/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.6 2007/10/05 10:44:11 zampolli Oversight for debugging purpose fixed Revision 1.5 2007/10/05 10:38:10 zampolli Oversight fixed Revision 1.4 2007/10/04 15:36:44 zampolli Updates to new TOF offline calibration schema Revision 1.3 2007/07/31 07:26:16 zampolli Bug fixed in the $ field */ // task to perform TOF calibration // optimized for pp runs // expect a maximum of 100 entries per channel // different ways to calibrate are implemented // C. Zampolli #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliTOFCalibTask.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliCDBId.h" #include "AliCDBStorage.h" //______________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFCalibTask::AliTOFCalibTask(const char *name) : AliAnalysisTask(name,""), fdir(0), fChain(0), fESD(0), fToT(0), fTime(0), fExpTimePi(0), fExpTimeKa(0), fExpTimePr(0), fMinTime(0), fbigarray(0x0), findexarray(0x0), fnESD(0), fnESDselected(0), fnESDkTOFout(0), fnESDkTIME(0), fnESDassTOFcl(0), fnESDTIMEcut(0), fnESDTRDcut(0), fhToT(0), fhTime(0), fhExpTimePi(0), fhExpTimeKa(0), fhExpTimePr(0), fhPID(0), fhch(0), fOutputContainer(0), frun(0) { // Constructor. // Input slot #0 works with an Ntuple DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Output slot #0 writes into a TH1 container DefineOutput(0, TObjArray::Class()) ; fdir = gDirectory->GetPath(); fbigarray = new Float_t*[TOFCHANNELS]; findexarray = new Int_t[TOFCHANNELS]; for (Int_t i=0;i<11;i++){ fassparticle[i]=-1; } for (Int_t i =0;ifdir=calibtask.fdir; this->fChain=calibtask.fChain; this->fESD=calibtask.fESD; this->fToT=calibtask.fToT; this->fTime=calibtask.fTime; this->fExpTimePi=calibtask.fExpTimePi; this->fExpTimeKa=calibtask.fExpTimeKa; this->fExpTimePr=calibtask.fExpTimePr; this->fMinTime=calibtask.fMinTime; this->fnESD=calibtask.fnESD; this->fnESDselected=calibtask.fnESDselected; this->fnESDkTOFout=calibtask.fnESDkTOFout; this->fnESDkTIME=calibtask.fnESDkTIME; this->fnESDassTOFcl=calibtask.fnESDassTOFcl; this->fnESDTIMEcut=calibtask.fnESDTIMEcut; this->fnESDTRDcut=calibtask.fnESDTRDcut; this->fhToT=calibtask.fhToT; this->fhTime=calibtask.fhTime; this->fhExpTimePi=calibtask.fhExpTimePi; this->fhExpTimeKa=calibtask.fhExpTimeKa; this->fhExpTimePr=calibtask.fhExpTimePr; this->fOutputContainer=calibtask.fOutputContainer; this->fhPID=calibtask.fhPID; this->fhch=calibtask.fhch; this->fbigarray = new Float_t*[TOFCHANNELS]; this->findexarray = new Int_t[TOFCHANNELS]; for (Int_t i=0;i<11;i++){ this->fassparticle[i]=calibtask.fassparticle[i]; } for (Int_t i =0;ifbigarray[i] = new Float_t[CHENTRIES]; this->findexarray[i]=calibtask.findexarray[i]; for (Int_t j =0;jfbigarray[i][j]=calibtask.fbigarray[i][j]; } } return *this; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliTOFCalibTask::BookHistos(){ //booking histos AliInfo(Form("*** Booking Histograms %s", GetName())) ; fhToT= new TH1F("hToT", " ToT distribution (ns) ", 400, 0, 40); fhTime= new TH1F("hTime", " Time distribution (ns) ", 400, 0, 40); fhExpTimePi= new TH1F("hExpTimePi", " Exp Time distribution, Pi (ns) ", 400, 0, 40); fhExpTimeKa= new TH1F("hExpTimeKa", " Exp Time distribution, Ka (ns) ", 400, 0, 40); fhExpTimePr= new TH1F("hExpTimePr", " Exp Time distribution, Pr (ns) ", 400, 0, 40); fhPID= new TH1I("hPID", " Combinatorial PID identity ", 3, 0, 3); fhch= new TH1D("hch", " TOF channel ", TOFCHANNELS, 0, TOFCHANNELS); //create