/* ************************************************************************* * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.8 2000/07/12 08:56:32 fca Coding convention correction and warning removal Revision 1.7 2000/06/28 21:27:45 morsch Most coding rule violations corrected. Still to do: Split the file (on file per class) ? Avoid the global variables. Copy constructors and assignment operators (dummy ?) Revision 1.6 2000/04/14 11:07:46 morsch Correct volume to medium assignment in case several media are asigned to the same material. Revision 1.5 2000/03/20 15:11:03 fca Mods to make the code compile on HP Revision 1.4 2000/01/18 16:12:08 morsch Bug in calculation of number of volume divisions and number of positionings corrected Browser for Material and Media properties added Revision 1.3 1999/11/14 14:31:14 fca Correct small error and remove compilation warnings on HP Revision 1.2 1999/11/10 16:53:35 fca The new geometry viewer from A.Morsch */ #include "TGButton.h" #include "TGTab.h" #include "TGComboBox.h" #include "TGDoubleSlider.h" #include "AliGuiGeomDialog.h" #include "AliGUISliders.h" #include "AliDrawVolume.h" AliGuiGeomDialog::AliGuiGeomDialog(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, w, h, options) { // Create a dialog window. A dialog window pops up with respect to its // "main" window. fFrame1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(this, 60, 20, kFixedWidth); fOkButton = new TGTextButton(fFrame1, "&Ok", 1); fOkButton->Associate(this); fCancelButton = new TGTextButton(fFrame1, "&Cancel", 2); fCancelButton->Associate(this); fL1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 2, 2, 2, 2); fL2 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 5, 1); fFrame1->AddFrame(fOkButton, fL1); fFrame1->AddFrame(fCancelButton, fL1); fFrame1->Resize(150, fOkButton->GetDefaultHeight()); AddFrame(fFrame1, fL2); //--------- create Tab widget and some composite frames for Tab testing fTab = new TGTab(this, 300, 300); fL3 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 5, 5, 5, 5); // // Tab1: Sliders // TGCompositeFrame *tf = fTab->AddTab("Draw"); fF1 = new AliGUISliders(tf, this, 60, 20); tf->AddFrame(fF1,fL3); // // Tab2: Drawing Options // tf = fTab->AddTab("Options"); fL1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 200, 2, 2, 2); fF2 = new TGCompositeFrame(tf, 60, 20, kVerticalFrame); fF2->AddFrame(fChk1 = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "Shadow", 86), fL3); fF2->AddFrame(fChk2 = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "Hide ", 87), fL3); fF2->AddFrame(fChk3 = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "Clip ", 88), fL3); fF2->AddFrame(fLabel1 = new TGLabel(fF2, "Fill"),fL3); fCombo = new TGComboBox(fF2, 89); fF2->AddFrame(fCombo, fL3); tf->AddFrame(fF2, fL3); int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%i", i+1); fCombo->AddEntry(tmp, i+1); } fCombo->Select(1); fCombo->Resize(50, 20); fCombo->Associate(this); fChk1->Associate(this); fChk2->Associate(this); fChk3->Associate(this); // // Tab3: Seen Option // tf = fTab->AddTab("Seen"); fF3 = new TGCompositeFrame(tf, 60, 20, kVerticalFrame); fF3->AddFrame(fLabel2 = new TGLabel(fF3, "Seen"),fL3); fCombo2 = new TGComboBox(fF3, 90); fF3->AddFrame(fCombo2, fL3); tf->AddFrame(fF3, fL3); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%i", i-2); fCombo2->AddEntry(tmp, i+1); } fCombo2->Select(4); fCombo2->Resize(50, 20); fCombo2->Associate(this); // // Tab4: Clip Box // tf = fTab->AddTab("ClipBox"); //--- layout for buttons: top align, equally expand horizontally fBly = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandY, 5, 5, 5, 