C ********************************************************************** C Version 2.0 C Generator of e+e- pairs produced in 1.10.2002 C PbPb collisions at LHC C C Copyright (c) 2002 C Authors: Kai Hencken C Yuri Kharlov C Serguei Sadovsky , C C C Permission to use, copy and distribute this software and its C documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted C without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all C copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice C appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims C about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is C provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. C Any change of the code should be submitted to the authors C C Long write up: K.Hencken,Yu.Kharlov,S.Sadovsky C Internal ALICE Note 2002-27 C C ********************************************************************** subroutine ee_init(Ymin,Ymax,PTmin,PTmax) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Generator initialisation C C Input variables: Ymin - minimal value of rapidity \ C Ymax - maximal value of rapidity | of kinematics C PTmin - Pt minimum in MeV/c | range C PTmax - Pt maximum in MeV/c / C----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) external DsdYpY,DsdYmY,DsdXpX,DsdXmX,DsdPhi,DsdXX,DsdYY common/parPh / parPhi(7) common/parYp / parYpY(6) common/parYm / parYmY(6) common/parXp / parXpX(5) common/parXm / parXmX(4) common/eevent/ Xsect2,Dsect2, Xsecttot,Dsecttot, Nevnt common/eepars/ Xmin,Xmax,YpYmin,YpYmax,WYpYmax,YmYmin,YmYmax, & Ymed1,Ymed2,sgmY1,sgmY2,XYsect, & Gaus1,Gaus2,Gauss,Exp1,Exp2,Exp3, & XmXmin,XmXmax,XpXmin,XpXmax,Exmx1,Exmx2,Xmed, & Sgm1,AnorX,Icase real*8 mass data pi / 3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643d00 / C C Exact differential Cross section: C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C gm = 2750.0d0 ! Pb gamma factor at the LHC mass = 0.5109991d0 ! electron mass call initdiffcross (gm,mass) C C Cross sections: C - - - - - - - - - - Nevnt = 0 Xsect2 = 0. Dsect2 = 0. Nsd = 1 Npt = 25 ! 7,25,64 Eps = 0.00005 Xmin= Dlog10(Ptmin) Xmax= Dlog10(Ptmax) write(*,*) ' Kinematical limits:' write(*,*) ' Xmin,Xmax=',Xmin,Xmax write(*,*) ' Ymin,Ymax=',Ymin,Ymax write(*,*) Xsec1 = Dtrint(DsdXX,Nsd,Npt,Eps,Xmin,Xmin,Xmin,Xmax,Xmax,Xmin) Xsec2 = Dtrint(DsdXX,Nsd,Npt,Eps,Xmax,Xmax,Xmin,Xmax,Xmax,Xmin) XsecX = Xsec1+Xsec2 Ysec1 = Dtrint(DsdYY,Nsd,Npt,Eps,Ymin,Ymin,Ymin,Ymax,Ymax,Ymin) Ysec2 = Dtrint(DsdYY,Nsd,Npt,Eps,Ymax,Ymax,Ymin,Ymax,Ymax,Ymin) XsecY = Ysec1+Ysec2 IF (Xsec1*Xsec2.le.0.or.Ysec1*Ysec2.le.0.) then write(*,*) ' Error: insufficient accuracy of XY-cross sections' write(*,*) ' Xsec1,Xsec2,Xsec=', Xsec1,Xsec2,XsecX write(*,*) ' Ysec1,Ysec2,Ysec=', Ysec1,Ysec2,XsecY endif XYsect = XsecX*XsecY write(*,*) ' Xsections: Xsec1,Xsec2,XsecX=', Xsec1,Xsec2,XsecX write(*,*) ' Ysec1,Ysec2,XsecY=', Ysec1,Ysec2,XsecY C- write(*,*) ' XsecX*YsecY=', XYsect C XYsect = 2371.5239*(82./137.035)**4*XYsect ! Normalization factor write(*,*) ' Normalized: XsecX*YsecY=', XYsect write(*,*) C C- XsecPhi = Dgauss(DsdPhi,0.0d0, pi, eps) C C Rapidity initialisation: C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if (Ymin.ge.Ymax) then write(*,*) 'Wrong values of Ymin,Ymax:',Ymin,Ymax stop endif CYpY- C YpYmin = 2.