#ifndef TFLUKA #define TFLUKA /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // // // FLUKA implementation of the AliMC Interface // // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TVirtualMC.h" #include "TMCProcess.h" #include #include //Forward declaration class TG4GeometryManager; class TG4DetConstruction; class TFluka : public TVirtualMC { public: TFluka(const char *title, Int_t verbosity = 0); TFluka(); virtual ~TFluka(); // // methods for building/management of geometry // ------------------------------------------------ // // functions from GCONS virtual void Gfmate(Int_t imat, char *name, Float_t &a, Float_t &z, Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl, Float_t* ubuf, Int_t& nbuf); virtual void Gfmate(Int_t imat, char *name, Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &dens, Double_t &radl, Double_t &absl, Double_t* ubuf, Int_t& nbuf); // detector composition virtual void Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Float_t* buf, Int_t nwbuf); virtual void Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Double_t* buf, Int_t nwbuf); virtual void Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char *name, Float_t *a, Float_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat); virtual void Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char *name, Double_t *a, Double_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Double_t *wmat); virtual void Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Float_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf); virtual void Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Double_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf); virtual void Matrix(Int_t& krot, Double_t thetaX, Double_t phiX, Double_t thetaY, Double_t phiY, Double_t thetaZ, Double_t phiZ); virtual void Gstpar(Int_t itmed, const char *param, Double_t parval); // functions from GGEOM virtual Int_t Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Float_t *upar, Int_t np); virtual Int_t Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Double_t *upar, Int_t np); virtual void Gsdvn(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis); virtual void Gsdvn2(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0i, Int_t numed); virtual void Gsdvt(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx); virtual void Gsdvt2(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx); virtual void Gsord(const char *name, Int_t iax); virtual void Gspos(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly="ONLY"); virtual void Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Float_t *upar, Int_t np); virtual void Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Double_t *upar, Int_t np); virtual void Gsbool(const char* onlyVolName, const char* manyVolName); virtual void SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t *ppckov, Float_t *absco, Float_t *effic, Float_t *rindex); virtual void SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Double_t *ppckov, Double_t *absco, Double_t *effic, Double_t *rindex); // functions for drawing virtual void DrawOneSpec(const char* name) {printf("WARNING: DrawOneSpec not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gsatt(const char* name, const char* att, Int_t val) {printf("WARNING: Gsatt not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gdraw(const char*,Double_t theta = 30, Double_t phi = 30, Double_t psi = 0, Double_t u0 = 10, Double_t v0 = 10, Double_t ul = 0.01, Double_t vl = 0.01) {printf("WARNING: Gdraw not yet implemented !\n");} // Euclid virtual void WriteEuclid(const char*, const char*, Int_t, Int_t); // get methods virtual Int_t VolId(const Text_t* volName) const {printf("WARNING: VolId not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual const char* VolName(Int_t id) const {printf("WARNING: VolName not yet implemented !\n"); return "void";} virtual Int_t NofVolumes() const {printf("WARNING: NofVolumes not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual Int_t VolId2Mate(Int_t id) const {printf("WARNING: VolId2Mate not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} // // methods for physics management // ------------------------------------------------ // // set methods virtual void SetCut(const char* cutName, Double_t cutValue) {printf("WARNING: SetCut not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void SetProcess(const char* flagName, Int_t flagValue) {printf("WARNING: SetProcess not yet implemented !\n");} virtual Double_t Xsec(char*, Double_t, Int_t, Int_t) {printf("WARNING: Xsec not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} // particle table usage virtual Int_t IdFromPDG(Int_t id) const; virtual Int_t PDGFromId(Int_t pdg) const; virtual void DefineParticles() {printf("WARNING: DefineParticles not yet implemented !\n");} // // methods for step management // ------------------------------------------------ // // action methods virtual void StopTrack() {printf("WARNING: StopTrack not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void StopEvent() {printf("WARNING: StopEvent not yet implemented !\n");} // set methods virtual void SetMaxStep(Double_t) {printf("WARNING: SetMaxStep not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void SetMaxNStep(Int_t) {printf("WARNING: SetMaxNStep not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void SetUserDecay(Int_t) {printf("WARNING: SetUserDecay not yet implemented !\n");} // get methods // tracking volume(s) virtual Int_t CurrentVolID(Int_t& copyNo) const {printf("WARNING: CurrentVolID not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual Int_t CurrentVolOffID(Int_t off, Int_t& copyNo) const {printf("WARNING: CurrentVolOffID not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual const char* CurrentVolName() const {printf("WARNING: CurrentVolName not yet implemented !\n"); return "void";} virtual const char* CurrentVolOffName(Int_t off) const {printf("WARNING: CurrentVolOffName not yet implemented !