the putput container fOutputContainer = new TObjArray(7) ; fOutputContainer->SetName(GetName()) ; fOutputContainer->AddAt(fhToT, 0) ; fOutputContainer->AddAt(fhTime, 1) ; fOutputContainer->AddAt(fhExpTimePi, 2) ; fOutputContainer->AddAt(fhExpTimeKa, 3) ; fOutputContainer->AddAt(fhExpTimePr, 4) ; fOutputContainer->AddAt(fhPID, 5) ; fOutputContainer->AddAt(fhch, 6) ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliTOFCalibTask::DrawHistos(){ // drawing output histos AliInfo(Form("*** Drawing Histograms %s", GetName())) ; TCanvas * canvasToTTime = new TCanvas("canvasToTTime", " ToT and Time ",400, 30, 550, 630) ; canvasToTTime->Divide(1,2); canvasToTTime->cd(1); fhToT->SetLineColor(4); fhToT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ToT (ns)"); fhToT->Draw("hist"); canvasToTTime->cd(2); fhTime->SetLineColor(4); fhTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time (ns)"); fhTime->Draw("hist"); canvasToTTime->Update(); canvasToTTime->Print("ToTTime.gif"); TCanvas * canvasExpTime = new TCanvas("canvasExpTime", " Expected Times ",400, 30, 550, 630) ; canvasExpTime->Divide(1,3); canvasExpTime->cd(1); fhExpTimePi->SetLineColor(4); fhExpTimePi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Exp Time (ns), #pi"); fhExpTimePi->Draw("hist"); canvasExpTime->cd(2); fhExpTimeKa->SetLineColor(4); fhExpTimeKa->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Exp Time (ns), K"); fhExpTimeKa->Draw("hist"); canvasExpTime->cd(3); fhExpTimePr->SetLineColor(4); fhExpTimePr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Exp Time (ns), p"); fhExpTimePr->Draw("hist"); canvasExpTime->Print("ExpTime.gif"); TCanvas * canvasPID = new TCanvas("canvasPID", " Combinatorial PID ",400, 30, 550, 400); fhPID->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Comb PID"); fhPID->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"#pi"); fhPID->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"K"); fhPID->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"p"); fhPID->Draw("hist"); canvasPID->Print("PID.gif"); TCanvas * canvasrndch = new TCanvas("canvasrndch", " TOF channel ",400, 30, 550, 400); fhch->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TOF ch"); fhch->Draw("hist"); Float_t meanTOFch = 0; for (Int_t ibin=0;ibinGetBinContent(ibin+1); } meanTOFch/=TOFCHANNELS; AliDebug(1,Form(" Mean number of tracks/channel = %f ",meanTOFch)); canvasrndch->Print("rndch.gif"); char line[1024] ; sprintf(line, ".!tar -zcvf %s.tar.gz *.gif", GetName()) ; gROOT->ProcessLine(line); sprintf(line, ".!rm -fR *.gif"); gROOT->ProcessLine(line); AliInfo(Form("*** TOF Calib Task: plots saved in %s.tar.gz...\n", GetName())) ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFCalibTask::ConnectInputData(const Option_t*) { // Initialization of branch container and histograms // AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTOFCalibTask",1); AliInfo(Form("*** Initialization of %s", GetName())) ; // Get input data fChain = dynamic_cast(GetInputData(0)) ; if (!fChain) { AliError(Form("Input 0 for %s not found\n", GetName())); return ; } // One should first check if the branch address was taken by some other task char ** address = (char **)GetBranchAddress(0, "ESD"); if (address) { fESD = (AliESDEvent*)(*address); } else { fESD = new AliESDEvent(); } fESD->ReadFromTree(fChain) ; BookHistos(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliTOFCalibTask::Notify() { // Initialisation