*Ymin YpYmax = 2.*Ymax Yp0 = 0. if (YpYmin*YpYmax.gt.0.) then if(YpYmin.gt.0.) Yp0 = YpYmin if(YpYmin.le.0.) Yp0 = YpYmax endif WYpYmax = DsdYpY(Yp0) C C- write(*,*)' YpY: YpYmin,YpYmax,WYpYmax =',YpYmin,YpYmax,WYpYmax CYmY- C YmYmin = Ymin-Ymax YmYmax = Ymax-Ymin C- write(*,*) ' YmY: YmYmin,YmYmax=',YmYmin,YmYmax C Ymed1 = 0.18 Ymed2 = 4.00 sgmY1 = 1./dsqrt(2.*parYmY(2)) sgmY2 = 1./dsqrt(2.*parYmY(4)) C eps = 0.000001 Gaus1 = Dgauss(DsdYmY ,0.0d0, Ymed1 , eps) Gaus2 = Dgauss(DsdYmY ,Ymed1, Ymed2 , eps) Expon = Dgauss(DsdYmY ,Ymed2, YmYmax, eps) Summ = Gaus1+Gaus2+Expon Gaus2 =(Gaus1+Gaus2)/Summ Gaus1 = Gaus1/Summ Expon = 1. C C Phi initialisation: C - - - - - - - - - - - Exp0 = parPhi(1)*pi Exp1 = parPhi(2)*(1.-dexp(-parPhi(3)*pi))/parPhi(3) Exp2 = parPhi(4)*(1.-dexp(-parPhi(5)*pi))/parPhi(5) Exp3 = parPhi(6)*(1.-dexp(-parPhi(7)*pi))/parPhi(7) Summ = Exp0+Exp1+Exp2+Exp3 C Exp0 = (Exp0+Exp1+Exp2+Exp3)/Summ Exp1 = (Exp1+Exp2+Exp3)/Summ Exp2 = (Exp2+Exp3)/Summ Exp3 = Exp3/Summ C- write(*,*) 'Exp0,Exp1,Exp2,Exp3=',Exp0,Exp1,Exp2,Exp3 C C Pt initialisation: C - - - - - - - - - - - C XmXmin = Xmin-Xmax XmXmax = Xmax-Xmin C XpXmin = 2.*Xmin XpXmax = 2.*Xmax C CXmX- Exmx1 = parXmX(1)*(1.-dexp(-parXmX(2)*dabs(XmXmax)))/parXmX(2) Exmx2 = parXmX(3)*(1.-dexp(-parXmX(4)*dabs(XmXmax)))/parXmX(4) Exmx1 = Exmx1/(Exmx1+Exmx2) Exmx2 = 1. C C- write(*,*) ' XpX: XpXmin,XpXmax=',XpXmin,XpXmax C- write(*,*) ' XmX: XmXmin,XmXmax=',XmXmin,XmXmax C- write(*,*) ' XmX: Exmx1 ,Exmx2 =',Exmx1 ,Exmx2 C CXpX- Icase = 2 ! Gausses and Exponent Xmed = 0.6 if (XpXmax.lt.Xmed) then Icase = 1 ! Gauss only Xmed = XpXmax endif C if (XpXmin.gt.Xmed) then Icase = 3 ! Exponent only Xmed = XpXmin endif C if (Icase.eq.2) then ! Gauss and Exponent eps = 0.000001 Gauss = Dgauss(DsdXpX ,XpXmin, Xmed , eps) Expon = Dgauss(DsdXpX ,Xmed , XpXmax, eps) Summ = Gauss+Expon Gauss = Gauss/Summ Expon = Expon/Summ C- write(*,*) 'XpX, Case 2: Gauss,Expon=',Gauss,Expon endif ! Icase = 2 C C if (Icase.eq.1.or.Icase.eq.2) then ! Gausses only and Icase=2 Sgm1 = 1./dsqrt(2.*parXpX(2)) C- write(*,*) 'XpX, Case 1: Sgm1=',Sgm1 endif C if (Icase.eq.3.or.Icase.eq.2) then ! Exponent only and Icase=2 C AnorX = 1.-dexp(-parXpX(5)*(XpXmax-Xmed)) C C- write(*,*) 'XpX, Case 3: AnorX=',AnorX endif return end * *======================================================================= subroutine ee_event(Ymin,Ymax,PTmin,PTmax, + Ye,Yp,Xe,Xp,Phi,Wtm2) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Produce one event C C Input variables: Ymin - minimal value of rapidity \ C Ymax - maximal value of rapidity | of kinematics C PTmin - Pt minimum in MeV/c | range C PTmax - Pt maximum in MeV/c / C Output variables: Ye,Yp - rapidity of produced e- or e+ C Xe,Xp - log10(pt) of produced e- or e+, pt in MeV/c C Phi - azymuth angle between e- and e+ C Wtm2 - event weight. The sum of these event C weights, divided by the total number C of generated events, gives the integral C cross section of the process of e+e- pair C production in the above mentioned kinematics