# $Id$ ############################### TGeant4 Makefile ############################### # Include Geant4 specific definitions include $(G4INSTALL)/config/architecture.gmk # Include machine specific definitions include $(ALICE_ROOT)/conf/GeneralDef include $(ALICE_ROOT)/conf/MachineDef.$(ALICE_TARGET) # Include Alice Geant4 specific definitions include $(ALICE_ROOT)/conf/Geant4.gmk PACKAGE = TGeant4 # C++ sources #SRCS1 = $(wildcard *.cxx) SRCS1 = $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -l "Category: global" {} \; | sed sx./xxg ) SRCS1 += $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -l "Category: geometry" {} \; | sed sx./xxg ) SRCS2 = $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -l "Category: digits+hits" {} \; | sed sx./xxg ) SRCS2 += $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -l "Category: physics" {} \; | sed sx./xxg ) SRCS2 += $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -l "Category: event" {} \; | sed sx./xxg ) SRCS2 += $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -l "Category: run" {} \; | sed sx./xxg ) SRCS2 += $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -l "Category: visualization" {} \; | sed sx./xxg ) SRCS2 += $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -l "Category: interfaces" {} \; | sed sx./xxg ) # C++ Headers HDRS = $(wildcard *.icc) $(wildcard *.h) # Library Root dictionary # only for selected classes # (temporarily excluded for OSF1 due to compilation errors) ifneq ($(ALICE_TARGET),OSF1) DICT = TGeant4Cint.cxx DICTH = TGeant4.h TG4VRunConfiguration.h \ TG4Editor.h TG4MainFrame.h TG4GeometryGUI.h TG4GuiVolume.h \ TG4MaterialsFrames.h TG4VolumesFrames.h TG4ListTreeFrame.h \ TGeant4LinkDef.h DICTO = $(patsubst %.cxx,tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/%.o,$(DICT)) endif # C++ Objects OBJS1 = $(patsubst %.cxx,tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/%.o,$(SRCS1)) OBJS2 = $(patsubst %.cxx,tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/%.o,$(SRCS2)) $(DICTO) # C++ compilation flags CXXFLAGS = $(CXXOPTS) -I$(ROOTSYS)/include -I. -I$(ALICE_ROOT)/include/ ##### TARGETS ##### # Target SLIBRARY = $(LIBDIR)/libTGeant4_1.$(SL) $(LIBDIR)/libTGeant4_2.$(SL) ALIBRARY = $(LIBDIR)/libTGeant4_1.a $(LIBDIR)/libTGeant4_2.a default: $(SLIBRARY) $(LIBDIR)/libTGeant4_1.$(SL): $(OBJS1) $(LIBDIR)/libTGeant4_1.a: $(OBJS1) $(LIBDIR)/libTGeant4_2.$(SL): $(OBJS2) $(LIBDIR)/libTGeant4_2.a: $(OBJS2) $(DICT): $(DICTH) depend: $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) clean: macroclean #HEADERS = $(filter-out %LinkDef.h,$(HDRS)) TOCLEAN = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) *Cint.cxx *Cint.h CHECKS = $(patsubst %.cxx,check/%.viol,$(SRCS)) ############################### General Macros ################################ include $(ALICE_ROOT)/conf/GeneralMacros # Geant4 specific compiler flags CXXFLAGS += $(CPPFLAGS) # Remove optimisation for TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron ifeq ($(ALICE_TARGET),Linux) COMPILER := $(shell g++ -v 2>&1 | grep version | grep egcs) ifeq ($(findstring 1.1,$(COMPILER)),1.1) CXXFLAGS_WITHOUT_O := $(filter-out -O% -Wuninitialized, $(CXXFLAGS)) tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron.o : TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron.cxx ifeq ($(CXXVERBOSE),) @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_WITHOUT_O) -c -o $@ TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron.cxx else $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_WITHOUT_O) -c -o $@ TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron.cxx endif endif endif ifeq ($(ALICE_TARGET),HP-UX.aCC) # remove optimisation for TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron # to be tested COMPILER := $(shell aCC -V 2>&1) ifeq ($(COMPILER), aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.01.15) CXXFLAGS_WITHOUT_O := $(filter-out -O% , $(CXXFLAGS)) CXXFLAGS_WITHOUT_O := $(filter-out +O% , $(CXXFLAGS_WITHOUT_O)) tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron.o : TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron.cxx ifeq ($(CXXVERBOSE),) @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_WITHOUT_O) -c $*.cxx -o tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/$*.o else $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_WITHOUT_O) -c $*.cxx -o tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/$*.o endif endif endif ############################ Dependencies ##################################### -include tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/Make-depend