5); //--- layout for the frame: place at bottom, right aligned fBfly1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX ); // // Frames // // Slider1 fF4 = new TGCompositeFrame(tf, 60, 20, kVerticalFrame); fHSframe1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fF4, 400, 100, kFixedWidth); fTbh11 = new TGTextBuffer(10); fTeh11 = new TGTextEntry(fHSframe1, fTbh11,1); fTbh11->AddText(0, " 0"); fTeh11->Associate(this); fTbh12 = new TGTextBuffer(10); fTeh12 = new TGTextEntry(fHSframe1, fTbh12,1); fTbh12->AddText(0, "2000"); fTeh12->Associate(this); fDslider1 = new TGDoubleHSlider(fHSframe1, 400, kSlider1 | kScaleBoth, 1); fDslider1->Associate(this); fDslider1->SetRange(-2000, 2000); fDslider1->SetPosition(0, 2000); fSLabel1 = new TGLabel(fHSframe1, "xmin-xmax"); fHSframe1->AddFrame(fSLabel1, fBfly1); fHSframe1->AddFrame(fTeh11, fBfly1); fHSframe1->AddFrame(fTeh12, fBfly1); fHSframe1->AddFrame(fDslider1, fBfly1); fF4->AddFrame(fHSframe1, fBly); // fHSframe2 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fF4, 400, 100, kFixedWidth); fTbh21 = new TGTextBuffer(10); fTeh21 = new TGTextEntry(fHSframe2, fTbh21,1); fTbh21->AddText(0, " 0"); fTeh21->Associate(this); fTbh22 = new TGTextBuffer(10); fTeh22 = new TGTextEntry(fHSframe2, fTbh22,1); fTbh22->AddText(0, "2000"); fTeh22->Associate(this); fDslider2 = new TGDoubleHSlider(fHSframe2, 400, kSlider1 | kScaleBoth, 2); fDslider2->Associate(this); fDslider2->SetRange(-2000, 2000); fDslider2->SetPosition(0, 2000); fSLabel2 = new TGLabel(fHSframe2, "ymin-ymax"); fHSframe2->AddFrame(fSLabel2, fBfly1); fHSframe2->AddFrame(fTeh21, fBfly1); fHSframe2->AddFrame(fTeh22, fBfly1); fHSframe2->AddFrame(fDslider2, fBfly1); fF4->AddFrame(fHSframe2, fBly); // fHSframe3 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fF4, 400, 100, kFixedWidth); fTbh31 = new TGTextBuffer(10); fTeh31 = new TGTextEntry(fHSframe3, fTbh31,1); fTbh31->AddText(0, " 0"); fTeh31->Associate(this); fTbh32 = new TGTextBuffer(10); fTeh32 = new TGTextEntry(fHSframe3, fTbh32,1); fTbh32->AddText(0, "2000"); fTeh32->Associate(this); fDslider3 = new TGDoubleHSlider(fHSframe3, 400, kSlider1 | kScaleBoth, 3); fDslider3->Associate(this); fDslider3->SetRange(-2000, 2000); fDslider3->SetPosition(0, 2000); fSLabel3 = new TGLabel(fHSframe3, "zmin-zmax"); fHSframe3->AddFrame(fSLabel3, fBfly1); fHSframe3->AddFrame(fTeh31, fBfly1); fHSframe3->AddFrame(fTeh32, fBfly1); fHSframe3->AddFrame(fDslider3, fBfly1); fF4->AddFrame(fHSframe3, fBly); tf->AddFrame(fF4, fL3); // // TGLayoutHints *fL5 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2, 2, 5, 1); AddFrame(fTab, fL5); MapSubwindows(); Resize(GetDefaultSize()); // position relative to the parent's window Window_t wdum; int ax, ay; gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(main->GetId(), GetParent()->GetId(), (((TGFrame *) main)->GetWidth() - fWidth) >> 1, (((TGFrame *) main)->GetHeight() - fHeight) >> 1, ax, ay, wdum); Move(ax, ay); SetWindowName("Dialog"); MapWindow(); //gClient->WaitFor(this); // otherwise canvas contextmenu does not work } AliGuiGeomDialog::~AliGuiGeomDialog() { // Delete test dialog widgets. delete fOkButton; delete fCancelButton; delete fFrame1; delete fChk1; delete fChk2; delete fF1; delete fF2; delete fF3; delete fF4; delete fCombo; delete fTab; delete fL3; delete fL4; delete fL1; delete fL2; delete fBly; delete fBfly1; delete fTbh11; delete fTbh12; delete fTbh21; delete fTbh22; delete fTbh31; delete fTbh32; delete fTeh11; delete fTeh12; delete fTeh21; delete fTeh22; delete fTeh31; delete fTeh32; delete fDslider1; delete fDslider2; delete fDslider3; delete fSLabel1; delete fSLabel2; delete fSLabel3; } void