/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //_________________________________________________________________________ // This is a TTask that makes TOF-Digits out of TOF-Hits. // A TOF Digit is essentially a TOF hit with the smearing for strip // time resolution and simulation of the ADC correlation signal. // Digits are written to TreeD in branch "TOF". // AliTOFDigitizer with all current parameters used for digitization // (time resolution and ADC parameter) is written // to TreeD branch "AliTOFDigitizer". // Both branches have the same title. If necessary one can produce // another set of Digits with different parameters. Two versions // can be distunguished using titles of the branches. // User case: // root [0] AliTOFDigitizer * s = new AliTOFDigitizer("galice.root") // Warning in : Detector size may not be write. // Warning in : object already instantiated // root [1] s->ExecuteTask() // // Makes Digits for all events stored in galice.root // root [2] s->SetTimeRes(100.) // // One can change parameters of digitization // root [3] s->SetDigitsBranch("Time Resolution 100. ps") // // and write them into the new branch // root [4] s->ExecuteTask("deb all tim") // // available parameters: // deb - print number of produced Digits // deb all - print number and list of produced Digits // tim - print benchmarking information // // -- Author : F. Pierella (Bologna University) pierella@bo.infn.it ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TFile.h" #include "TTask.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliTOF.h" #include "AliTOFdigit.h" #include "AliTOFhit.h" #include "AliTOFDigitizer.h" ClassImp(AliTOFDigitizer) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFDigitizer::AliTOFDigitizer():TTask("AliTOFDigitizer","") { // ctor fTimeRes = 100; // ps fChrgRes = 100.; // pC fNevents = 0 ; fDigits = 0 ; fHits = 0 ; fIsInitialized = kFALSE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFDigitizer::AliTOFDigitizer(const char* headerFile, const char *digitsTitle):TTask("AliTOFDigitizer","") { // ctor fTimeRes = 100; // ps fChrgRes = 100.; // pC fNevents = 0 ; fDigitsTitle = digitsTitle ; fHeadersFile = headerFile ; fIsInitialized = kFALSE ; Init(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFDigitizer::~AliTOFDigitizer() { // dtor if(fDigits) delete fDigits ; if(fHits) delete fHits ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFDigitizer::Init() { // Initialization: open root-file, allocate arrays for hits and digits, // attach task Digitizer to the list of TOF tasks // // Initialization can not be done in the default constructor if(!fIsInitialized){ if(fHeadersFile.IsNull()) fHeadersFile="galice.root" ; TFile * file = (TFile*) gROOT->GetFile(fHeadersFile.Data() ) ; //if file was not opened yet, read gAlice if(file == 0){ if(fHeadersFile.Contains("rfio")) file = TFile::Open(fHeadersFile,"update") ; else file = new TFile(fHeadersFile.Data(),"update") ; gAlice = (AliRun *) file->Get("gAlice") ; } fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhit" , 405); fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit", 405); //add Task to //FPAlice/tasks/(S)Digitizer/TOF TFolder * alice = (TFolder*)gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->FindObject("FPAlice") ; TTask * aliceSD = (TTask*)alice->FindObject("tasks/(S)Digitizer") ; TTask * tofD = (TTask*)aliceSD->GetListOfTasks()->FindObject("TOF") ; tofD->Add(this) ; fIsInitialized = kTRUE ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFDigitizer::Exec(Option_t *option) { Int_t tracks[3]; // track info Int_t vol[5]; // dummy location for digit Float_t digit[2]; // TOF digit variables // Collects all hits in the same active volume into digit if(!fIsInitialized) Init() ; if(strstr(option,"tim")) gBenchmark->Start("TOFDigitizer"); fNevents = (Int_t) gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries() ; Int_t ievent ; // start loop on events for(ievent = 0; ievent < fNevents; ievent++){ gAlice->GetEvent(ievent) ; gAlice->SetEvent(ievent) ; if(gAlice->TreeH()==0){ cout << "AliTOFDigitizer: There is no Hit Tree" << endl; return ; } //set address of the hits TBranch * branch = gAlice->TreeH()->GetBranch("TOF"); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fHits); else{ cout << "ERROR in AliTOFDigitizer: "<< endl ; cout << " no branch TOF in TreeH"<< endl ; cout << " do nothing " << endl ; return ; } fDigits->Clear(); Int_t ndigits = 0 ; //Now made Digits from hits, for TOF it is the same a part for the tof smearing // and some missing MC variables Int_t itrack ; for (itrack=0; itrack < gAlice->GetNtrack(); itrack++){ //=========== Get the TOF branch from Hits Tree for