\n"); return "void";} virtual Int_t CurrentMaterial(Float_t &a, Float_t &z, Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl) const {printf("WARNING: CurrentMaterial not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual Int_t CurrentEvent() const {printf("WARNING: CurrentEvent not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual void Gmtod(Float_t* xm, Float_t* xd, Int_t iflag) {printf("WARNING: Gmtod not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gmtod(Double_t* xm, Double_t* xd, Int_t iflag) {printf("WARNING: Gmtod not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gdtom(Float_t* xd, Float_t* xm, Int_t iflag) {printf("WARNING: Gdtom not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gdtom(Double_t* xd, Double_t* xm, Int_t iflag) {printf("WARNING: Gdtom not yet implemented !\n");} virtual Double_t MaxStep() const {printf("WARNING: MaxStep not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} virtual Int_t GetMaxNStep() const {printf("WARNING: GetMaxNStep not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual Int_t GetMedium() const; // tracking particle // dynamic properties virtual void TrackPosition(TLorentzVector& position) const {printf("WARNING: TrackPosition not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void TrackMomentum(TLorentzVector& momentum) const {printf("WARNING: TrackMomentum not yet implemented !\n");} virtual Double_t TrackStep() const {printf("WARNING: TrackStep not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} virtual Double_t TrackLength() const {printf("WARNING: TrackLength not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} virtual Double_t TrackTime() const {printf("WARNING: TrackTime not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} virtual Double_t Edep() const {printf("WARNING: Edep not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} // static properties virtual Int_t TrackPid() const {printf("WARNING: TrackPid not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual Double_t TrackCharge() const {printf("WARNING: TrackCharge not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} virtual Double_t TrackMass() const {printf("WARNING: TrackMass not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} virtual Double_t Etot() const {printf("WARNING: Etot not yet implemented !\n"); return -1.;} // track status virtual Bool_t IsNewTrack() const {printf("WARNING: IsNewTrack not yet implemented !\n"); return 0;} virtual Bool_t IsTrackInside() const {printf("WARNING: IsTrackInside not yet implemented !\n"); return 0;} virtual Bool_t IsTrackEntering() const {printf("WARNING: IsTrackEntering not yet implemented !\n"); return 0;} virtual Bool_t IsTrackExiting() const {printf("WARNING: IsTrackExiting not yet implemented !\n"); return 0;} virtual Bool_t IsTrackOut() const {printf("WARNING: IsTrackOut not yet implemented !\n"); return 0;} virtual Bool_t IsTrackDisappeared() const {printf("WARNING: IsTrackDisappeared not yet implemented !\n"); return 0;} virtual Bool_t IsTrackStop() const {printf("WARNING: IsTrackStop not yet implemented !\n"); return 0;} virtual Bool_t IsTrackAlive() const {printf("WARNING: IsTrackAlive not yet implemented !\n"); return 0;} // secondaries virtual Int_t NSecondaries() const {printf("WARNING: NSecondaries not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} virtual void GetSecondary(Int_t isec, Int_t& particleId, TLorentzVector& position, TLorentzVector& momentum) {printf("WARNING: GetSecondary not yet implemented !\n");} virtual TMCProcess ProdProcess(Int_t isec) const {printf("WARNING: StepProcesses not yet implemented !\n"); return kPNoProcess;} virtual Int_t StepProcesses(TArrayI &proc) const {printf("WARNING: StepProcesses not yet implemented !\n"); return -1;} // // Geant3 specific methods // !!! need to be transformed to common interface // virtual void Gdopt(const char*,const char*) {printf("WARNING: Gdopt not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void SetClipBox(const char*,Double_t=-9999,Double_t=0, Double_t=-9999, Double_t=0,Double_t=-9999,Double_t=0) {printf("WARNING: SetClipBox not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void DefaultRange() {printf("WARNING: DefaultRange not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gdhead(Int_t, const char*, Double_t=0) {printf("WARNING: Gdhead not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gdman(Double_t, Double_t, const char*) {printf("WARNING: Gdman not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void SetColors() {printf("WARNING: SetColors not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gtreve() {printf("WARNING: Gtreve not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void GtreveRoot() {printf("WARNING: GtreveRoot not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gckmat(Int_t, char*) {printf("WARNING: Gckmat not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void InitLego() {printf("WARNING: InitLego not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gfpart(Int_t, char*, Int_t&, Float_t&, Float_t&, Float_t&) {printf("WARNING: Gfpart not yet implemented !\n");} virtual void Gspart(Int_t, const char*, Int_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) {printf("WARNING: Gspart not yet implemented !\n");} // // control methods // ------------------------------------------------ // virtual void Init(); virtual void FinishGeometry(); virtual void BuildPhysics(); virtual void ProcessEvent(); virtual void ProcessRun(Int_t nevent); // //New Getter and Setters // ------------------------------------------------ // // - Input file name TString GetInputFileName() const {return fInputFileName;} void SetInputFileName(const char* n) {fInputFileName = n;} // - Verbosity level Int_t GetVerbosityLevel() const {return fVerbosityLevel;} void SetVerbosityLevel(Int_t l) {fVerbosityLevel = l;} void SetCurrentFlukaRegion(Int_t reg) {fCurrentFlukaRegion=reg;} Int_t GetCurrentFlukaRegion() const {return fCurrentFlukaRegion;} private: TFluka(const TFluka &mc){} TFluka & operator=(const TFluka &) {return (*this);} protected: Int_t fVerbosityLevel; //Verbosity level (0 lowest - 3 highest) TString fInputFileName; //Name of the input file (f.e. alice.inp) //Geometry through Geant4 for the time being!!! TG4GeometryManager* fGeometryManager; //geometry manager TG4DetConstruction* fDetector; //Detector //Index of fluka region at each step Int_t fCurrentFlukaRegion; //Map between volume name and media indices map > fVolumeMediaMap; //Map between region and media indices vector fMediaByRegion; ClassDef(TFluka,1) //C++ interface to Fluka montecarlo }; #endif //TFLUKA