C range. C Sum of the selected event weights, divided C by the total number of generated events, C gives the integral cross section corresponded C to the set of selected events C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) common/parPh / parPhi(7) common/parYp / parYpY(6) common/parYm / parYmY(6) common/parXp / parXpX(5) common/parXm / parXmX(4) common/eevent/ Xsect2,Dsect2, Xsecttot,Dsecttot, Nevnt common/eepars/ Xmin,Xmax,YpYmin,YpYmax,WYpYmax,YmYmin,YmYmax, & Ymed1,Ymed2,sgmY1,sgmY2,XYsect, & Gaus1,Gaus2,Gauss,Exp1,Exp2,Exp3, & XmXmin,XmXmax,XpXmin,XpXmax,Exmx1,Exmx2,Xmed, & Sgm1,AnorX,Icase external DsdYpY,DsdYmY,DsdXpX,DsdXmX,DsdPhi data pi / 3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643d00 / C Rapidity distributions: C 10 YpY = YpYmin + (YpYmax-YpYmin)*eernd(0) Wt = DsdYpY(YpY) if (Wt.lt.eernd(0)*WYpYmax) go to 10 C CYmY- r1 = eernd(0) if (r1.lt.Gaus1) then 13 call rnormlEP(rn1) YmY = sgmY1*rn1 if (dabs(YmY).gt.Ymed1) go to 13 else if (r1.lt.Gaus2) then 15 call rnormlEP(rn2) YmY = sgmY2*rn2 if (dabs(YmY).lt.Ymed1) go to 15 if (dabs(YmY).gt.Ymed2) go to 15 else 20 r2 = eernd(0) YmY=-Dlog(r2)/parYmY(6) + Ymed2 if (YmY.gt.YmYmax) go to 20 r2 = eernd(0) if (r2.lt.0.5) YmY =-YmY endif C Ye = 0.5*(YpY+YmY) Yp = 0.5*(YpY-YmY) if (Ye.lt.Ymin.or.Ye.gt.Ymax) go to 10 if (Yp.lt.Ymin.or.Yp.gt.Ymax) go to 10 C C Azimuthal angle: C 30 r1 = eernd(0) if (r1.lt.Exp3) then 31 r2 = eernd(0) Phi=-Dlog(r2)/parPhi(7) if (Phi.gt.pi) go to 31 go to 50 else if (r1.lt.Exp2) then 32 r2 = eernd(0) Phi=-Dlog(r2)/parPhi(5) if (Phi.gt.pi) go to 32 go to 50 else if (r1.lt.Exp1) then 33 r2 = eernd(0) Phi=-Dlog(r2)/parPhi(3) if (Phi.gt.pi) go to 33 go to 50 else Phi = pi*eernd(0) endif C 50 if (eernd(0).gt.0.5) Phi =-Phi Phi = Phi+pi if (Phi.lt.0.03.or.Phi.gt.2.*pi-0.03) go to 30 C C Transverse momentums: C CXpX- 60 Jcase = Icase ! Jcase = Icase, if Icase.ne.2 C if (Icase.eq.2) then ! Gausses and Exponent Jcase = 3 if (eernd(0).lt.Gauss) Jcase = 1 endif ! of Icase 2 C if (Jcase.eq.1) then ! Gauss only 65 call rnormlEP(rn1) XpX=Sgm1*rn1-parXpX(3) if (XpX.lt.XpXmin.or.XpX.gt.Xmed) go to 65 endif ! of Jcase 1 C if (Jcase.eq.3) then ! Exponent only 70 r1 = eernd(0) XpX =-Dlog( 1.- r1*AnorX)/parXpX(5)+Xmed endif ! of Jcase 3 CXmX- r1 = eernd(0) if (r1.lt.Exmx1) then 81 r2 = eernd(0) XmX=-Dlog(r2)/parXmX(2) if (XmX.gt.dabs(XmXmax)) go to 81 else 82 r2 = eernd(0) XmX=-Dlog(r2)/parXmX(4) if (XmX.gt.dabs(XmXmax)) go to 82 endif C 85 if (eernd(0).gt.0.5) XmX =-XmX C Xe = 0.5*(XpX+XmX) Xp = 0.5*(XpX-XmX) if (Xe.lt.Xmin.or.Xe.gt.Xmax) go to 60 if (Xp.lt.Xmin.or.Xp.gt.Xmax) go to 60 C C --- Good event: C Pte = 10.d0**Xe Ptp = 10.d0**Xp C C Event weight if the events would generate uniformly C Wt = DsdYpY(YpY)*DsdYmY(YmY)*DsdXpX(Xpx)*DsdXmX(XmX)*DsdPhi(Phi) Wt = 2.2706950/Wt C Wtm2=(Pte*Ptp)*Wt ! Transformation factor C C --- Exact diff. cross section (Adrian Alscher 1997, Kai Hencken, May '98): C call Diffcross(Ptp,Yp,Pte,Ye,Phi,Dsigma) Wtm2= XYsect*Dsigma*(Pte*Ptp)*Wtm2 C Nevnt = Nevnt + 1 Xsect2 = Xsect2 + Wtm2 Dsect2 = Dsect2 + Wtm2*Wtm2 C C Calculate cross section and its error accumulated so far C Xsecttot = Xsect2/Nevnt