the Primary track itrack branch->GetEntry(itrack,0); Int_t i; for ( i = 0 ; i < fHits->GetEntries() ; i++ ) { AliTOFhit * hit = (AliTOFhit*)fHits->At(i) ; vol[0] = hit->GetSector(); vol[1] = hit->GetPlate(); vol[2] = hit->GetPadx(); vol[3] = hit->GetPadz(); vol[4] = hit->GetStrip(); // 95% of efficiency to be inserted here // edge effect to be inserted here // cross talk to be inserted here // simulation of the detector response Float_t idealtime = hit->GetTof(); // unit s idealtime *= 1.E+12; // conversion from s to ps // fTimeRes is given usually in ps Float_t tdctime = gRandom->Gaus(idealtime, fTimeRes); digit[0] = tdctime; // typical Landau Distribution to be inserted here Float_t idealcharge = hit->GetEdep(); Float_t adccharge = gRandom->Gaus(idealcharge, fChrgRes); digit[1] = adccharge; // to be added a check for overlaps new((*fDigits)[ndigits]) AliTOFdigit(tracks, vol, digit); ndigits++ ; } } // end loop over tracks ndigits = fDigits->GetEntriesFast() ; printf("AliTOFDigitizer: Total number of digits %d\n",ndigits); if(gAlice->TreeD() == 0) gAlice->MakeTree("D") ; //check, if this branch already exits TBranch * digitsBranch = 0; TBranch * digitizerBranch = 0; TObjArray * branches = gAlice->TreeD()->GetListOfBranches() ; Int_t ibranch; Bool_t tofNotFound = kTRUE ; Bool_t digitizerNotFound = kTRUE ; for(ibranch = 0;ibranch GetEntries();ibranch++){ if(tofNotFound){ digitsBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( (strcmp("TOF",digitsBranch->GetName())==0 ) && (fDigitsTitle.CompareTo(digitsBranch->GetTitle()) == 0) ) tofNotFound = kFALSE ; } if(digitizerNotFound){ digitizerBranch = (TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( (strcmp(digitizerBranch->GetName(),"AliTOFDigitizer") == 0)&& (fDigitsTitle.CompareTo(digitizerBranch->GetTitle()) == 0) ) digitizerNotFound = kFALSE ; } } if(!(digitizerNotFound && tofNotFound)){ cout << "AliTOFdigitizer error:" << endl ; cout << "Can not overwrite existing branches: do not write" << endl ; return ; } //Make (if necessary) branches char * file =0; if(gSystem->Getenv("CONFIG_SPLIT_FILE")){ //generating file name file = new char[strlen(gAlice->GetBaseFile())+20] ; sprintf(file,"%s/TOF.Digits.root",gAlice->GetBaseFile()) ; } TDirectory *cwd = gDirectory; //First list of digits Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ; digitsBranch = gAlice->TreeD()->Branch("TOF",&fDigits,bufferSize); digitsBranch->SetTitle(fDigitsTitle.Data()); if (file) { digitsBranch->SetFile(file); TIter next( digitsBranch->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch * subbr; while ((subbr=(TBranch*)next())) { subbr->SetFile(file); } cwd->cd(); } //second - Digitizer Int_t splitlevel = 0 ; AliTOFDigitizer * digtz = this ; digitizerBranch = gAlice->TreeD()->Branch("AliTOFDigitizer","AliTOFDigitizer", &digtz,bufferSize,splitlevel); digitizerBranch->SetTitle(fDigitsTitle.Data()); if (file) { digitizerBranch->SetFile(file); TIter next( digitizerBranch->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch * subbr ; while ((subbr=(TBranch*)next())) { subbr->SetFile(file); } cwd->cd(); delete file; } digitsBranch->Fill(); digitizerBranch->Fill(); gAlice->TreeD()->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; if(strstr(option,"deb")) PrintDigits(option) ; } if(strstr(option,"tim")){ gBenchmark->Stop("TOFDigitizer"); cout << "AliTOFDigitizer:" << endl ; cout << " took " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("TOFDigitizer") << " seconds for Digitizing " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("TOFDigitizer")/fNevents << " seconds per event " << endl ; cout << endl ; } } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFDigitizer::SetDigitsBranch(const char* title ) { // Setting title to branch Digits if(!fDigitsTitle.IsNull()) cout << "AliTOFdigitizer: changing Digits file from " <GetEntriesFast() << endl ; cout << endl ; if(strstr(option,"all")){// print all digits //loop over digits AliTOFdigit * digit; cout << "Digit # " << " Time of flight(ps) " << " ADC(pC)" << " Sector #" << " Plate #" << " Strip #" << " Pad # (x) " << " Pad # (z) " << endl; Int_t index ; for (index = 0 ; index < fDigits->GetEntries() ; index++) { digit = (AliTOFdigit * ) fDigits->At(index) ; // set the width of the output with the setw(int width) manipulator cout << setw(7) << index << " " << setw(13) << digit->GetTdc() << " " << setw(13) << digit->GetAdc() << " " << setw(6) << digit->GetSector() << " " << setw(6) << digit->GetPlate() << " " << setw(6) << digit->GetStrip() << " " << setw(7) << digit->GetPadx() << " " << setw(7) << digit->GetPadz() << " " << endl; } // end loop on digits } // close if "all" option selected }