// $Id$ // Category: geometry // // This class provides methods for writing // tokens (ASCII form of Geant3 routines calls) // into the specified output file #ifndef TG4_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_MANAGER_H #define TG4_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_MANAGER_H #include "TG4Globals.h" #include //#include #include "g4std/fstream" class TG4GeometryOutputManager { public: TG4GeometryOutputManager(); virtual ~TG4GeometryOutputManager(); // methods void OpenFile(G4String filePath); void CloseFile(); void WriteGsvolu(G4String name, G4String shape, G4int nmed, G4double* par, G4int npar); void WriteGspos(G4String name, G4int num, G4String moth, G4double x, G4double y, G4double z, G4int irot, G4String only); void WriteGsposp(G4String name, G4int num, G4String moth, G4double x, G4double y, G4double z, G4int irot, G4String only, G4double* Rpar, G4int npar); void WriteGsrotm(G4int irot, G4double theta1, G4double phi1, G4double theta2, G4double phi2, G4double theta3, G4double phi3); //void WriteGsatt(G4String name, G4String attr, G4int ival); void WriteGsdvn(G4String vname, G4String vmoth, G4int ndiv, G4int iaxis); void WriteGsdvt(G4String name, G4String moth, G4double Step, G4int iaxis, G4int numed, G4int ndvmx); void WriteGsdvx(G4String name, G4String moth, G4int ndiv, G4int iaxis, G4double Step, G4double c0, G4int numed, G4int ndvmx); void WriteGsdvn2(G4String name, G4String moth, G4int ndiv, G4int iaxis, G4double c0, G4int numed); void WriteGsdvt2(G4String name, G4String moth, G4double Step, G4int iaxis, G4double c0, G4int numed, G4int ndvmx); void WriteGsmate(G4int imate, G4String name, G4double a, G4double z, G4double dens, G4double radl, G4int nwbf, G4double* ubuf); void WriteGsmixt(G4int imate, G4String name, G4double* a, G4double* z, G4double dens, G4int nlmat, G4double* wmat); void WriteGstmed(G4int itmed, G4String name, G4int nmat, G4int isvol, G4int ifield, G4double fieldm, G4double tmaxfd, G4double stemax, G4double deemax, G4double epsil, G4double stmin, G4double* par, G4int npar); void WriteGstpar(G4int itmed, G4String par, G4double parval); void WriteGgclos(); private: // data members G4std::ofstream fOutFile; //output file }; #endif //TG4_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_MANAGER_H