// $Id$ // Category: interfaces // // Author: D. Adamova //============================================================== // //----------------TG4GeometryGUI.cxx--------------------------// //----------------AG4 Geometry Browser----------------------// // //================================================================= #include "TG4GeometryGUI.h" #include "TG4GuiVolume.h" #include "TG4MainFrame.h" #include "TG4ListTreeFrame.h" #include "TG4VolumesFrames.h" #include "TG4MaterialsFrames.h" #include "TG4Globals.h" #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(TG4GeometryGUI) TG4GeometryGUI::TG4GeometryGUI() { //---> Constructor fPanel = new TG4MainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 650, 500); G4cout << "\n***********************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "***********************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << " Welcome to the Geometry Browser for AliGeant4 " << G4endl; G4cout << "\n***********************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "***********************************************\n" << G4endl; ReadGeometryTree(); ReadMaterials(); } TG4GeometryGUI::TG4GeometryGUI(const TG4GeometryGUI& gg) { // Dummy copy constructor TG4Globals::Exception( "Attempt to use TG4GeometryGUI copy constructor."); } TG4GeometryGUI& TG4GeometryGUI::operator=(const TG4GeometryGUI& gg) { // check assignement to self if (this == &gg) return *this; TG4Globals::Exception( "Attempt to assign TG4GeometryGUI singleton."); return *this; } TG4GeometryGUI::~TG4GeometryGUI(){ //---> liquidator G4cout << "\n Now in TG4GeometryGUI destructor \n" << G4endl; delete fPanel; // ----> guiVolumes not taken care of yet } void TG4GeometryGUI::ReadGeometryTree() { //--->Linking logical volumes to gui volumes // Icons for folders const TGPicture* kFolder = gClient->GetPicture("folder_t.xpm"); const TGPicture* kOpenFolder = gClient->GetPicture("ofolder_t.xpm"); const TGPicture* kDocument = gClient->GetPicture("doc_t.xpm"); TG4GuiVolume* volume; G4LogicalVolumeStore* volumeStore; G4LogicalVolume* top; TGListTreeItem* itemi; volumeStore = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); top = (*volumeStore )[0]; G4String vname = top->GetName(); volume = new TG4GuiVolume( vname, top);//--->TObject itemi = fPanel->GetListTreeFrame() ->AddItem(volume,0,vname, kOpenFolder, kFolder); RegisterLogicalVolume( top, itemi); // delete volume; ---> inactivated to get UserData for the // ---> ListTree items in the MainFrame } void TG4GeometryGUI::RegisterLogicalVolume(G4LogicalVolume* lv, TGListTreeItem* itemv) { //--->Filling up gui volumes objArray typedef G4std::set > TG4StringSet; TG4StringSet lVolumeNames; //set of names of solids // Icons for folders const TGPicture* kFolder = gClient->GetPicture("folder_t.xpm"); const TGPicture* kOpenFolder = gClient->GetPicture("ofolder_t.xpm"); TG4GuiVolume* volume; G4LogicalVolume* lDaughter; G4VPhysicalVolume* pDaughter; TGListTreeItem* itemi; G4int nofDaughters = lv->GetNoDaughters(); if (nofDaughters == 0) return; //---------->only for nofDaughters > 0 // open composition G4String lvName = lv->GetName(); TObjArray* guiVolumes = new TObjArray(); G4int ii; for (ii=0; iiGetDaughter(ii); lDaughter = pDaughter->GetLogicalVolume(); G4String vname = lDaughter->GetName(); //-------> process lv only if it was not yet processed if ( (lVolumeNames.find(vname)) == (lVolumeNames.end()) ) { volume = new TG4GuiVolume( vname, lDaughter); itemi = fPanel->GetListTreeFrame() ->AddItem(volume, itemv, vname, kOpenFolder, kFolder); itemi->SetUserData(volume); volume->SetItem( itemi); //-----> store the name of logical volume in the set lVolumeNames.insert(lVolumeNames.begin(),vname); guiVolumes->AddLast( volume ); }; }; //-----> process daughters for (ii=0; iiGetEntriesFast(); ii++) { TG4GuiVolume* guiVolume = (TG4GuiVolume*)(guiVolumes->At(ii)); G4LogicalVolume* lvd = guiVolume->GetLogicalVolume(); TGListTreeItem* itemvd = guiVolume->GetItem(); RegisterLogicalVolume(lvd, itemvd); }; delete guiVolumes; // delete volume;---> if deleted, wrong logical volumes assigned // ---> to the ListTree items in the MainFrame display } void TG4GeometryGUI::ReadMaterials() const { //-----> Puts logical volumes and materials names //-----> into ComboBoxes TG4VolumesFrames* vFrame = fPanel->GetVolumesFrames(); vFrame->SetVolumesComboEntries(); TG4MaterialsFrames* mFrame = fPanel->GetMaterialsFrames(); mFrame->SetMaterialsComboEntries(); }