#include #include "TVirtualMCApplication.h" #include "TFluka.h" #include "Fdimpar.h" //(DIMPAR) fluka include #include "Ftrackr.h" //(TRACKR) fluka common #ifndef WIN32 # define usdraw usdraw_ #else # define usdraw USDRAW #endif extern "C" { void usdraw(Int_t& icode, Int_t& mreg, Double_t& xsco, Double_t& ysco, Double_t& zsco) { TFluka *fluka = (TFluka*)gMC; Int_t verbosityLevel = fluka->GetVerbosityLevel(); Bool_t debug = (verbosityLevel >= 3)? kTRUE : kFALSE; fluka->SetCaller(6); fluka->SetIcode(icode); if (fluka->IsTrackDisappeared()) { TRACKR.ispusr[mkbmx2 - 2] = 1; } fluka->SetMreg(mreg); fluka->SetXsco(xsco); fluka->SetYsco(ysco); fluka->SetZsco(zsco); if (debug) printf("USDRAW: Number of track segments:%d %d %d\n", TRACKR.ntrack, TRACKR.mtrack, icode); (TVirtualMCApplication::Instance())->Stepping(); fluka->SetTrackIsNew(kFALSE); } // end of usdraw } // end of extern "C"