#ifndef FDIMPAR_H #define FDIMPAR_H #include "cfortran.h" #include "Rtypes.h" extern "C" { //*----------------------------------------------------------------------* //* * //* DIMPAR: included in any routine * //* * //* Mxxrgn = maximum number of regions * //* Mxxmdf = maximum number of media in Fluka * //* Mxxmde = maximum number of media in Emf * //* Mfstck = stack dimension in Fluka * //* Mestck = stack dimension in Emf * //* Mostck = stack dimension for optical photons * //* Mxprsn = secondary stack dimension for resonance generator * //* Mxpdpm = secondary stack dimension for DPM generators * //* Mxpscs = secondary stack dimension overall * //* Mxoutu = maximum number of output units * //* Nallwp = number of allowed particles * //* Nelemx = number of maximum allowed elements of a compound * //* or mixture * //* Mpdpdx = number of particle types for which EM dE/dx pro- * //* cesses (ion,pair,bremss) have to be computed * //* Mxhttr = maximum number of (hit) target nucleons for a * //* given collision generation * //* Icomax = maximum number of materials for compounds/mixtures * //* (equal to the sum of the number of materials for * //* every compound/mixture) * //* Ichmax = maximum number of harmonic oscillator levels for * //* compounds/mixtures (equal to the sum of the number * //* of harmonic oscillator levels for every compound * //* /mixture) * //* Nstbis = number of stable isotopes recorded in common iso- * //* top * //* Nqstis = number of "quasi" stable isotopes which are not * //* in the standard isotopic composition of a given * //* element, but for which special data (like GDR data)* //* are anyway available * //* Ntstis = total number of stable ans "quasi" stable isotopes * //* Mxpabl = number of resonances inside Hadrin common blocks * //* Idmaxp = number of particles/resonances defined in common * //* part * //* Idmxdc = number of particles/resonances decay channels * //* defined in common decayc * //* Ihypmx = maximum number of hyperons in a hypernucleus * //* Mkbmx1 = dimension for KWB real spare array in Fluka Stack * //* Mkbmx2 = dimension for KWB int. spare array in Fluka Stack * //* Mxirrd = maximum number of irradiation sub-intervals * //* Mxtrdc = maximum number of decay (cooling) times * //* Nktl = overall dimension parameter for EMF bremsstrahlung * //* * //*----------------------------------------------------------------------* const Int_t mxxrgn = 10000; // const Int_t mxxmdf = 510; // const Int_t mxxmde = 502; const Int_t mxxmdf = 710; // 2006.3 const Int_t mxxmde = 702; // 2006.3 const Int_t mfstck = 6500; const Int_t mestck = 100; const Int_t mostck = 2000; const Int_t mxprsn = 100; const Int_t mxpdpm = 800; const Int_t mxpscs = 4999; const Int_t mxoutu = 50; const Int_t nallwp = 64; const Int_t nelemx = 80; const Int_t mpdpdx = 18; const Int_t mxhttr = 260; const Int_t mxseax = 20; // 2006.3 const Int_t mxhtnc = mxseax + 1; // 2006.3 // const Int_t icomax = 1000; const Int_t icomax = 2400; // 2006.3 const Int_t ichmax = icomax+mxxmdf; const Int_t nstbis = 304; const Int_t nqstis = 46; const Int_t ntstis = nstbis + nqstis; //* till 3-aug-99: //* const Int_t mxpabl = 110; const Int_t mxpabl = 120; const Int_t idmaxp = 450; const Int_t idmxdc = 2000; const Int_t mxmcin = 410; const Int_t ihypmx = 4; //* till 19-jul-2000: //* const Int_t mkbmx1 = 9; //* const Int_t mkbmx2 = 3; const Int_t mkbmx1 = 11; const Int_t mkbmx2 = 11; const Int_t mxirrd = 20; const Int_t mxtrdc = 50; const Int_t nktl = 17; } #endif