Photos C++ Interface -------------------- Web page Documentation is in documentation/latex_documentation, type "make" there To compile the interface: - Execute "./configure" (if the path to HepMC is not set with HEPMCLOCATION, use "./configure --with-hepmc=" or use "./configure --without-hepmc") - Execute "make" -------------------------------------- Alternatively cofiguration scripts based on autotools can be used. In this case 'cd platform', './' and follow the instructions in the freshly created './INSTALL' readme file. The configure file in the directory 'examples' will be absent. The instructions collected below should be then ignored. Under MAC OS one may need to remove '-lfreetype' from 'examples/Makefile' -------------------------------------- To run the examples, "cd examples". There "./configure" and "make" as well. For some of the examples to work, pythia8.1 and MC-Tester will be needed. The most basic example does not need them. NOTE: On CERN platforms (lxplus, lxplus4, lxplus5...) the software located in the /afs/ directory can be used. For that purpose execute: source platform/ (or source platform/afs.paths.csh) prior to "./configure" executed without any parameters. The same paths will be used by examples there; "./configure" in the examples direcotry after compiling the interface as well. Paths defined in platform/ export HEPMCLOCATION=/afs/ export PYTHIALOCATION=/afs/ export TAUOLALOCATION=/afs/ export MCTESTERLOCATION=/afs/ export PATH=/afs/$PATH can be modified. Last Modified: T. Przedzinski, 07 Dec. 2011