CCC common/parameters/ C C This common block includes the following data: C C o Run control switches C o Correlation model selection switches C o Correlation model parameters C o Numbers of particles and pairs of particles C o Track momentum adjustment parameters C o Constants and Chi-Square values common/parameters/ 1 ALICE,errorcode, 2 ref_control,print_full,print_sector_data,n_pid_types,pid(2), 3 n_events,switch_1d,switch_3d,switch_type,switch_coherence, 4 switch_coulomb,switch_fermi_bose,n_part_1_trk,n_part_2_trk, 5 n_part_tot_trk,n_part_1_trk2,n_part_2_trk2,n_part_tot_trk2, 6 n_part_used_1_trk,n_part_used_2_trk,n_part_used_1_trk2, 7 n_part_used_2_trk2,n_part_used_1_ref,n_part_used_2_ref, 8 n_part_used_1_inc,n_part_used_2_inc,num_pairs_like, 9 num_pairs_unlike,num_pairs_like_ref,num_pairs_unlike_ref, 1 num_pairs_like_inc,num_pairs_unlike_inc,event_line_counter, 2 maxit,irand,file10_line_counter, 3 lambda,R_1d,Rside,Rout,Rlong,Rperp,Rparallel,R0,Q0,deltap, 4 delchi,pi,rad,hbc,chisq_wt_like_1d,chisq_wt_unlike_1d, 5 chisq_wt_like_3d_fine,chisq_wt_unlike_3d_fine, 6 chisq_wt_like_3d_coarse,chisq_wt_unlike_3d_coarse, 7 chisq_wt_hist1_1,chisq_wt_hist1_2,mass1,mass2,trk_accep CCC Variable Type Declarations: CCC ALICE specific variables, DATA I/O option and return error code integer*4 ALICE ! To I/O from files or AliRoot strucs integer*4 errorcode ! Processor error code to stop CCC calculation and return to calling CCC program. CCC Run Control and Model Switches: integer*4 ref_control ! Select Reference Histograms integer*4 print_full ! Full print out option - each event integer*4 print_sector_data ! Print sector overflow diagnostics integer*4 n_pid_types ! # particle ID types to correlate integer*4 pid ! Geant particle ID #s, max of 2 types integer*4 n_events ! # events in input event text file integer*4 switch_1d ! Include 1D correlations integer*4 switch_3d ! Include 3D correlations integer*4 switch_type ! For like, unlike or both PID pairs integer*4 switch_coherence ! To include incoh/coher mixed source integer*4 switch_coulomb ! Coulomb correction selection options integer*4 switch_fermi_bose ! For fermions or bosons CCC Numbers of particles and pairs: integer*4 n_part_1_trk ! Total # PID #1 in 'trk', all flags integer*4 n_part_2_trk ! Total # PID #2 in 'trk', all flags integer*4 n_part_tot_trk ! Total # all part. in 'trk', all flgs integer*4 n_part_used_1_trk ! # PID#1, used (flag=0) in 'trk' integer*4 n_part_used_2_trk ! # PID#2, used (flag=0) in 'trk' integer*4 n_part_1_trk2 ! Total # PID #1 in 'trk2', all flags integer*4 n_part_2_trk2 ! Total # PID #2 in 'trk2', all flags integer*4 n_part_tot_trk2 ! Total # all part. in 'trk2', all flgs integer*4 n_part_used_1_trk2 ! # PID#1, used (flag=0) in 'trk2' integer*4 n_part_used_2_trk2 ! # PID#2, used (flag=0) in 'trk2' integer*4 n_part_used_1_ref ! # PID#1, used (flag=0) in Reference integer*4 n_part_used_2_ref ! # PID#2, used (flag=0) in Reference integer*4 n_part_used_1_inc ! # PID#1, used (flag=0) in Inclusive integer*4 n_part_used_2_inc ! # PID#2, used (flag=0) in Inclusive integer*4 num_pairs_like ! # like pairs used (flag=0) in fit integer*4 num_pairs_unlike ! # unlike pairs used (flag=0) in fit integer*4 num_pairs_like_ref ! # like pairs used (flag=0) in Ref. integer*4 num_pairs_unlike_ref ! # unlike pairs used (flag=0) in Ref. integer*4 num_pairs_like_inc ! # like pairs used (flag=0) in Incl. integer*4 num_pairs_unlike_inc ! # unlike pairs used (flag=0) in Incl. CCC Counters: integer*4 event_line_counter ! Input event text file line counter integer*4 file10_line_counter ! Output, correlated event text file CCC ! line counter CCC Correlation Model Parameters: real*4 lambda ! Chaoticity parameter real*4 R_1d ! Spherical source radius (fm) real*4 Rside ! 3D Bertsch-Pratt source 'side' R (fm) real*4 Rout ! 3D Bertsch-Pratt source 'out' R (fm) real*4 Rlong ! 3D Bertsch-Pratt source 'long' R (fm) real*4 Rperp ! 3D YKP source transverse radius (fm) real*4 Rparallel ! 3D YKP source longitudinal radius(fm) real*4 R0 ! 3D YKP source emission time durat(fm) real*4 Q0 ! NA35 Coulomb parameter (GeV/c) or CCC ! Coul radius for Pratt finite src (fm) CCC Search Control Parameters: integer*4 maxit ! Max # iterations in track adjustment real*4 deltap ! Max limit for x,y,z momt shifts(GeV/c) real*4 delchi ! Min% change in Chi-Sq to stop iterat. CCC Chi-Square Values: real*4 chisq_wt_like_1d ! 1D, Like pairs real*4 chisq_wt_unlike_1d ! 1D, Unlike pairs real*4 chisq_wt_like_3d_fine ! 3D, Like pairs, Fine Mesh real*4 chisq_wt_unlike_3d_fine ! 3D, Unlike pairs, Fine Mesh real*4 chisq_wt_like_3d_coarse ! 3D, Like pairs, Coarse Mesh real*4 chisq_wt_unlike_3d_coarse ! 3D, Unlike pairs, Coarse Mesh real*4 chisq_wt_hist1_1 ! One-body, particle ID type #1 real*4 chisq_wt_hist1_2 ! One-body, particle ID type #2 CCC Particle Masses: real*4 mass1, mass2 ! Particle ID# 1 and 2 masses (GeV) CCC Constants: integer*4 irand ! Random # starting seed (Def=12345) real*4 pi, hbc ! PI and h-bar-c (GeV*fm) real*4 rad ! radian = 180.0/pi C parameter (pi = 3.141592654) C parameter (hbc = 0.19732891) CCC Random Track Selection Fraction, for low multiplicity particles real*4 trk_accep ! ranges from 0.0 -> 1.0 CCC END common/parameters/