#include "cfortran.h" #include "Rtypes.h" #include "Fdimpar.h" extern "C" { //*$ create souevt.add //*copy souevt //*=== Souevt ===========================================================* //* //*----------------------------------------------------------------------* //* * //* Copyright (C) 1996-2005 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * //* All Rights Reserved. * //* * //* * //* SOUrce EVenT: * //* * //* Created on 14 november 1996 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * //* Infn - Milan * //* * //* Last change on 16-mar-98 by Alfredo Ferrari * //* * //* X,Y,Zsoevt(i) = position of the i_th source particle * //* TX,Y,Zsoev(i) = direction of the i_th source particle * //* Wtsoev(i) = weight of the i_th source particle * //* Pmsoev(i) = momentum of the i_th source particle * //* Tksoev(i) = kin. energy of the i_th source particle * //* Agsoev(i) = age of the i_th source particle * //* Aksoev(i) = Kaon ampl. of the i_th source particle * //* Ussoev(j,i) = user var. of the i_th source particle * //* Ijsoev(i) = identity of the i_th source particle * //* Nrsoev(i) = region of the i_th source particle * //* Nlsoev(i) = lattice of the i_th source particle * //* Losoev(i) = user flag of the i_th source particle * //* Iusoev(j,i) = user flags of the i_th source particle * //* Npsoev = number of the source particles * //* * //*----------------------------------------------------------------------* const Int_t mxsoev = 100; typedef struct { Double_t xsoevt[mxsoev]; Double_t ysoevt[mxsoev]; Double_t zsoevt[mxsoev]; Double_t txsoev[mxsoev]; Double_t tysoev[mxsoev]; Double_t tzsoev[mxsoev]; Double_t txpsov[mxsoev]; Double_t typsov[mxsoev]; Double_t tzpsov[mxsoev]; Double_t wtsoev[mxsoev]; Double_t pmsoev[mxsoev]; Double_t tksoev[mxsoev]; Double_t agsoev[mxsoev]; Double_t aksoev[mxsoev]; Double_t ussoev[mkbmx1][mxsoev]; Int_t ijsoev[mxsoev]; Int_t nrsoev[mxsoev]; Int_t nlsoev[mxsoev]; Int_t losoev[mxsoev]; Int_t iusoevo[mkbmx2][mxsoev]; Int_t npsoev; } souevtCommon; #define SOUEVT COMMON_BLOCK(SOUEVT,souevt) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(souevtCommon,SOUEVT); }