// $Id$ // Category: digits+hits // // See the class description in the header file. #include "TG4SDServices.h" #include "TG4VSensitiveDetector.h" #include "TG4GeometryServices.h" #include "TG4Globals.h" #include #include #include #include TG4SDServices* TG4SDServices::fgInstance = 0; //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4SDServices::TG4SDServices(){ // if (fgInstance) { TG4Globals::Exception( "TG4SDServices: attempt to create two instances of singleton."); fgInstance = this; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4SDServices::TG4SDServices(const TG4SDServices& right) { // TG4Globals::Exception( "Attempt to copy TG4SDServices singleton."); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4SDServices::~TG4SDServices(){ // } // operators //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4SDServices& TG4SDServices::operator=(const TG4SDServices& right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; TG4Globals::Exception( "Attempt to assign TG4SDServices singleton."); return *this; } // public methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4SDServices::PrintStatistics(G4bool open, G4bool close) const { // Print G4 SD statistics // --- if (open) TG4Globals::PrintStars(true); G4cout << " " << NofSensitiveDetectors() << " sensitive detectors" << G4endl; if (close) TG4Globals::PrintStars(false); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4int TG4SDServices::GetVolumeID(const G4String& volName) const { // Returns the sensitive detector identifier. // !! Gives exception in case logical volume is not associated with // a sensitive detector. // --- G4String g4VolName = TG4GeometryServices::Instance()->CutName(volName); G4LogicalVolumeStore* pLVStore = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); for (G4int i=0; isize(); i++) { G4LogicalVolume* lv = (*pLVStore)[i]; G4VSensitiveDetector* sd = lv->GetSensitiveDetector(); if (sd && sd->GetName() == g4VolName) return GetSensitiveDetector(sd)->GetID(); } G4String text = "TG4SDServices::GetVolumeID: Sensitive detector "; text = text + g4VolName; text = text + " is not defined.\n"; TG4Globals::Warning(text); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4int TG4SDServices::GetVolumeID(G4LogicalVolume* logicalVolume) const { // Returns the sensitive detector ID of the specified // logical volume. // --- G4VSensitiveDetector* sd = logicalVolume->GetSensitiveDetector(); if (sd) return GetSensitiveDetector(sd)->GetID(); G4String text = "TG4SDServices::GetVolumeID: \n"; text = text + " Volume " + logicalVolume->GetName(); text = text + " has not a sensitive detector."; //TG4Globals::Exception(text); TG4Globals::Warning(text); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4String TG4SDServices::GetVolumeName(G4int volumeId) const { // Returns the name of the sensitive detector with the given identifier. // Gives a warning in case logical volume is not associated with // a sensitive detector. // --- G4LogicalVolumeStore* pLVStore = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); for (G4int i=0; isize(); i++) { G4LogicalVolume* lv = (*pLVStore)[i]; G4VSensitiveDetector* sd = lv->GetSensitiveDetector(); if (sd && GetSensitiveDetector(sd)->GetID() == volumeId) return sd->GetName(); } G4String text = "TG4SDServices::VolName:\n"; text = text + " Sensitive detector with given id is not defined. \n"; TG4Globals::Warning(text); return ""; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4LogicalVolume* TG4SDServices::GetLogicalVolume(G4int volumeId) const { // Finds the first logical volume with specified volumeId // (sensitive detector ID) in G4LogicalVolumeStore. // --- G4LogicalVolumeStore* pLVStore = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); for (G4int i=0; isize(); i++) { G4LogicalVolume* lv = (*pLVStore)[i]; if (GetVolumeID(lv) == volumeId) return lv; } G4String text = "TG4SDServices::GetLogicalVolume: \n"; text = text + " Logical volume with given ID does not exist."; return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TG4SDServices::GetMediumId(G4int volumeId) const { // Return the material number for a given volume id // --- return TG4GeometryServices::Instance() ->GetMediumId(GetLogicalVolume(volumeId)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TG4SDServices::NofSensitiveDetectors() const { // Returns the total number of sensitive detectors. // --- return TG4VSensitiveDetector::GetTotalNofSensitiveDetectors(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4VSensitiveDetector* TG4SDServices::GetSensitiveDetector( G4VSensitiveDetector* sd) const { // Checks and converts type of the sensitive detector. // --- if (!sd) return 0; TG4VSensitiveDetector* tsd = dynamic_cast(sd); if (!tsd) { G4Exception( "TG4SDServices::GetSensitiveDetector: Wrong sensitive detector type."); return 0; } else return tsd; }