// $Id$ // Category: global // // See the class description in the header file. #include "TG4IntMap.h" #include "TG4Globals.h" #include "g4std/iomanip" #include "globals.hh" typedef G4std::map > :: iterator IntMapIterator; TG4IntMap::TG4IntMap(){ // } TG4IntMap::TG4IntMap(const TG4IntMap& right) { // TG4Globals::Exception("TG4IntMap is protected from copying."); } TG4IntMap::~TG4IntMap() { // } // operators TG4IntMap& TG4IntMap::operator=(const TG4IntMap& right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; TG4Globals::Exception("TG4IntMap is protected from assigning."); return *this; } // private methods G4bool TG4IntMap::IsDefined(const G4String& first) { // Returns true if the first is already in the map. // --- IntMapIterator i = fMap.find(first); if (i == fMap.end()) return false; else return true; } // public methods G4bool TG4IntMap::Add(const G4String& first, G4int second) { // Adds pair (name, int number) to the map. // --- if (!IsDefined(first)) { // insert into map // only in case it is not yet here fMap[first] = second; return true; } return false; } G4int TG4IntMap::GetSecond(const G4String& name) { // Gets second name associated with given name. // --- IntMapIterator i = fMap.find(name); if (i == fMap.end()) { G4String text = "G4IntMap::GetSecond: "; text = text + name + " is not defined."; TG4Globals::Warning(text); return 0; } else { return (*i).second; } } void TG4IntMap::PrintAll() { // Dumps all map. // --- if (fMap.size()) { G4cout << "Dump of TG4IntMap - " << fMap.size() << " entries:" << G4endl; G4int counter = 0; for (IntMapIterator i=fMap.begin(); i != fMap.end(); i++) { const G4String& first = (*i).first; G4int second = (*i).second; G4cout << "Map element " << G4std::setw(3) << counter++ << " " << first << " " << second << G4endl; } } } void TG4IntMap::Clear() { // Clears the map. // --- if (fMap.size()>0) fMap.clear(); }