of branch container and histograms AliInfo(Form("*** We are in %s::Notify()", GetName())) ; // Get input data fChain = dynamic_cast(GetInputData(0)) ; if (!fChain) { AliError(Form("Input 0 for %s not found\n", GetName())); return kFALSE; } char ** address = (char **)GetBranchAddress(0, "ESD"); if (address) { fESD = (AliESDEvent*)(*address); } else { fESD = new AliESDEvent(); } fESD->ReadFromTree(fChain) ; return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFCalibTask::CreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFCalibTask::Exec(Option_t * opt) { // main AliInfo(Form("*** Executing %s", GetName())) ; //******* The loop over events ----------------------------------------------- // Processing of one event Long64_t entry = fChain->GetReadEntry() ; if (!fESD) { AliError("fESD is not connected to the input!") ; return ; } if ( !((entry-1)%100) ) AliDebug(1,Form("%s ----> Processing event # %lld", (dynamic_cast(fChain))->GetFile()->GetName(), entry)) ; // ************************ TOF ************************************* fMinTime=22E3; //ns; not used Int_t ntrk = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks() ; fnESD+=ntrk; Int_t nselected = 0; Int_t itr = -1; while ( ntrk-- ) { itr++; AliESDtrack * t = fESD->GetTrack(ntrk) ; //selecting only good quality tracks if (!Select(t)) continue; nselected++; Int_t ich = Int_t(t->GetTOFCalChannel()); fhch->Fill(ich); // ich=3; //only for debug purpose AliDebug(2,Form(" ESD in channel %i, filling array %i",t->GetTOFCalChannel(),ich)); Float_t tot = t->GetTOFsignalToT(); Float_t time = t->GetTOFsignalRaw(); AliDebug(2,Form(" track # %i in channel %i, time = %f \n",ntrk,ich,time)); Double_t expTime[10]; t->GetIntegratedTimes(expTime); Float_t expTimePi = expTime[2]*1.E-3; Float_t expTimeKa = expTime[3]*1.E-3; Float_t expTimePr = expTime[4]*1.E-3; if (findexarray[ich]==(Int_t)(CHENTRIES/NIDX)) { AliInfo(Form("too many tracks in channel %i, not storing any more...",ich)); continue; } findexarray[ich]++; AliDebug(2,Form("tracks in channel %i = %i, storing... ",ich, findexarray[ich] )); Int_t ientry=(findexarray[ich]-1)*NIDX; fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXTOT]=tot; //in ns fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXTIME]=time*1E-3; // in ns fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXEXTIMEPI]=expTimePi; fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXEXTIMEKA]=expTimeKa; fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXEXTIMEPR]=expTimePr; fhToT->Fill(fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXTOT]); fhTime->Fill(fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXTIME]); fhExpTimePi->Fill(fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXEXTIMEPI]); fhExpTimeKa->Fill(fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXEXTIMEKA]); fhExpTimePr->Fill(fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXEXTIMEPR]); AliDebug(2, Form("track = %i, tot = %f, time = %f, and Exp time in TOF: pi = %f, K = %f, p = %f",itr, fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXTOT], fbigarray[ich][ientry+DELTAIDXTIME], expTimePi,expTimeKa,expTimePr)); } fnESDselected+=nselected; PostData(0, fOutputContainer); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFCalibTask::Terminate(Option_t *) { // Processing when the event loop is ended // some plots TH1::AddDirectory(0); TDirectory *dir = gDirectory; AliInfo("TOF