AliGuiGeomDialog::Update() { // Update widgets Float_t param; // Update Sliders if (fF1) { fF1->Update(); } // Seen if (fCombo2) { param=gCurrentVolume->GetParam(kSeen); fCombo2->Select(Int_t(param)+3); } // Hide, Shadow, Clip if (fChk1) { if (Int_t(gCurrentVolume->GetParam(kShadow))) { fChk1->SetState(kButtonDown); } else { fChk1->SetState(kButtonUp); } } if (fChk2) { if (Int_t(gCurrentVolume->GetParam(kHide))) { fChk2->SetState(kButtonDown); } else { fChk2->SetState(kButtonUp); } } if (fChk3) { if (Int_t(gCurrentVolume->GetParam(kClip))) { fChk3->SetState(kButtonDown); } else { fChk3->SetState(kButtonUp); } } } void AliGuiGeomDialog::CloseWindow() { // Called when window is closed via the window manager. delete this; } Bool_t AliGuiGeomDialog::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2) { // Process messages coming from widgets associated with the dialog. char buf[10]; Float_t min,max; switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_HSLIDER: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kSL_POS: switch (Int_t(parm1)) { case 1: min=fDslider1->GetMinPosition(); max=fDslider1->GetMaxPosition(); sprintf(buf, "%6.2f", min); fTbh11->Clear(); fTbh11->AddText(0, buf); sprintf(buf, "%6.2f", max); fTbh12->Clear(); fTbh12->AddText(0, buf); gClient->NeedRedraw(fTeh11); gClient->NeedRedraw(fTeh12); gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kClipXmin,min); gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kClipXmax,max); break; case 2: min=fDslider2->GetMinPosition(); max=fDslider2->GetMaxPosition(); sprintf(buf, "%6.2f", min); fTbh21->Clear(); fTbh21->AddText(0, buf); sprintf(buf, "%6.2f", max); fTbh22->Clear(); fTbh22->AddText(0, buf); gClient->NeedRedraw(fTeh21); gClient->NeedRedraw(fTeh22); gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kClipYmin,min); gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kClipYmax,max); break; case 3: min=fDslider3->GetMinPosition(); max=fDslider3->GetMaxPosition(); sprintf(buf, "%6.2f", min); fTbh31->Clear(); fTbh31->AddText(0, buf); sprintf(buf, "%6.2f", max); fTbh32->Clear(); fTbh32->AddText(0, buf); gClient->NeedRedraw(fTeh31); gClient->NeedRedraw(fTeh32); gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kClipZmin,min); gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kClipZmax,max); break; default: break; } } break; case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: switch(parm1) { case 1: case 2: printf("\nTerminating dialog: %s pressed\n", (parm1 == 1) ? "OK" : "Cancel"); CloseWindow(); break; } break; case kCM_COMBOBOX: switch(parm1) { case 89: gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kFill, Float_t(parm2)); gCurrentVolume->Draw(); break; case 90: gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kSeen, Float_t(parm2-3)); gCurrentVolume->Draw(); break; } break; case kCM_CHECKBUTTON: switch (parm1) { case 86: if (Int_t(gCurrentVolume->GetParam(kShadow))) { gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kShadow, 0.); } else { gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kShadow, 1.); } gCurrentVolume->Draw(); break; case 87: if (Int_t(gCurrentVolume->GetParam(kHide))) { gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kHide, 0.); } else { gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kHide, 1.); } gCurrentVolume->Draw(); break; case 88: if (Int_t(gCurrentVolume->GetParam(kClip))) { gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kClip, 0.); } else { gCurrentVolume->SetParam(kClip, 1.); } gCurrentVolume->Draw(); break; default: break; } break; case kCM_TAB: break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return kTRUE; }