); if(allData[kTZeroMultSemi][iHt]>0) FillRawsData(205,allData[kT0multCQ0][iHt]-allData[kT0multCQ1][iHt]); if(allData[kTZeroMultCent][iHt]>0) FillRawsData(206,allData[kT0multCQ0][iHt]-allData[kT0multCQ1][iHt]); } } FillRawsData(215,nhitsOrA); FillRawsData(216,nhitsOrC); //draw satellite for (int itr=-1;itrGetUniqueID()); TH2 *hBeam = (TH2*)GetRawsData(220,itrID); TH2 *hBeamTVDCon = (TH2*)GetRawsData(221,itrID); TH2 *hBeamTVDCoff = (TH2*)GetRawsData(222,itrID); TH1 *hVertex1stTVDCon = (TH1*)GetRawsData(223,itrID); TH1 *hVertex1stTVDCoff = (TH1*)GetRawsData(225,itrID); TH1 *hMean1stTVDCon = (TH1*)GetRawsData(226,itrID); TH1 *hMean1stTVDCoff = (TH1*)GetRawsData(227,itrID); if(hBeam || hBeamTVDCon || hBeamTVDCoff || hVertex1stTVDCon || hVertex1stTVDCoff || hMean1stTVDCon || hMean1stTVDCoff){ Int_t time1stA=9999999; Int_t time1stC=9999999; for(Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<12; ipmt++){ if(allData[ipmt+kTZeroFirstCfdC][0] > 1 ) { time[ipmt] = allData[ipmt+kTZeroFirstCfdC][0] - (Int_t) fMeanCFDFromGoodRunParam[ipmt]; //fk if(time[ipmt] < time1stC) time1stC=time[ipmt]; //timeC } } for( Int_t ipmt=12; ipmt<24; ipmt++){ if(allData[ipmt-12+kTZeroFirstCfdA][0] > 0) { time[ipmt] = allData[ipmt-12+kTZeroFirstCfdA][0] - (Int_t) fMeanCFDFromGoodRunParam[ipmt];//fk if(time[ipmt] < time1stA) time1stA=time[ipmt]; //timeC } } if(time1stA<99999 && time1stC< 99999) { //From First Float_t t01st = 24.4 * (Float_t) (( time1stA + time1stC)/2.0); Float_t ver1st = 24.4 * (Float_t) (( time1stC - time1stA)/2.0); if(hBeam) hBeam->Fill(0.001*ver1st, 0.001*(t01st)); //Mean versus vertex if(allData[kTZeroVertex][0] > 0){//TVDC on if(hBeamTVDCon) hBeamTVDCon->Fill(0.001*ver1st, 0.001*(t01st));//Mean versus TVDC on from first if(hVertex1stTVDCon) hVertex1stTVDCon->Fill(ver1st); //if(hVertex1stTVDCon) hVertex1stTVDCon->Fill(1500);//for testing AM if(hMean1stTVDCon) hMean1stTVDCon->Fill(t01st); // if(hMean1stTVDCon) hMean1stTVDCon->Fill(1800);//testing AM }else{//TVDC off if(hBeamTVDCoff) hBeamTVDCoff->Fill(0.001*ver1st, 0.001*(t01st));//FK// TVDC off from first if(hVertex1stTVDCoff) hVertex1stTVDCoff->Fill(ver1st); if(hMean1stTVDCoff) hMean1stTVDCoff->Fill(t01st); } } } // } // RS loop over all active trigger classes, including the global one // IncEvCountCycleRaws(); IncEvCountTotalRaws(); // delete start; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::MakeDigits( TTree *digitsTree) { //fills QA histos for Digits TArrayI *digCFD = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI *digLED = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI *digQT0 = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI *digQT1 = new TArrayI(24); Int_t refpoint=0; TBranch *brDigits=digitsTree->GetBranch("T0"); AliT0digit *fDigits = new AliT0digit() ; if (brDigits) { brDigits->SetAddress(&fDigits); }else{ AliError(Form("EXEC Branch T0 digits not found")); delete digCFD; delete digLED; delete digQT0; delete digQT1; return; } digitsTree->GetEvent(0); digitsTree->GetEntry(0); brDigits->GetEntry(0); fDigits->GetTimeCFD(*digCFD); fDigits->GetTimeLED(*digLED); fDigits->GetQT0(*digQT0); fDigits->GetQT1(*digQT1); refpoint = fDigits->RefPoint(); for (Int_t i=0; i<24; i++) { if (digCFD->At(i)>0) { Int_t