Calib Task: End of events loop"); for (Int_t ich = 0;ich0){ Int_t ncuttime = SelectOnTime(&fbigarray[ich][0],findexarray[ich],ich); fnESDselected-=ncuttime; } } AliInfo(Form(" Number of analyzed ESD tracks: %i\n",fnESD)); AliInfo(Form(" Number of selected ESD tracks: %i\n",fnESDselected)); AliInfo(Form(" Number of ESD tracks with kTOFout: %i\n",fnESDkTOFout)); AliInfo(Form(" Number of ESD tracks with kTIME: %i\n",fnESDkTIME)); AliInfo(Form(" Number of ESD tracks with TRDcut: %i\n",fnESDTRDcut)); AliInfo(Form(" Number of ESD tracks with TIMEcut: %i\n",fnESDTIMEcut)); AliInfo(Form(" Number of ESD tracks with assTOFcl: %i\n",fnESDassTOFcl)); for (Int_t i = 0;iBranch("nentries",&nentries,"nentries/I"); tree->Branch("TOFentries",p,"TOFentries[nentries]/F"); for (Int_t i=0;iFill(); } AliInfo("Putting tree for calibration in Reference data"); // grid file option Char_t filename[100]; sprintf(filename,"alien:///alice/cern.ch/user/c/czampolli/TOFCalibReference_%i.root",frun); TGrid::Connect("alien://"); TFile *filegrid = TFile::Open(filename,"CREATE"); tree->Write(); dir->cd(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTOFCalibTask::Select(AliESDtrack *t){ // selecting good quality tracks //track selection: reconstrution to TOF: if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFout)==0) { return 0; } fnESDkTOFout++; //IsStartedTimeIntegral if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTIME)==0) { return 0; } fnESDkTIME++; if (t->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTRDbackup) { Float_t xout= t->GetOuterParam()->GetX(); if (xout<364.25 && xout > 300.) return 0; } fnESDTRDcut++; Double_t time=t->GetTOFsignal(); time*=1.E-3; // tof given in nanoseconds if(time >= fMinTime){ return 0; } fnESDTIMEcut++; Double_t mom=t->GetP(); if (!(mom<=UPPERMOMBOUND && mom>=LOWERMOMBOUND)){ // return 0; // skipping momentum cut } Int_t assignedTOFcluster=t->GetTOFcluster();//index of the assigned TOF cluster, >0 ? if(assignedTOFcluster==-1){ // not matched return 0; } fnESDassTOFcl++; return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTOFCalibTask::SelectOnTime(Float_t *charray, Int_t ntracks, Int_t ich){ // discarding tracks with time-mintime < MINTIME Int_t ndeleted=0; Float_t mintime = 1E6; for (Int_t itr = 0;itrMINTIME) { ndeleted++; AliDebug(1,Form("Deleting %i track from channel %i, time = %f",ndeleted, ich, time)); findexarray[ich]--; for (Int_t j=itr+1;jFill(fassparticle[kk]); // fassparticle[kk]=0; //assuming all particles are pions if (fassparticle[kk]==0){ //assigned to be a Pi smallarray[idxextimeKa]=-1; smallarray[idxextimePr]=-1; } else if (fassparticle[kk]==1){ //assigned to be a Ka smallarray[idxextimePi]=smallarray[idxextimeKa]; smallarray[idxextimeKa]=-1; smallarray[idxextimePr]=-1; } else if (fassparticle[kk]==2){ //assigned to be a Pr smallarray[idxextimePi]=smallarray[idxextimePr]; smallarray[idxextimeKa]=-1; smallarray[idxextimePr]=-1; } } delete[] exptof; delete[] timeofflight; delete[] texp; delete[] index; } return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t AliTOFCalibTask::LoopCombPID(Int_t itrkinset, Int_t ntrkinset, Float_t **exptof, Float_t *texp, Float_t *timeofflight, Int_t *index, Float_t chisquarebest){ Int_t indextr = ntrkinset-itrkinset; for (index[indextr]=0;index[indextr]<3;index[indextr]++){ Int_t ii = index[indextr]; texp[indextr]=exptof[indextr][ii]; if (indextr0.3)){ for(Int_t iqsq = 0; iqsq