Dsecttot = dsqrt(Dsect2)/Nevnt C return end c C================================================================= Double precision function DsdYpY(Y) c c Y = Yp+Ye c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) common/parYp/ parYpY(6) C- data parYpY / -48.584, 0.11403E-01, 40.649, 0.38920E-04, C- + 40.283, 0.19238E-01 / data parYpY / -4.8584, 0.11403E-01, 4.0649, 0.38920E-04, + 4.0283, 0.19238E-01 / c DsdYpY = parYpY(1)*dexp(-parYpY(2)*Y**2) + + parYpY(3)*dexp(-parYpY(4)*Y**4) + + parYpY(5)*dexp(-parYpY(6)*Y**2) return end C Double precision function DsdYmY(Y) c c Y = Yp-Ye c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) common/parYm/ parYmY(6) C- data parYmY / 180., 8., 174.38, 0.17867, 2418.8, 1.3097 / data parYmY / 1.80, 8., 1.7438, 0.17867, 24.188, 1.3097 / C if (abs(Y).lt.0.18) then C1- if (abs(Y).lt.0.00) then DsdYmY = parYmY(1)*dexp(-parYmY(2)*abs(Y)**2) else if (abs(Y).lt.4.00) then DsdYmY = parYmY(3)*dexp(-parYmY(4)*abs(Y)**2) else DsdYmY = parYmY(5)*dexp(-parYmY(6)*abs(Y)) endif return end C Double precision function DsdYY(Yp,Ye) c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) c YpY = Yp+Ye YmY = Yp-Ye DsdYY = DsdYpY(YpY)*DsdYmY(YmY) return end C C==================================================================== C Double precision function DsdXpX(X) c c X = Xp+Xe c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) common/parXp/ parXpX(5) C- data parXpX / 83.668, 1.2004, 0.47225, 96.951, 2.3814 / data parXpX / 8.3668, 1.2004, 0.47225, 9.6951, 2.3814 / c if (X.lt.0.6)then DsdXpX = parXpX(1)*dexp(-parXpX(2)*(X+parXpX(3))**2) else DsdXpX = parXpX(4)*dexp(-parXpX(5)*X) endif return end C Double precision function DsdXmX(X) c c X = Xp-Xe c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) common/parXm/ parXmX(4) c- data parXmX / 950.38, 39.040, 194.92, 3.5660 / data parXmX / 9.5038, 39.040, 1.9492, 3.5660 / c DsdXmX = parXmX(1)*dexp(-parXmX(2)*abs(X)) + + parXmX(3)*dexp(-parXmX(4)*abs(X)) return end C Double precision function DsdXX(Xp,Xe) c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) c XpX = Xp+Xe XmX = Xp-Xe DsdXX = DsdXpX(XpX)*DsdXmX(XmX) return end C==================================================================== C Double precision function DsdPhi(Phi) ! Phi distribution c c Phi - athimutal angle between e+ and e- (in radians) c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) common/parPh/ parPhi(7) C ! For 10**7 events data parPhi / 5.4825, 226.00, 11.602, 68.173, ! accuracy= 0.87 % + 1.9509, 0.11864E+04, 109.61 / ! N(Wt>20)= 573 C data pi / 3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643d00/ C DsdPhi = parPhi(1) + + parPhi(2)*dexp(-parPhi(3)*dabs(Phi-pi)) + + parPhi(4)*dexp(-parPhi(5)*dabs(Phi-pi)) + + parPhi(6)*dexp(-parPhi(7)*dabs(Phi-pi)) return end C==================================================================== SUBROUTINE rnormlEP(rnd) * Random generator of normal distribution implicit real*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (pi=3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643d00) PARAMETER (pi2=2.*pi) C u1 = eernd(0) u2 = eernd(0) p1 = pi2*u1 p2 = dsqrt(-2.*dlog(u2)) rnd= dcos(p1)*p2 RETURN END