cfd=digCFD->At(i)- refpoint; FillDigitsData(0,i,cfd); FillDigitsData(1,i, (digLED->At(i) - digCFD->At(i))); FillDigitsData(2,i, (digQT1->At(i) - digQT0->At(i))); } } delete digCFD; delete digLED; delete digQT0; delete digQT1; // IncEvCountCycleDigits(); IncEvCountTotalDigits(); delete fDigits; // } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::MakeRecPoints(TTree * clustersTree) { //fills QA histos for clusters AliT0RecPoint* frecpoints= new AliT0RecPoint (); if (!frecpoints) { AliError(":MakeRecPoints >> no recpoints found"); return; } TBranch *brRec =clustersTree ->GetBranch("T0"); if (brRec) { brRec->SetAddress(&frecpoints); }else{ AliError(Form("EXEC Branch T0 rec not found ")); return; } brRec->GetEntry(0); for ( Int_t i=0; i<24; i++) { if(i<12) FillRecPointsData(0, i, frecpoints -> GetTime(i) - frecpoints -> GetTime(0)); if(i>11) FillRecPointsData(0, i, frecpoints -> GetTime(i) - frecpoints -> GetTime(12)); FillRecPointsData(1, i, frecpoints -> GetAmp(i) - frecpoints->AmpLED(i)); } Double_t mmm=frecpoints->GetOnlineMean()- frecpoints->GetMeanTime(); FillRecPointsData(2,mmm); // IncEvCountCycleRecPoints(); IncEvCountTotalRecPoints(); // delete frecpoints; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::MakeESDs(AliESDEvent * esd) { //fills QA histos for ESD const Double32_t *mean; mean = esd->GetT0TOF(); Double32_t t0time= 0.001*mean[0]; Double32_t orA= 0.001*mean[1]; Double32_t orC=0.001* mean[2]; if (t0time<99) FillESDsData(0,t0time); if( esd->GetT0zVertex() <99) FillESDsData(1, esd->GetT0zVertex()); if( orA<99 && orC<99) FillESDsData(2,(orA-orC)/2.); // IncEvCountCycleESDs(); IncEvCountTotalESDs(); // } //____________________________________________________________________________ //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::ResetDetector(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task) { //reset the detector histograms for a given task AliQADataMakerRec::ResetDetector(task); for(int ih=0; ih<=250; ih++){ for(int itr=-1; itr < GetNEventTrigClasses(); itr++){ int itrID = itr==-1 ? -1 : int( GetEventTrigClass(itr)->GetUniqueID()); TH1 *htmp = (TH1*) GetRawsData(ih,itrID); if(htmp) htmp->Reset(); } } } /* void AliT0QADataMakerRec::GetMeanAndSigma(TH1F* hist, Float_t &mean, Float_t &sigma) { const double window = 3.; //fit window double meanEstimate, sigmaEstimate; int maxBin; maxBin = hist->GetMaximumBin(); //position of maximum meanEstimate = hist->GetBinCenter( maxBin); // mean of gaussian sitting in maximum sigmaEstimate = hist->GetRMS(); TF1* fit= new TF1("fit","gaus", meanEstimate - window*sigmaEstimate, meanEstimate + window*sigmaEstimate); fit->SetParameters(hist->GetBinContent(maxBin), meanEstimate, sigmaEstimate); hist->Fit("fit","RQ","Q"); mean = (Float_t) fit->GetParameter(1); sigma = (Float_t) fit->GetParameter(2); delete fit; } */ void AliT0QADataMakerRec::SetEfficiency(Int_t idxEffHisto, Int_t idxCounterHisto, Int_t trigger, Float_t totNumOfEvts){ //calculate efficiency = counts/number of events TH1* heff = GetRawsData(idxEffHisto,trigger); TH1* hcounter = GetRawsData(idxCounterHisto,trigger); if(heff && hcounter && (totNumOfEvts>0.0)){ int nb = heff->GetNbinsX(); for(int ib=1;ib<=nb;ib++){ heff->SetBinContent(ib,((Float_t) hcounter->GetBinContent(ib))/((Float_t) totNumOfEvts)); } } return; }